Player (118)
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As much as I enjoyed what you did, first of all, I found the back and forth motion you did with the civilian you picked up in the crate, a bit uneasy. Second of all, one thing that I liked in the previous run, was that even though it was moving around in a certain way, enemies were destroyed. You only kill two in this one, and sevral are are lined up right in the path, while I don't object to this, the fun in the game was killing the enemies, at least for me it was. Good job with the run. I enjoyed it so far.
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
Joined: 3/17/2009
Posts: 496
that run was fucking awesome :D
Active player (302)
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I'm impressed Simon, that was far better than i expected :) Playing around with Natalya at the end was awesome :D
Active player (356)
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Wow that was impressive, cool map for backboosts :D and just gotta love shooting that bi.... Natalya :P woooh, halfway through the game! (err, well, in level count :P)
TASes: [URL=]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
Active player (356)
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Thought I'd have a go at GE at speed for the first time here's me (from reset) changing to 2.3 in Dam 00A and then attempting Dam A... the result is a 54(,93) run that kinda disappointed me :P feedback would be appreciated :) Forgot to turn AutoAim off btw :P
TASes: [URL=]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
Player (148)
Joined: 1/26/2009
Posts: 39
What a big stuck on the final stairs! The run was very nice though. The gate is always a problem...
Player (94)
Joined: 5/10/2005
Posts: 1204
i didn't actually notice much of a stuck at the end (it just seemed like it lagged), but slow gate, yes. and you could try using more look-up or look-down at the end. you also walked really close to the wall at the end, which would be good, but it almost seemed like you walked a little towards the wall and lost time because you didn't have perfect strafe lines (but i could be wrong about this). you should also use the napalm plugin, it's the best for goldeneye, because it emulates the sky and even some water on frigate (although it is green). the rice plugin also emulates some sky and water, but not as good as the napalm plugin. i noticed that henrik's and simon's TAS doesn't use the napalm plugin either. i wonder why, is it because it wasn't available yet when they started it?
Player (148)
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Posts: 39
I simply never got Napalm plugin to work with my mupen. I just get errors and errors. I still work with Jabo because I don't like Rice, and sometimes with an old Glide version when I need a non-glitchy sky. Anyway it doesn't change anything for the TASer, at least for me.
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Rice was optimal plugin when i did the first level(roughly a year before the actual run started). Diffrences between them aren't too big though.
Player (148)
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Hey Henrik if you didn't start Archives yet, I will maybe do it very soon. ;) Do you still have your 0.52 m64 btw?
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Sry i've been very busy lately, got a big project in school. Anyway i didn't start yet obviously, i still have the m64 but it's at home on my stationary computer so i cant get to it until tommorrow or saturday.
Player (148)
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Posts: 39
That's fine. I started a bit yesterday, post the file when you can.
Banned User
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Wow, how did you manipulate the guard to open the door just as you were approaching it?
Player (148)
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Posts: 39
With the noise I did by shooting the 2 bullets, this is a very old trick.
Active player (302)
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Awesome run! Using a guard to boost you after safe was ingenious :o
Player (148)
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Posts: 39
That's the cool thing of the run, yes. :D
Joined: 9/22/2009
Posts: 18
Didn't Henrik get 0.52 before already? (Not trying to deflate the run: it is outstanding). How do you guys go about deciding whether it is possible to squeeze more time out of a level or not? Have you already experimented before and know exactly which levels have an improvement potential or do you just decide to break even with previous times to complete the run (with a still better cumulative time b/c of the previous level's time savings)?
Active player (356)
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Heh impressive run :) The impact of lag is starting to get annoying when attempting a TAS on this game :P
wuschelbeutel1 wrote:
Didn't Henrik get 0.52 before already?
TASes: [URL=]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
Active player (302)
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At some point i would like to do TAS of this game with 60FPS, even though it doesn't agree with this sites rules i think it'd make one of the craziest TAS'es ever.
Active player (408)
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Why is that against the rules? Is everyone else using the PAL version?
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An emulator exists (1964) that runs Goldeneye at 60FPS... on the real n64 with goldeneye, lag is present whichs makes the game run far below 60FPS. In the case of goldeneye, a lagless game allows much faster times. However... on this website, emulators are used that emulate games as accurately as possible, so including lag. Still, if TAS functions were implemented for 1964, it'd be a very interesting watch :D ps. I think I found a possible improvement (to all levels) :X investigating it at the moment...
TASes: [URL=]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
Player (148)
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Posts: 39
To answer wuschelbeutel1, i'm right now on the road of 51. Why ? Because my run was mid decimal. So I thought of any possible change to gain time, I had a lot of ideas but they almost all didn't work. I still worked on the run, and redone a big part of the level, now the max I got is 52.25. I still don't know exactly how I can get the frames I need but 51 would be so insane that I want to work on it again and again. Remember, Jack said he gained 8 frames by pausing in front of Mishkin. Anyone knows he that was really a gain, and not some delay in the text or so?
