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You have to specify how many and which controllers your video uses. It's done when you select File-Record Movie. Remember to put it from reset while you're at it.
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Truncated wrote:
You have to specify how many and which controllers your video uses. It's done when you select File-Record Movie. Remember to put it from reset while you're at it.
i cant believe i totally missed those checkboxes. thanx it took me almost an hour just to record the following: get to main screen, go to options, change difficulty, go back to main screen, start game, pick shin, pick first stage, pick bombs, start stage, shoot down first 4 helicopters... at this rate i should have the whole game done in about 5 years :) how do you guys not go crazy recording these things? i had to rerecord a few times just trying to buy bombs "quickly". turns out spamming a key when you're in super slow motion is the same as holding down that key in regular mode. in order to register certain commands, it needs to see a frame where the key is not held down. is there a way to see which frame you're on or advance one frame at a time so i can "let go of the key"?
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Read the FAQ already.
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Truncated wrote:
Read the FAQ already.
i read all the txt files included with Snes9x and none of them mention anything about advancing one frame at a time or viewing which frame you're on. there were no stickies or instructions in the snes9x forum either. after digging a while on the main site, i did find http://tasvideos.org/UsingEmulatorTools.html which explains everything i needed to know. question for the UN Squadron fans... which pilot do you think would be the most efficient: Shin or Mickey? Greg is pretty useless since i dont plan on getting hit. Shin level-ups his main gun the fastest but Mickey can use multiple special weapons at once. I'm thinking spamming multiple special weapons while firing the main gun would kill the bosses the fastest.
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question for the UN Squadron fans... which pilot do you think would be the most efficient: Shin or Mickey? Greg is pretty useless since i dont plan on getting hit. Shin level-ups his main gun the fastest but Mickey can use multiple special weapons at once. I'm thinking spamming multiple special weapons while firing the main gun would kill the bosses the fastest.
i guess to answer my own question... turns out Mickey can't use multiple special weapons after all. Using one special weap immediately followed by a different special "erases" the first one. I'm surprised Capcom didnt notice such a serious flaw which basically makes Mickey useless. I guess the only obvious choice for pilot is Shin. For those interested, I'm almost done the first stage. I'm pretty happy with it so far and will upload it for review/comments as soon as the first stage is done. I basically need to know if you guys think it is entertaining enough to continue on. Currently I'm trying to figure out a good plan for killing the first boss as quickly as possible. Turns out when you damage an enemy, they are invincible for two frames after getting hit. I'm trying to time the bombs and shots to maximize damage in as little time as possible (while dodging a billion missiles too of course :)
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What planes are you going to use? When I played this back in the day I always saved my money for the best plane, but you could only get it for the last 3 stages or so if you didn't fight those trucks, so I guess doing almost all the stages with the first plane would be pretty boring. Have you thought about this? How about efficiency? Do you think it would simply be faster to get the best plane so you could use all the special weapons for the last bosses? I'm really looking forward to this and I hope you have the patience to finish the run.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
What planes are you going to use? When I played this back in the day I always saved my money for the best plane, but you could only get it for the last 3 stages or so if you didn't fight those trucks, so I guess doing almost all the stages with the first plane would be pretty boring. Have you thought about this? How about efficiency? Do you think it would simply be faster to get the best plane so you could use all the special weapons for the last bosses? I'm really looking forward to this and I hope you have the patience to finish the run.
Ah the speed vs entertainment dilemma... I haven't decided whether I'm going efreet or not. One of my main goals is killing the bosses as fast as possible and I'm not sure if the crusader is the best plane choice for the first few bosses (until I get efreet). Also from an entertainment standpoint, it would be more entertaining to buy other planes and use plenty of special weapons. I've been testing various weapon combos and the gunpod seems to be the highest damage/sec weapon in the game (not including megacrush). The stealth ray and efreet are the only two planes that can use it. So I guess the plane choices come down to: A. crusader, efreet B. crusader, ????, stealthray Then if you choose option B, which plane would be the best 2nd plane? It's a shame there's no "credit card" bug I can abuse to buy any plane I want :)
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First stage finally complete! I try to keep the game entertaining by doing some fancy flying and killing the first boss extremely fast (IMO). Tell me what you guys think so far. Making a good movie is a lot more time-consuming than I thought :/ http://nvdata.pilif.ch/georgexi-U.N.Squadron-1stStage.smv Thanks to pilif for setting up a hosting site for temporary files.
