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Agreed to Blechy I Guess. But is it not allowed to use a different rom? Sounds strange. I will read the rules carefully though. I guess there are an explenation of it.
/Walker Boh
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Blechy wrote:
Fair enough, the overdump rule was there- I just saw that the different versions of roms rule was added after seeing the movie, and reacted to that. But since the overdump rule was already there, it could have indeed been avoided.
The other rule that was added today was there but forgotten to be written. And it's logical due to some differences between roms.
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I cannot find that (U) [!] Rom anywhere X| my comp had a format sometime ago and I tried to find that rom again and that was the closest thing I could find. the other one I found was something like Version 1.1 (US) that looked even more weird than this what I made the movie with.
- mazzeneko
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The run desynchs in the battle with shredder's machine, so if you decide to do it again, at least you won't have to start ALL over.
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I agree with blechy.
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Okay... finally I have the time to improve this (correct rom this time :D) so look forward to it in few days or so! Gonna be much faster, I already found couple nice tricks.
- mazzeneko
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2 player?
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Umm, nope. :T Just improving the 1 player time.
- mazzeneko
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Aaw :/ I want a 2 player run! How much is it gonna be improved? seconds? minutes? :O
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around 30secs to a minute (if I get lucky)
- mazzeneko
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Ok nice, with Donatello this time also?
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Arse! I completely forgot to do this ... *glares angrily at Resident Evil 4* And now I have a project I have to do at school also.. I try to get on with this someday.. Yeah. I still play with Donatello. I still havent figured out any usage for other characters.
- mazzeneko
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Oookay... I just improved the time by 1 min 30 secs... but it got desynched at Shredder... Gonna try it again sometime later.
- mazzeneko
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aahaha, 2bad :D I would destroy my computer if it desynched at the last level in a game I've been working on for weeks! You guys really got patience, I admire it :D
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Nah, it's not as bad if you lose the last level, because hey, it's the last level! You only need to redo the one level! What would be really bad is if there's an error at the beginning.
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someone should do a 2 player run, that'd look awesome.
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qbproger wrote:
someone should do a 2 player run, that'd look awesome.
I totally agree :>
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Do you have any idea how hard a 2-player run of this game would be? You'd be hitting 5 keys at any given time; the average keyboard won't hack it. And I'm not sure the home keys workaround will work if you're talking about that many keys in use at once. And my copy of the game de-synchs at Shredder, too. You probably used a mis-labelled copy, so the randomness factor's off, or something.
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Oh goddamit. I just made a run (with only Don) again and I got 1 minute better time than previous movie! ...but here's the catch... It still desynchs at Shredder. The footclan doesn't spawn at the same spots like in the movie. Anyone got a clue how to prevent this?
- mazzeneko
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You could try using the modified snes9x (snes9xw-improvement7) and turning on certain synchronization options when recording. You should play back your movie every once in a while before you're finished recording it to make sure it's ok. That way you can catch desyncs and regular mistakes before fixing them might require starting over. Also, pay attention to the sound and if you ever hear the sound glitch out (like the wrong sound effect plays or there's a static noise) when you're making a movie, that might mean that a desync just happened and you can reload a state before the sound glitch happened to fix it. It doesn't always happen, but that's the only desync warning sign I know of that can happen during recording.
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Finally fixed that Shredder-problem, whew... I'm currently making a movie which have the bonus stages played perfectly. Now it's about 2 minutes faster than the old movie in this site. I cannot take pauses in between making of a movie... I dunno how to resume the movie afterwards :P
- mazzeneko
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Great! When do you suspect you'll submit it?
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I have problem resuming the starbase: I made a mistake in the stage and I saved the game X) dunno how to resume the movie few seconds before I saved the damn thing
- mazzeneko
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mazzeneko wrote:
I made a mistake in the stage and I saved the game X) dunno how to resume the movie few seconds before I saved the damn thing
You should read all the info here. But, to specifically answer your question: Play the movie in read-only (then load a save state sometime before where you want to resume if you have one, otherwise just fast-forward a lot) and then make a save state where you want to resume from, then play the movie in non-read-only and load that save state you just made.
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nitsuja wrote:
You should read all the info here. But, to specifically answer your question: Play the movie in read-only (then load a save state sometime before where you want to resume if you have one, otherwise just fast-forward a lot) and then make a save state where you want to resume from, then play the movie in non-read-only and load that save state you just made.
Oh, thanks a bunch. I did read that but you just said it more clearly :P EDIT It has been submitted
- mazzeneko