Active player (356)
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Alright the potential improvement i mentioned The theory: Bond's movement is influenced by a forward and a sideway value The sideway value ranges from -1 to 1 The forward value however, has two ranges At first, the forward speed range is -1.08 to 1.08 After holding forward for 180 frames, that range is expanded to -1.08 to 1.35 (sorry, doesn't work on backward motion :P) Adding strafe to this: the slow speed = sqrt(1*1 + 1.08*1.08) =~= 1.472 the fast speed = sqrt(1*1 + 1.35*1.35) =~= 1.68 a difference of (100*(1.68/1.472 - 1) =) 14.1%... This means that every time bond starts running, we lose 180 * (1.68 - 1.472 =) 37 distance which costs (37 / 1.68 =) 25.5 frames to make up at fast strafe! Note that the speed values are not directly aplied to coordinates, but first scaled... however all calculations still apply Now, how do we save time with this knowledge? The game tracks for how long the player is holding the forward 'button' (the 180 frames) The forward-holding-counter was intended to start when the play gains control over bond.. Normally, this means that first 180 frames of 'slow' movement is done Due to the same programming error that causes the shoot-in-cinema... if forward motion is done by controller 2 in single player, the counter starts in the cinema! Conclusion: use 2.4 instead of 2.3!!! In practice: Did a test in Dam A, right-strafe from spawnpoint, skipped first cinema, played full home-in-on-bond cinema Measured distances from spawnpoint by taking bond's x and y position (sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)) With 2.4 no turning was done With 2.3 only turned 1 frame to avoid hitting right-side wall (resulting in ~same direction as 2.4) Not that the acceleration from 1.08 to 1.35 is needed in both 2.3 and 2.4... so it can be ignored In 2.3 bond reaches full forward speed after 207 frames, at which moment a distance of 2261,986 units is covered In 2.4, that same distance is covered after 188 frames ~ 207-188 = 19 frames faster with 2.4 Conclusion: Seems to work :) ps. Not all in-game frames are available, e.g. maybe it should be 206 frames rather than 207 ps2. The forward-hold-counter is also reset when accessing the menu/watch... couldn't fid a way to preserve it through pauses.. :/ ps3. If you skip cinemas asap, the forward counter is at ~80-100 when you gain control over bond ps4. I'm not sure if there's an advantage of 2.3 over 2.4... but both sideway and forward speeds can still be achieved simultaneously in 2.4 ps5. Here's some of the memory values used (Only work on Dam level in Mupen-rr-v8-avisplit!)
bond_x = MupenDLL + 0x005BFFA4 [Float/Single]
bond_y = MupenDLL + 0x005BFF9C [Float/Single]
framecount = MupenDLL + 0x005665D0 [ULong] (this one is not dependent on map)
forward-hold_framecount = MupenDLL + 0x005BFC8C [ULong]
forward_speed = MupenDLL + 0x005BFC84 [Float/Single]
sideway_speed = MupenDLL + 0x005BFC7C [Float/Single]
ps6. From the scaled coordinates (measured by bond_x and bond_y)... you can see that bond does not move in perfectly straight lines. Probably due to imprecisions in calculations... *Maybe* by using tiny turns each frame, bond's movement can be improved to be straighter and to have positive rounding errors? :D ps7. An example of movement speed: 250 scaled-units distance in 20 ingame frames = 12.5 scaled-units/frame moved @ 1.35-stafe-speed (e.g. can be 4x12.5=60 units if an update is done after 3 lag frames). If you measure speed every frame... you'll notice it varies rather heavily (not sure yet if this is a pattern or a result of something (e.g. lag)) edit: changed 'UShort' to 'ULong' to match with my MHS/VS-C# settings.
TASes: [URL=]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
Player (94)
Joined: 5/10/2005
Posts: 1204
I made another "Dark LTK" (all settings on maximum on the customizable 007 difficulty) TAS yesterday (Frigate): I used the new Glide64 Napalm WX graphics plugin, so both the sky and the water looks perfect :). Earlier I thought the water would be green, but I noticed I had an older napalm version. But one strange thing about this plugin is that when I captured the avi, it was only 256 colors so it looked like shit, so I had to capture with camtasia instead (which worked good). Could someone else try to capture with this plugin too and see if they have the same problem? It's too bad if it can't capture proper avi's, because it's a great plugin. I used backstrafe at the beginning and even though it wasn't so perfect, I noticed that I got up a few frames faster than in the 00A Frigate TAS. I still use a controller when I make TASes. I don't understand how people can use keyboard. It takes ages for me to try to make TASes like that. One thing that I think is useful in DLTK tases is a headshot calculator memory address, because sometimes when a guard is very far away you're not sure if you hit the head or some other part, and in DLTK, if you pause to end the level and see the headshots, you often die because the pause hand animation takes so long. Gameshark would have been useful too (mupen64 doesn't have one), to put on bond invisibility to see if I got the right guard paths. Instead, I had to use button codes.
DaTeL237 wrote:
ps6. From the scaled coordinates (measured by bond_x and bond_y)... you can see that bond does not move in perfectly straight lines. Probably due to imprecisions in calculations... *Maybe* by using tiny turns each frame, bond's movement can be improved to be straighter and to have positive rounding errors? :D
I noticed something like that too a few years ago when I did some tests how the lookdown affects the time. It seemed like bond moved in straighter lines if you used lookdown. I didn't understand everything you said in your post because I'm not so good with that technical stuff, but how much time do you think these improvements could save from the total time?