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Whooohaa.. :P that was a hell of a fast kill on that tank :) great.
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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Wow, what you have so far looks really nice. I especially liked how the helicopters chase you. If you keep this quality up, this will be a definite yes vote.
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I agree with the others, nice work! Can't wait to see the other stages.
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For me the best planes would be. Crusader -> Tomcat -> Stealth Tomcat has most speed and nice air to air weapons. Would look nice. Other good choise would be Thunderbolt ... own all the airborne enemies with some air to ground stuff :)
- mazzeneko
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i appreciate the positive comments guys :) i plan to finish the movie. however due to time constraints, it will probably be several weeks until the whole thing is complete so please have patience with me :) i will post updates every week or two. currently i'm trying to calculate exactly how much damage each weapon does. during that boss tank run i've learned a lot about how the weapons and damage work in this game. once i figure out the weapon damage values, i can start planning out the best order to take out the bosses efficiently as well as which planes to use.
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just an update for those who care :) i'm still in "research" mode right now so i havent even begun the "2nd stage" yet. i've pretty figured out the damage ratios on all the weapons so i know which weapon combos will kill the bosses the fastest. i also know that i will be using the tigershark for my 2nd plane. i also discovered a little trick with the special weapons which should (hopefully) give me some super fast boss kills. Basically when you use a special weapon, you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can use it again (ie: bombs have 9 frame wait time). However the timer doesn't apply if you use a 2nd special weapon. You can't use two special weapons at the same time since the game "erases" the first one when you fire the 2nd. But if you're up close right next to a boss, you can use your first special -> immediately hit the boss, quickly switch to the 2nd weapon -> immediately hit the boss, switch back to first -> hit the boss, etc. So you can quickly deliver a huge payload of damage in a short amount of time. Currently I'm fighting Minks and the Fortress to figure out which one to take out first to achieve the fastest time. Once I figure that out, then i have to figure out which plane to buy for my 3rd. I thought I'd take a quick poll to see what you guys think. What should my 3rd plane be? 1. Stealth -> ceiling boss, last boss 2. Efreet -> last boss (if my calculations are correct, will have 60-70k for special weapons) Now if i pick the stealth, the ceiling boss will be MUCH easier to kill. i can nail him with gunpod while destroying the flame/missile turrets down below with my main gun. Then i'd have to figure out which plane/weapons to fight the last boss. Ultimately the last fight will be somewhat slower and not as "spectacular" as using the efreet. If i pick the efreet, i'll have to use the crusader or tigershark to fight the ceiling boss which will be VERY difficult. The ceiling boss requires "up" type attacks which both planes lack. I'm guessing it'll be a long hard battle to pull off without getting hit. There will be a lot of moving up and down to shoot the boss and flame towers. The plus side obviously is I'll have the efreet and a big arsenal of weapons for last stage/last boss :)
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I guess it all depends on whether the Efreet will be able to own the final stage fast enough to make up for a "slow" cave boss. I personally don't mind either way, as long as it is done quickly. However, I wonder if it is possible to mix gunpod with your normal cannon on the cave boss using the B52.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Zurreco wrote:
I guess it all depends on whether the Efreet will be able to own the final stage fast enough to make up for a "slow" cave boss. I personally don't mind either way, as long as it is done quickly. However, I wonder if it is possible to mix gunpod with your normal cannon on the cave boss using the B52.
i originally thought that was the best way to inflict the most damage in least amount of time (using gunpod and main gun at the same time). but turns out that enemy units, including bosses, are invincible for 2 frames after taking damage. the gunpod fires every 4 frames... the main gun every 8 frames. so basically your main cannon and gunpod would alternate doing damage (every other gunpod shot would be wasted since the boss will be invincible from the cannon shot). alternating the main cannon and bombs does more damage. and yes it is possible to bomb that little eye on the ceiling boss.. though very tricky :) my main concern is how i'm gonna get by those flame towers on the ground below. there will be a LOT of them down there on gamer mode. i honestly think fighting this boss will be far more difficult than the final boss. i'll try a cave boss run with the tigershark once i get to that point. if any unsquad pros out there have a couple hours to blow and want to try fighting the cave boss with a crusader or tigershark to figure out a good fast strategy, let me know :)
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I can agree that the Cave boss is the far hardest boss in the entire game. I sugest that you atleast try taking out the boss without the Stealth since I would really like to see the Efret ;). Also, doesn't the Tiger support those napalm things? Wouldn't it be possible then to use them to take out the ground units while hammering the core with the cannon?
