Post subject: Syphon Filter
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Joined: 12/5/2007
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Of course, some of us became familiar with special agents Gabriel Logan and his bedmate Lian Xing. Syphon Filter started off with a special operation where Erich Rhoemer was Logan's target. While Rhoemer leaves behind a lot of obstacles that he thought Logan couldn't get through, it was certain that Rhoemer would be tracked down at the end of the game. I would say that if you (the player) want to TAS this game, you may need to review the footage at Speed Demos archive. I watched their footage as it did show a few nice techniques that beated enemies and saved some time. If you play this game with your emulator, you can imitate the techniques while using frame-advance and pull off some more frames. Make sure you don't stop very often if you know it's good for you, because Logan only runs at one pace. Also, managing your weapons/ammunition/armor is a must.
Joined: 2/3/2006
Posts: 69
There are tricks to influence guard spawning in some of the cathedral/catacombs levels that I don't think I mentioned in the run description. It's been a few years, so I don't remember exactly what I did, but it should be easy enough to experiment with different paths and the timing of when you start shooting (announcing your presence to the guards). Almost certainly the stops to get the K3G4 won't be necessary with frame-precision headshots. I'd love to see this done (I'd love to do it, actually, but I don't have the time).
Joined: 4/28/2011
Posts: 8
Out of all the years I've played this game non-stop, I haven't figured out a way to glitch the game/find glitches, at least on a console (PS2).
Joined: 3/25/2007
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Location: Quebec, Canada
There are some useful tricks but I don't remember finding glitches neither. Tricks Rolling through fire (Probably the most known) Delayed guards spawning Rolling over gaps (or falling farther than usual at least p) Horizontal jumps (Triangle from beside) Dropping onto guards (Stronghold lower level) Silenced 9mm abuse (stealth levels, if a guard don't shoot, your safe. So you can shoot like a retard until he's offscreen and run away without failing mission parameters even if the guard is still alive) 2 test speedruns
Joined: 4/28/2011
Posts: 8
Not really a glitch, but sometimes if you hammer X a few frames as soon as cut scenes appear (in the beginning of Rhoemer's Base and Rhomer's Stronghold, for example), you won't get stuck with the intro and are free to run around while the voice over continues, and it'll play all the way through instead of cutting out with Gabe saying Check or Right. It's rare, but when you're able to do it, it saves a second or two.
Joined: 4/28/2011
Posts: 8
Also, I've found a few out-of-map areas that Gabe can fall into, but he just falls into darkness and you end up failing the mission.
Joined: 4/28/2011
Posts: 8
There might be a way to get past the lasers if opening and exiting out of the menu in extremely short periods of time can be abused. For example, try rolling through the lasers (Base Bunker) a few frames before they kill you and immediately open the menu. Exit out of the menu and you'll see the death animation occur when Gabe is actually a few feet beyond the lasers, which looks strange when done correctly, but again, it's not really a glitch. Just a thought.
Joined: 4/21/2011
Posts: 91
Considering you made your last three posts within half an hour, I'd like to inform you of the edit button, at the top right of each of your posts.
Joined: 4/28/2011
Posts: 8
Cool, thanks.
Joined: 4/28/2011
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I was able to sort of freeze the game by mashing crouch (X) and use (▲) together (e.g. running toward an item/weapon container while holding crouch and then mashing use simultaneously). I've only tested this at the beginning of Rhoemer's Base while obtaining Gas Grenades, but it's worked more than once. After achieving this, Gabe wasn't able to stand up, manual aim, roll, look or strafe. I haven't been able to pull this off near a wall, but I'll reply if anything comes out of this bug.
Joined: 3/25/2007
Posts: 212
Location: Quebec, Canada
Just so people don't forget this game, I just found a new shortcut in Base Escape. ;P Link to video
Joined: 3/25/2007
Posts: 212
Location: Quebec, Canada
Is it just me or this game doesn't work on Psxjin and Pcsx-rr ?