Post subject: Madara and Lagrange Point
Joined: 9/24/2004
Posts: 75
With all the RPG interest growing, anyone at all interested in these two Konami VRC-enhanced RPGs? (Madara, released in 1990 a year after Castlevania 3, uses the same VRC6 as the Japanese version of that game, and Lagrange Point, a 1991 release, uses a "VRC7" chip which essentially sounds like AdLib.) I would love to get into them, but I'd rather start out with English translations so I could figure out how to get anywhere in them before I speed-ran the original version! And I don't know of any real translations of either of them!
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Post subject: Lagrange Point
Player (161)
Joined: 5/20/2010
Posts: 295
Hello everyone. How do you do? I’ve been working this game since last summer. This game was released only in Japan, so maybe Japanese text looks boring. After finishing it, I don’t know whether it should be submitted or not. But I’d like to complete this run. Well, is there anyone who is longing for this run, especially non-Japanese? Anyway, these are my WIPs. I made them on an old version of FCEUX, but version 2.1.3 synchs perfect. Old version causes many desyncs. And don’t forget to use old PPU. Version1: This is completed. Version2: This is not completed. I noticed minor improvements are there, so I have to redo this run. Edit: Corrected a grammatical error in bold.
Player (161)
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The latest WIP is here. -> (FCEUX 2.1.3 or 2.1.4 or 2.1.4a with old PPU) My mediafire account is free, so if deleted, feel free to reupload. This is applied to my other files. To watch this, you will be surprised how fast it is to manipulate luck. This is faster about 700 frames by my v1 WIP or about 300 frames by my v2 WIP. I’ve done first glitch battle. Minor improvements accomplished are these: -Robo HP is no longer needed. It’s slower to get colon (money). Besides, it is necessary to remove weapons after final Oregi. Removing Denis’s equipments and selling all tools is totally 312 frames faster. -Just when the step counter gained, you cannot move with holding A-button on in dungeon. I am very careful not to do so. -When encountering, the lag is different according to monster formations. I manage to minimize it. -Using Chris’s flash is the fastest in the first glitch battle. I’m going to change the strategy in the second and third glitch battle a bit. No reply means that it is not to be submitted, doesn’t it? It’s natural. Okay, I won't submit. I’m not disappointed. Someday, I’ll finish this run, post and explain glitches and tricks I used. This might be useful for other classical RPG TAS. Route and strategy is similar with my old run basically, so I may not post any WIP. But if any request, I’ll post. Any comments will be welcome. EDIT: Corrected grammatical error and spelling in bold. I curse my bad English.
Player (218)
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I'd be interested in seeing a run of this game. If you submit it, it may be accepted, but of course it is not guaranteed. For example, Star Ocean has a TAS on this site even though it was only released in Japan.
Player (161)
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Thank you, zidanax. I was encouraged. The most apprehensive thing is leveling up. In this game, to equip strong weapon, character’s level must be high. But leveling up itself is quite long and boring even with glitch and optimization. Composition strong weapons are also long and boring. Another apprehensive thing is boss battles. All the boss strategy is identical basically. So it may be monotonous. For audience; Here is just a short encode from v2 WIP, the second Ledesma boss battle. -> And here are screenshots, making a door in void. It is neither timesaver nor slower, but it’s funny, I think. Left is before and right is after.
Player (161)
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Done final glitch battle, second and final Oregi and the part of Satellite Base. Now the beginning of the Land 2. Manipulating luck was very hard.
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There is a condition that will greatly increase the chances of this run being published: timed subtitles in English, explaining your actions and major plot turns. You can insert them using FCEUX itself. This is actually a good practice for any game with obscure tricks. Obviously, it still must be interesting as an RPG run, all things considered.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Player (161)
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Thanks, moozooh. Those three glitch battles are the hardest part in this run, I think. The route is fixed on, so this run will have been finished by the end of this month if all goes smoothly. OK, I’ll explain the glitch battle, which is well known to Japanese players. First you have to disorder an enemy which attacks two times in one. Then if the disordered enemy attacks an enemy and beats it by the first attack, the second attack will hit a glitched enemy. The glitched enemy has tremendous EXP and Money. The glitched enemy varies according to monster formations. I had tested a lot. As proverb says, “Seeing is believing,” I took pictures the result of the glitch battle. The left picture says, “ Got 798244 EXP” and the right picture says, “You got infinite money.” Encountering the best monster formation was a hard work. Manipulating the battle was also painful. I had to manipulate the order of each character's action, damage, the action of the enemies. Leveling up also had to be manipulated. There is no escaping item or spell on this game. I had to manipulate Gin’s HP to be the smallest in order to do quick death warps. The latest WIP is obviously faster than my old run. Another remarkable point is getting EXP with running away. It isn’t necessary to win the battle for EXP on this game. I discovered it. I’m neither good at English nor lua-scripting. Inserting subtitles would be a hard work. Someone’s help might be needed.
Player (161)
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Posts: 295
Dramatically progressed. Beat Waiver. Over 50k rerecords. -> Above is deleted since I redid the final turn in the battle with Waiver and saved 3 frames -> (Due to the limited file size, it can’t be uploaded on microstorage.) I was lucky in some battles. Others’ were painful.
Player (161)
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I did it! I did it! I completed this run! I accomplished unbelievably fast luckmanipulation! -> L: 1:03:25.10 F: 228682 R: 70633 Saved 7817 frames by my first old run. This run was harder than I thought. Optimization was really painful. Over 70k rerecords only in one hour RPG. About 200k rerecords if added my old run, v2 WIP, research fm2, etc. Now I’m going to work on inserting subtitles on lua. I’ll also insert Boss HP and step counter. I've already started. At first I wonder if I could do it, but now I’m sure that I can do it by myself.
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You don't need to use Lua to insert subtitles; as Moozooh said, the .FM2 movie format natively supports them.
Previous Name: boct1584
Player (161)
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Posts: 295
Aaaaaaaahhh, I have not noticed it until you pointed it out, boct1584. Thanks, but I’m going to continue lua-scripting. I’ve already done over 50% of it. Machine translations are very crappy, so I am translating them by myself. I’ll finish it in a few days. BTW, I have started to doubt again that this run is acceptable for non-Native Japanese, because there are many repetitive things on this run, though they are optimized from my first run if you compare them between my old run and the latest one.
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Location: Tiffin/Republic, OH
The site's judges accepted Samurai Goroh's run of FF5, and Aqfaq's run of Madou Monogatari I, so there is a precedent for accepting runs of Japanese version RPGs, and having subtitles would help a lot as well.
Previous Name: boct1584
Player (161)
Joined: 5/20/2010
Posts: 295
I finished inserting subtitles. Here. -> Maybe it is self-righteous and necessary to be refined. I referenced about spelling from Ritchie’s guide on GameFAQs. I don’t have any idea of the spelling of シュトルテ. EDIT: fewer subtitles -> I'm writing a submission text. I'll submit this run next week. EDIT2: Serious grammatical error exists in these script files. I mistook "as long as" for "unless." I'll update when I submit fm2. EDIT3: Updated. full of subtitles. -> fewer subtitles. ->
Player (161)
Joined: 5/20/2010
Posts: 295
Sorry for my late notification, but I lost one frame in the terminal in my published tas. Text message should have been scrolled by pressing A-button instead of B-button. Btw, you can get Chimaera Wing/Wing of the Wyvern with cheat, the name of which is famous in Dragon Quest/Warrior series. Unfortunately, it does not affect anything.