Bein' away for like five years, and not a single new post in the ZSNES forum... :'-(
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georgexi wrote:
but turns out that enemy units, including bosses, are invincible for 2 frames after taking damage. the gunpod fires every 4 frames... the main gun every 8 frames. so basically your main cannon and gunpod would alternate doing damage (every other gunpod shot would be wasted since the boss will be invincible from the cannon shot). alternating the main cannon and bombs does more damage
Well, using that logic, this is the best case scenario: Frame 1 - Use gunpod Frame 3 - Fire cannon Frame 5 - Use gunpod Frame 7 - Use other subweapon Frame 9 - Use gunpod Frame 11- Fire cannon or something like that. If the gunpod fires every 4 and the cannon every 8, then simply spacing them 2 frames apart solves your problems. There will be some frames in between that might be wasted, and there seems to be a lame-duck frame at count 7. If you could incorporate another weapon, that would work. Also, if you could make a different weapon hit EVERY frame ... edit: scratch that, i must be blind
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Mazzic wrote:
I can agree that the Cave boss is the far hardest boss in the entire game. I sugest that you atleast try taking out the boss without the Stealth since I would really like to see the Efret ;). Also, doesn't the Tiger support those napalm things? Wouldn't it be possible then to use them to take out the ground units while hammering the core with the cannon?
only the A10 and efreet can get napalm :( the tiger can use bombs, falcons, phoenix, bulppulp, and megacrush. perhaps if i can get some really lucky phoenix shots that only go after the flame turrets, that might work but i doubt i'll be that lucky. i could try bombing the flame turrets but it takes two bombs to kill just one. that also doesnt solve the problem of the flame turrets coming from behind me. the only idea i can think of right now is to from the beginning, start bombing and shooting the hell out of that eye and the instant right before i get hit, shoot off the megacrush. you're invincible once you fire the megacrush... will continue shooting of course... cant use bombs while the megacrush is in use. once the megacrush is done, i'll have a couple seconds in which i continue bombing and shooting the hell out of the eye.. hopefully he'll die before the flame turrets finally hit me :)
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Zurreco wrote:
Well, using that logic, this is the best case scenario: Frame 1 - Use gunpod Frame 3 - Fire cannon Frame 5 - Use gunpod Frame 7 - Use other subweapon Frame 9 - Use gunpod Frame 11- Fire cannon or something like that. If the gunpod fires every 4 and the cannon every 8, then simply spacing them 2 frames apart solves your problems. There will be some frames in between that might be wasted, and there seems to be a lame-duck frame at count 7. If you could incorporate another weapon, that would work. Also, if you could make a different weapon hit EVERY frame ... edit: scratch that, i must be blind
actually it would be more like Frame 1 - gunpod hit (boss invincible frames 2/3) Frame 4 - gun hit (boss invincible frames 5/6) Frame 5 - wasted gunpod hit (boss invincible) Frame 9 - gunpod hit (boss invincible frames 10/11) Frame 12 - gun hit etc. In my description, i said a boss is invincible 2 frames after gettting hit.. so really you can only hurt him every 3 frames. Sorry if I confused you :) Now I could theoretically do that but then i have the problem of the flame turrets killing me. My strategy with the stealth was to destroy the turrets down below with the main cannon while my gunpod is shooting the eye above. that's pretty much what i did when i played this game on the snes years ago.
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Any progress on this?
- mazzeneko
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mazzeneko wrote:
Any progress on this?
the planning took a long time but that's done. basically i know what planes, weapons, and the order of the stages i'm going to do. i've been very busy past few weeks so i havent had a whole lot of time to work on the real video. i've completed a lot of the 2nd stage but i'm not completely satisfied with the "fancy flying" portion so i'm going to redo a lot of it. however i believe you guys will be impressed when you see how fast these bosses drop :) just a quick poll. should i let the screen fill up with lots of enemies and bullets (will cause slowdown) to keep the entertainment value higher? right now i'm pretty much forced to kill enemies quickly to prevent slowdown.
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I have no problems with that. I think it's better if there's no slowdown. Just kill em in an entertaining way ;)
- mazzeneko
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Very impressive. I didn't think it was possible to destroy the fortress in one pass.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine