How do
you pronounce the following acronyms?
Is a tool assisted speedrun a "Tass" or a T-A-S?
Is a frequently asked questions document a "Fack" or an F-A-Q?
Is the original Nintendo Entertainment System called the "Ness" or N-E-S? (Likewise for the Super Nintendo-- the "Sness" or the S-N-E-S or possibly the Super N-E-S?)
Is a graphical user interface a "Gooey" or a G-U-I?
Is a uniform resource locator (okay, I admit I had to look it up...) an "Earl" or a U-R-L?
For me, I can't help but call a frequently asked questions document a "fack" but all the rest I spell out. I'm not sure why. People saying "gooey" for some reason really annoys me. In fact, most of the time when people pronounce an acronym as a word when it isn't clearly supposed to be one is at least mildly irritating to me. For some reason, though, "fack" gets a free pass.
So where do you draw the line? If you like to spell out acronyms, do you take it to extremes like Yahtzee and insist on saying
S-T-A-L-K-E-R: Clear Sky? If you like to pronounce acronyms, do you pronounce them even when they don't have enough vowels? As you type your response, are you wondering if you should disable "hutmul" or "bubcode"? Please include other acronyms that interest or irritate you and, if possible, try to keep them TAS- or web-related.