I disable sounds completely. The TASable settings slow down the Dolphin to 30fps or less, which makes the audio distracting and unpleasant at times.

When you finished recording, choosing dump audio will still... dump audio. Even with no audio output selected.
To avoid desyncs, I simply never trust the Dolphin.
If you're having problems, try this:
Save a main save-state to one you don't use very often (#8) at the beginning of a section (anywhere from a single screen to the whole level). Then run through the section using the other save states as often as you need, but write down (in notepad) what inputs need to be performed on whatever frames. It only needs to make sense to you, so it can be as ambiguous as you like. Here's an example excerpt from mine for Mega Man 10:
fall 22
That wont make sense to anyone but me.
Once you've completed the section and have everything written down, load your main save-state (#8), and run through the section following the input you wrote down and using minimum save-states (only every so often to redo mistakes). The Dolphin
can rerecord through saved/loaded states, but it does a much better job when they aren't used at all or at least not in rapid succession.
After you've completed the section, save the recording and play it back to see if it synced. Save states along the way, and if it desynced, load a state from a little before the desync and continue recording from there once again using the inputs your wrote down. Rinse and repeat. Lengthy process but it works for me.
Hope that helps.[/img]