I noticed alot of games dont work on it and I would find it helpful if there is a list out there. Any suggestions to where I can find it? Pity CV Chronicles doesnt work its one of my favorite classics!
You can check there but those lists are a joke, outdated and very small.
Chronicles is one of the few that doesnt work, a vaste majority of games are working fine.
Theres also some issues on the original pcsx that i know are fixed, youll likely never find a complete list (that exactly belong to pcsx-rr at least, now say you can search on pcsx-reload ect... but its another matter).
Hacks sometimes fix the problems, but i dont think theres any for chronicles.
Castlevania Symphony of the Night work just fine in case you care only about cv games :p
Edit: on irc we discused briefly this, and here what i came up with
wiki wrote: