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A Runnelid wrote:
If you're planning on a 100% run with the Extra levels included, there is reportedly a trick to disable the auto-scrolling in Extra 1: Poochy Ain't Stupid. Use the bats (I think they're named Fangs) to get up to the top of the left-hand wall at the start. This would somehow disable auto-scrolling in the level. This is another trick I've only heard about but never tested, so there might be something else to it. (It's been a while..) I've seen it mentioned ´by several players, so I think it works in one way or another. Andreas
This is weird, because in world 6-5, the very long cave (which is indeed a very long cave) I was able to run straight through the second area without stalling, no autoscolling. Beforehand, in a test run without pause/advance frame it was originally a fast autoscrolling area, and I noticed by running through it as fast as possible that the screen would not slowdown but when I stopped, it slowly started scrolling then picked up speed. If this autoscroll-cancel effect can be applied to all three of the left/right AS areas, then I will be very pleased.
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A 100% run sounds interesting, too bad it will probably not include the last extra world: "Castles - Masterpiece Set"
Player (208)
Joined: 5/29/2004
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No recording a reset?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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1-1 through 1-3 Does anyone knows of any hidden ? clouds containing stars in 1-3 (besides the one ingrained in the stump near the end)?
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
No recording a reset?
This run will include 6-E Masterpiece Set. You can hit start immediately before Bowser's defeat (ie.one frame before you can no longer bring up the pause screen), close the pause screen and hit start+select at exactly the same time as soon as the screen starts to reappear. You'll exit the last castle and appear on the world map, with the Extra 6 and Bonus 6 unlocked (based on the assumption that you have 100 score on the levels). edit: fixed the strategy for the last flower and 3 red coins in 1-3
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Can you do this in the remaining five worlds to skip the map and level score scenes?
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Thanks a bunch! This will be very helpful for the upcoming levels. Unfortunately, all of the hidden star clouds are too out of reach to favor over stomping the crates. The cloud in the teal-colored dirt is a 1-up. Getting stars will probably be easier in castles because I can ricochet the eggs up to red to hit the bosses for 2 stars each (except Salvo the Slime which is the quickest kill in the game).
Bladegash wrote:
Can you do this in the remaining five worlds to skip the map and level score scenes?
I couldn't do it with 1-4 or 1-8. When I reach the later worlds I'll be sure to try it. I tried this at the goal rings, but the game won't allow it. I think it might have something to do with the boss's sprite, which doesn't reappear until the screen lightens all the way back up, giving me time to press start+select prior. It's probably also because the level is set as complete right when the boss explodes, and since 1-4 and 1-5 the boss explodes after you lose the option to pause whereas you can still control Yoshi right up to the point Bowser explodes.
A Runnelid wrote:
Use the bats (I think they're named Fangs) to get up to the top of the left-hand wall at the start. This would somehow disable auto-scrolling in the level.
I tested this and it works! Once you get up there, you have to float high up in the air to the right until you reach the second high ledge, then you can fall back down and continue foward. It's most likely because the scrolling doesn't begin right off the bat...you have to run foward a bit to activate it, and the game's code is unable to recognize the auto-scrolling scheme if the level has a large enough span of height. All of the other auto-scrolling levels more or less have a fixed height...except the second area in 6-5, which I mentioned before doesn't activate the instant you start.
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Is this still in progress? Along with the 100% SM run, this is one of the most anticipated runs on my list. I can't wait to see more.
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There was a point where I was about to start 1-4 but realized I was one egg short if I was to have enough to get the desired number of stars (to hit the star cloud). I had to look as far back as 1-2 to look for a missed opportunity for an egg but I also realized an instance in 1-1 where I could have JUST AS EASILY made an egg right at the beginning instead of jumping on the shyguy. So I started back there to get the egg in the hopes that it wouldn't desync (so much for that) when I tried to hex the rest in. Didn't work, and it desynced right before one of the hardest parts in the level at the large crevice with the giant flower and the star clouds. So that really put a damper on my day and pretty much killed any motivation to continue. I'm also sick of this game...sorry, but I'll probably have to wait a little longer before I get back the ambition. I figured maybe working on other games might help. Thanks for the feedback though! I wouldn't say it's completely out of the question just yet but don't expect anything soon, because 100% is extremely difficult and very tactful. I took an entire day just to finish the first level, and it's the shortest level in the game. If there's anyone else willing to take it up, I give them my full support! I don't go by that 'claim to fame' crap so don't worry about how I feel. I do, however, strongly admonish anyone to carelessly rush through it and advise them to carefully look over these mechanics I've cultivated over the months and months of playing this game before taking it on: http://spezzafer.home.att.net/yi_tips.txt edit: got my connotations mixed up
Joined: 2/16/2005
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Heh, admonishing people before they even try, thats a new one :-)
This signature is much better than its previous version.
