Made this video:
It shows a new lua script im working on, it is very simple, it shows the weapon exp counter for each weapon (Buster exp, buster pellets counter, Saber exp, Air slash counter, dash slash counter, Triple Rod exp and Shied Boomerang Counter). It will also put an asterisk when said exp counter gets to the last level. I know that the Triple Rod and Shield Boomerang counters are useless for TASing, but i just put them for sake of completition.
It also shows Zero's HP, Inv Frames, Dash Counter and Charge Counter for both weapons. I plan to put more stuff into it, like Mission Points, Enemies Killed Points, etc. With that you would guess how many points you would get at the end of the mission to get in a specific Rank.
In the other hand, i wanted it to show Boss's HP and Inv Frames, but it was impossible for me since there are 3 adresses and while one of them is the one that work, the other 2 apparently work for something else. I also may do this for the other Zero games.