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Whelkman wrote:
The script requires luasocket. Did you download it?
Yes, but what I need to do with this? It's already unziped in same folder of pcsx.exe.
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Having the DLL in the same folder as the lua script should be sufficient. Beyond that I'm out of ideas. Guess you're waiting for BadPotato.
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Ok, thanks for trying to help me at least.
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Marcokarty wrote:
I loaded the "normalSpeed.lua" and it works. But with a constant speed of around 32 fps with just small oscilations. I'm doing something wrong?
You mean this is too slow? Then I'm not an expert in timing but you can try an inferior value here(should be time in second between each frame rendering...):
I guess that some game/particuliar moment require more time for complete rendering than other one.
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BadPotato wrote:
Marcokarty wrote:
I loaded the "normalSpeed.lua" and it works. But with a constant speed of around 32 fps with just small oscilations. I'm doing something wrong?
You mean this is too slow? Then I'm not an expert in timing but you can try an inferior value here(should be time in second between each frame rendering...):
I guess that some game/particuliar moment require more time for complete rendering than other one.
Ok, But how I can change the value?
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Open the file in a text editor.
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I wish the issue with USB controllers not being able to be used would be fixed. It's weird that the plugin allows me to set the controls, but when the emulator is run, no input is recognized. This issue has been around since 0.9 due to the change in plugins (the one with 0.7 worked just fine). And the controller works just fine in ePSXe too. Drives me nuts, cause I don't wanna use a keyboard. Granted, then again, Castlevania Chronicles crashes at the menu screen, so can't run it anyways. -_-
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I get a logitech usb psx-like controller and it work with the nrage plugin, but pcsx-rr crash once you go in the second controller tab. Thought, I have one question... how can use use frame advance with controller? You need to use the keyboard anyway for this, right? ..despite using a script.
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BadPotato wrote:
Thought, I have one question... how can use use frame advance with controller? You need to use the keyboard anyway for this, right? ..despite using a script.
You can use JoyToKey or Xpadder. @Sir VG: I already answered that question to you many times before: just keep using the plugin that worked for you. The only thing that ever changed was the name of the plugin folder, so make sure you're using the new folder (I explained this to you before in greater detail, too).
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Sir VG wrote:
It's weird that the plugin allows me to set the controls, but when the emulator is run, no input is recognized.
I wasn't aware this was a global issue. Dr. Hell's WinMM works for me if anyone's looking for data points. I use a PlayStation 1 controller connected through a Smart Joy USB adapter.
Post subject: pcsx 0.1.2+fix1
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I figure this is probably a known issue, but it still makes things a little more difficult/inconvenient than they could to be: - The gens ramwatch doesn't have a hotkey config (easy enough to understand). - The watch dialog doesn't save window position/autoload a specific watch file - No recent watch files are recorded - Probably the most annoying - The ramwatcher disappears when a new movie is loaded. The window position and current watch list are saved in this instance, but cleared when the program is closed.
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mz wrote:
BadPotato wrote:
Thought, I have one question... how can use use frame advance with controller? You need to use the keyboard anyway for this, right? ..despite using a script.
You can use JoyToKey or Xpadder. @Sir VG: I already answered that question to you many times before: just keep using the plugin that worked for you. The only thing that ever changed was the name of the plugin folder, so make sure you're using the new folder (I explained this to you before in greater detail, too).
The folder changed? That explains why it wasn't even showing up on the list. Granted going from plugin to plugins is something I guess is easy to miss. I remember in 0.09 that it kept killing my plugin choice for whatever reason. Glad to see it's not doing it now. I still thing the flaw in the default plugin is stupid and should be fixed, or a different plugin should be provided as the default.
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LuaEngine.cpp wrote:
// input.get() // takes no input, returns a lua table of entries representing the current input state, // independent of the joypad buttons the emulated game thinks are pressed // for example: // if the user is holding the W key and the left mouse button // and has the mouse at the bottom-right corner of the game screen, // then this would return {W=true, leftclick=true, xmouse=255, ymouse=223}
I keep getting an error with:
local test = input.get()
and this poping up... Did I do something wrong??
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This works fine here:
while (true) do
	inp = input.get()
	gui.text(25,25,"x:"..inp.xmouse.." y:"..inp.ymouse)
Maybe you've redeclared "input"? EDIT: otherwise, post your full script.
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mz wrote:
Maybe you've redeclared "input"?
Exactly, now I understand what was my problem... First I run a script with this in it:
input = -- input is loaded with the table
then I stop the script and I run this:
emu = pcsx
function testInput()
	local test = input.get() -- .get won't work because input was remplaced
		if(test.leftclick == nil) then
			gui.text(10,  30, "input"  .. ": " .. "nil")
		elseif(test.leftclick == true) then
			gui.text(10,  40, "input"  .. ": " .. "true")

while true do
Thanks, everything work fine. Just need to restart pcsxrr.
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Ok, I'm unsure if it's possible, but actually I want to load a savestate from my hard disk with lua. In fact, my goal here is to create a high quality encode with Eternal SPU plugin. So when I playback the game, once the movie reach a "desynch frame" it should loadstate a "checkpoint savestate"(they are on my hard disk)... Do you see what I mean?
saveStateFile = ("saveState/suiko2.pxm.000", "rb") -- Should open in binary mode?

