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Very funny how you guys can watch my files all of a sudden. Because for me, they now desyncs. :) I can't watch the latest file I posted. But I'm glad you guys can. I posted it to make sure if it's only my computer.
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And once again this is VERY funny, and VERY strange. I tried for about one and a half hour yesterday to get my run to work. Rebooted my machine and stuff like that. Tried diffrent patched versions of Snes9x. Nothing worked. Now I decided to try once again. And in a mysterious way it works! Very very very strange.
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It works! I can't believe it! (And they said imitation diamond wasn't good enough...) Time to plan this movie then, digging trough all the FAQs and glitch guides. I'll be back.
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Awesome. I can probably dig through it a bit more tomorrow. I'm off to girlfriend now. Cheers!
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here is good site about mk glitches http://mkshin.mortalkombatonline.com/browse.php?game=mk2 Maybe the TUG 2 is handy
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i'm really looking forward to this run guys. good luck :)
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I knew about that site Neuron. But thanks anyways. It can be good so everyone can help planning this game. Thanks georgexi. I think we can promise a very interesting run which shows both skills and astonashing glitches, combos and playing. I think we should face both Smoke and Jade. What do you guys think about that? In very hard mode this should almost be impossible for a human player to complete with double flawless. Jade is a real bitch if you ask me. :)
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Might as well post the TUG 2 glitch here. What happens: Makes projectiles stationary, makes an invisible "hit" float on the stage which can hit the opponent, leads to many Fatality glitches. As Johnny Cage, be across the screen so that your back is up against the edge of the screen. (The SNES version is weird--when you try to get both people across the screen, only one person can be all the way against the side of the screen. The other person is about a character's length away from their side, and can't get any farther away.) Be a short character, so Cage's high fireball will go over them. Throw a high fireball, then, before that one gets off the screen--as soon as you recover from the animation,--throw another high fireball. The second one won't come out at all. Now do a Shadow Kick. If your shadows are slightly higher than you are, you did it correctly. If they are exactly even with you (horizontally) like they should be, try again. Effects of TUG: -There is an invisible "hit" floating on the stage. (The "hit" is a few steps back from where you did the Shadow Kick.) If your opponent walks into it, they will get hit. If you don't do the Shadow Kick, the invisible hit is not present. -The next time you do a fireball with Cage, it will come out from where you did the one that disappeared. So if you did TUG from mid-screen, then walked back half a screen and threw another one, it would come out half a screen in front of Cage. -As Shang Tsung, morph to Johnny Cage (D,D,B+LP). Do the TUG. When you morph back, throw a fire ball (B,B+HP). It will be frozen in mid-air (right where you did the Shadow Kick). Most characters' projectiles will behave in the same way--they simply get stuck on screen in the same general place (but some appear higher up than others). Below is a list of the different effects of all the character's projectiles that do not behave generically. -Liu Kang- No matter what fireball you do (high, low, or air) it will be at the height of the regular fireball (F,F+HP). -Kung Lao- While his hat-toss behaves normally, the "aura" coming off of him from his spin move (U,U+LK) will come out from where you did the shadow kick. -Mileena- If you do her Sai Shot while right next to them, they will be hit, even though the sais came out behind her. (The sais will still be frozen in mid-air.) -Scorpion- The Spear will come out normally and float in mid-air, however; when they get hit by it, they are NOT dizzied--they simply stagger backwards. -Sub-Zero- If they get hit by the Ice Blast, they will stagger and not be frozen, then another Ice Blast will appear directly above where the last one disappeared. If they touch *that* Ice Blast, they will be frozen. Having stationary projectiles can lead to legions of glitches. Try fooling around with having a fireball stationary, then doing a Fatality that knocks them into it.
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I've never beaten any of them, but I've been told the corner-endless-highpunch works on them too. I suggest including them. Some people might not now how to get there, most people have probably never beaten them, at least not on very hard. This comes at the price of one fatality and a possibly boring match before the questionmark (only lowkicks). A question: is the battleorder fixed for every character? Or are there only some possible orders? I remember facing the same people often in the first match.
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Actually I'm not sure about the battle order. I remember when playing the game on very easy, last opponent before the question mark usually was Scorpion, Lui Kang or Raiden. We'll have to make sure that the last match before the question mark is not boring just because the fact that only LK has to be used.