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100%: World 1 + 1-E this game is really wearing me out this is honestly the best I could do with what little supply of eggs I had at times...I actually had to restort to the middle rings two times because there either there weren't enough enemies to hit for stars, there weren't enough eggs to hit them with or it was just faster to use the rings rather than run the extra distance to grab a star cloud (1-7) notice the lack (zero) of eggs at the end...THAT'S how difficult it is to mantain an adequate supply; 95% of the items are too out of reach to just grab on the fly so goes another precious egg I even started 1-6 with a full load and that ended up being one of the hardest levels. I guess this is what I get for trying too much to minimize the time it takes to finish.
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So you are working on a full run now? Huzzah!!! I know it can be a pain to TAS sometimes but I don't think everyone will pick on a possible frame saved here or there. Or maybe that's just me. Awesome none the less and I wish you good luck! The any %-movie was fantastic!
/Walker Boh
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Holey Chit. That was awesome... lol... I have to watch this in slowmo to properly understand and enjoy it :D
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That really was awesome! I thought the movie ended at the extra stage but it turned out to be just awesome!! I never knew you could use bats like that. The second bonus stage, is it a pure bonus stage? Like a mini-game or something? I've forget about those totally.
/Walker Boh
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Doubleplusgood. Videos like this will be the stuff you show off to friends when you tell them about the site. Very stylish.
Player (36)
Joined: 9/11/2004
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This video... Just wow... I hope you finish it.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Joined: 6/14/2004
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If you're really concerned about eggs or stars, you could go into a bonus game and earn some +10/+20 star and full egg items.
I like my "thank you"s in monetary form.
Joined: 3/25/2004
Posts: 459
Awesome video man. Definitely one of the most fun to watch ever. In the snow level where you ski, if you get hit and roll into a big snow ball, would that be faster?
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Yay you've started a 100% run! Looking absolutely awesome so far, a lot better than the any% run. Hope you have what it takes to finish this.
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It looks good so far, I especially like how you collected the last few stars in 1-4 DURING the boss fight, and jumping in the lava at the end of 1-8, I always love seeing that stuff. I gotta wonder, though, would doing all the Extra stages at the END of the run save you some unnecessary map changes? If you follow your current pattern you could have 8 or 9 (how are you tackling 6-E anyway?) extra map changes by going back to the previous world's Extra stage as soon as it opens, whereas if you wait till the end of the game and go back and do all the Extra stages at once you'd only have to change maps about 6 times. It costs time for the map scroll to close and open and for the map to change, afterall, so it's something to think about. Or are you tackling the Extra stages the way you are as a matter of aesthetics?
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i think that if he doesnt take the extra stages as soon as they are opened, ppl will be confused Well, this video was excelent, it looks so perfect, the essence of the tool-assisted videos. I hope making the any% run served to give you experience to make this, because otherwise it seems useless now (this run being so much better, sorry, my opinion!) Great job, continue plzz
Joined: 5/6/2005
Posts: 141
I must say I was quite impressed with the any % run of this game, and I am very looking forward to a 100% run of this game. Keep up the great work, spezzafer. ^_^
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thanks to all for the inspirational comments I think I'll wait until after the final Bowser fight to do the extras because, like Spoony_Bard said, I won't have to switch back and forth between maps as much if I just choose a straight path from map to map. The order will be 6-E to 1-E, first to last.
Player (68)
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The any% movie was amazing, and what's done of the 100% one is even better. It has more action and is more fun to watch. If you keep up the same level of quality throughout the whole thing, it'll be one of the best runs on this whole site (just like the already published any% one).
Joined: 3/17/2005
Posts: 67
I was bored the other day, and while watching this movie I got inspired and made some animated Windows cursors with the daisy from Yoshi's Island. If you want, you can download them here. I also posted this in the Offtopic forum, but I thought I'd also post it here since this movie is what inspired them, and to catch people who like YI but don't browse the Offtopic forum. Enjoy! Normal Select Working in Background Busy Text Select Unavailable
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