save =

CheckPoint = savestate.create()
CheckPoint = save -- <== ahh, probably won't work!

savestate.load(CheckPoint); -- Crash

while true do
edith: code fixed
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If I were you, I'd modify the emulator to make savestate.create() accept a "filename" argument, so you could have something like savestate.create("saveState/suiko2.pxm.000"). Otherwise, I think you can maybe do something like this:
saveStateFile = ("saveState/suiko2.pxm.000", "rb")

save =

-- I don't even know how to write a file in Lua
-- this is just an example :P
loadStateFile = ("sstates/suiko2.pxm.000", "wb")

CheckPoint = savestate.create(1)

while true do
(I haven't tried it and I haven't worked on Lua for months, but I hope you get the idea. :P)
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mz wrote:
If I were you, I'd modify the emulator to make savestate.create() accept a "filename" argument, so you could have something like savestate.create("saveState/suiko2.pxm.000").
I suppose that I need to edith something near these lines, then compilling(sigh, have to download all the depedance for cygwin), but I have no idea what and how.
mz wrote:
Otherwise, I think you can maybe do something like this "........"
I know what you mean and I like the idea :) I'm still trying this right now, but I don't have the expected result:
saveStateFile = ("saveState/suiko2.pxm.000", "rb")

line =
save = line

while line do -- Look like that read() won't read all the file even if this is the binairy mode...
	line =
	if(line) then
		save = save .. line

loadStateFile = ("../sstates/suiko2.pxm.000", "wb")
loadStateFile:write(save) -- Looks like this how using write in lua.
io.close(loadStateFile) --  hm but, the file is like 474ko, and the other "normal savestate" are about ~4300ko

CheckPoint = savestate.create(1)

while true do
edith: Oh boy, ok now it work
saveStateFile = ("saveState/suiko2.pxm.000", "rb")

save = saveStateFile:read("*all")

loadStateFile = ("../sstates/suiko2.pxm.000", "wb")
loadStateFile:write(save) -- Looks like this how write in lua.
--io.close(loadStateFile) --  hm but, the file is like 474ko, and the other "normal savestate" are about ~4300ko

CheckPoint = savestate.create(1)

while true do
.. or I could do :
os.execute('COPY /Y "saveState/suiko2.pxm.000" "../sstates/suiko2.pxm.000" ')
but there a window prompt that keep poping up... so the previous code is better.
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BadPotato wrote:
Oh boy, ok now it work
That's great. :)
BadPotato wrote:
I suppose that I need to edith something near these lines, then compilling(sigh, have to download all the depedance for cygwin), but I have no idea what and how.
I guess you don't need this anymore, but yeah, you'd need to edit that function. Just replacing these lines:
if (lua_gettop(L) >= 1) {
	which = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
	if (which <1> 10) {
		luaL_error(L, "invalid player's savestate %d", which);

if (which > 0) {
	// Find an appropriate filename. This is OS specific, unfortunately.
	// So I turned the filename selection code into my bitch. :)
	// Numbers are 0 through 9 though.
	filename = GetSavestateFilename(which -1);
else {
	filename = tempnam(NULL, "snlua");
...with this line:
filename = luaL_checkstring(L,1);
...should work.
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So does this playback any of the anime style FMV like Mega Man X4 or Lunar? Edit: Nevermind I had found I needed. Thank You.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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New version (PCSX-RR v0.1.3): pcsx-rr-v013a.7z
Changelog wrote:
-Lots of stuff from SVN and various fixes.
The changelog is quite big and I'm too lazy. This version has everything gocha added to the SVN since 0.1.2 and also a lot of new minor fixes, including a desync fix. It's a very recommended update. I also updated the readme file to add something I should have added long ago:
pcsx-rr-instructions.txt wrote:
*** VERY IMPORTANT *** Using Fast Forward can cause desyncs, especially in 3D games. Do not use it when you're recording a movie or playing back a movie to create a savestate so then you can resume recording from it. *** VERY IMPORTANT ***
(If for any reason you downloaded a file called pcsx-rr-v013.7z earlier today, you should download again this new version and replace it.)
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My antivirus detected Trojan in lua51.dll in this release. Maybe you should update this dll for next release or something?
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Thanks for the report, ghost85. It seems it's just a false positive, caused after compressing that file with upx. You may want to decompress it if it bothers you. If I release another version, I'll remember to not use any of the compressed files again. By the way, this pcsx.exe couldn't be compressed for some reason. :P
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I'm having some trouble using N-Rage 0.5 with the newer version of PCSX. When I booted it up for the first time, it said it could not load the plugin. Then, when I refreshed it, it accepted it and allowed me to bind keys, but wouldn't accept any input from the plugin. This is kind of important because I want to see if this build fixes the cutscene issues in MGS1 :/
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theenglishman wrote:
This is kind of important because I want to see if this build fixes the cutscene issues in MGS1 :/
It doesn't. For that, you will have to wait until zeromus finishes re-writing the SPU plugin. And I can't help you with N-Rage, since I don't use/have it anymore.
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