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Here's another demonstration of a funny glitch. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/4/ Go there and click on the link. If Shang Tsung is hit by a crotch punch at the same time as he is transforming into any of the girls, this is what happens. He cannot move at all until hit or until the match ends. I suspect it will be difficult to manipulate Shang into turning into one of the girls, or even anyone, while in striking distance. But it's worth a try perhaps. Next up, punching Kintaro into glitch heaven.
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Wow! That glitch was funny. :) Would be awesome to have in our movie. I don't think it would be that hard to manipulate really, atleast not having Shang turning into a girl. Perhaps to be in correct distance would be some more challange.
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Smoke and Jade should be in.
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Highness wrote:
What would be the best way to defeat an opponent? How fast can it be done? Anyone knows this?
im pretty damn good at MK2, and the fastes ive ever beaten someone / seen someone been beaten it 7 in game seconds, meaning, the in game clock was at 92 seconds. however, it is impossible to do this without a flawless victory, which will add a few seconds to your time. the fastest way ive seen is with kitana. you start the round with a jumping lowkick, then when you hit them, you immediately do an air fan. then jump in with low kick again, then sweep twice. then walk in a little an do a roundhouse kick, timed so you do it the imstant the enemy gets up. then one more jumpkick and theyshould be dead. this sounds like its difficult and time consuming, but its really not, it just takes luck. With rerecords, being lucky is nothing more than hitting load state enouhg times.
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Hehe.. That sounds really impossible on very hard difficulty. Even with re-records it's a pain in the ass. But it sounds very cool. I was thinking of doing something similar with Shang Tsung though. Jump kick and do three flaming skulls that hits the opponent. Morph into Raiden and teleport behind the opponent or something and pull off that electric-chock-handshake or something, not the fatality one. Then perhaps the flying thing. I dunno. I'm just brainstorming strategies here. Feel welcomed to help out some more. I've tried to watch your MK2 run Kreig747, but it ain't working. Sad. :/
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Highness wrote:
ya i know. way back in the day i made a flawless victory very hard run of MK2 with shang tsung, ,just like youre talking about. i believe i beat the game in 14 or 15 minutes, took zero damage, and never blocked. then i found out that it was one of the three or so games or game versions that desynched. the subzero deep freeze, change back to shang tsung, change into someone else, and fatality them idea sounds amazing. i would watch that over and over. it should be done with multiple fatalities. what would happen if you babailitied after a deep freeze?
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*whoops*, how did i double post by hitting submit once?
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We should sure go about and test everything with Shang Tsung. :) There should be ALOT of fatality glitches out there.
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krieg747 wrote:
the subzero deep freeze, change back to shang tsung, change into someone else, and fatality them idea sounds amazing. i would watch that over and over. it should be done with multiple fatalities. what would happen if you babailitied after a deep freeze?
You can't use punch if you want to use a babality and the Sub Zero morph is F,D,F,HP. Stuff I clearly remember as fun: Deep freeze, then do Sub Zero's other fatality (the snowball from across the screen). Deep freeze on the Dead Pool stage, complete the fatality but hold D+LP+LK. If you want to fight Jade, you can still fatality the opponent. You just have to use LK only. Fortunately, Shang Tsung has a fatality that uses LK. The FAQs say you have to hold Block but you don't.
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Hehe. Yeah. I remeber the FAQ saying that in MK1 as well. "You can't use Liu-Kang or Scorpion to face Reptile and Lizard since you must hold block to do their fatalities" what a bullshit. :D I've tried a couple of combined Sub-Zero freeze fatalities now. But they only show some graphical glitches that are not interesting at all. They only appear for a couple of frames showing the victim all cloged up. Nothing fancy.
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Just tried the Deep-freeze-babality with Sub-Zero alone now. Not using Shang-Tsung. Nothing fancy happend. Just that ugly graphical glitch. Same as with every other freeze-and-finish effects it seems. :(
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here are some deep freeze + fatality smvs on pilifs hosting: url = ftp://nvdata.pilif.ch/ user = nesvideos pass = zk2gbx4 Krieg747- freeze + toasty.smv Krieg747- freeze + kiss of death.smv Krieg747- freeze + eat.smv Krieg747- freeze + 3heads.smv <-- sweetest fatality combo
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The "eat" one wasn't there when I looked.
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my bad, i forgot to upload it. i didnt know what mileenas fatality was called, so i just called it "eat"
Player (71)
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Wasn't the freeze and burn supposed to glitch even more , with Scorpions head looking glitched afterwards?
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