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Kaizo Mario World is a well-known Super Mario World Hack, specifically for the reason that it was one of the hardest hacks of its time, and it even spawned a category of Super Mario World hacks known as Kaizo hacks. This run is of its sequel, Kaizo Mario World 2, and aims to complete the game as fast as possible.
An IPS of the version used in this TAS can be downloaded from: [dead link removed]

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: Snes9x 1.43 v17
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Takes damage to save time

Stage by stage comments

Stage 1 Archway Mountains (ステージ1 アークレイさんち)

Done by Fethy75. After the midway point, the walljumping glitch is abused to pass over several sections that take too much time.

Stage 2 Mt. Silver (ステージ2 シロガネやま)

Done by Kaizoman666. This is a rather unexciting autoscrolling level, though I tried to keep it as entertaining as possible. At the end of the first room, walljumping and a glitch with screen scrolling is used to save time on the way to the pipe. A couple of glitches in the second room are also abused for entertainment, such as getting warped by the Hammer Bro platform.

Stage 3 Screw City (ステージ3 ねじまきシティー)

Done by Fethy75. By running into the wall to abuse the climb-anywhere glitch at the start of the level, everything was be easily skipped by simply jumping over it.

Stage 4 Queen Elizabeth (ステージ4 エリザベスごう)

Done by Fethy75 and Kaizoman666. Frames had to be lost in various places in order to manipulate the Boo Rings, the Fishing Ghost, and the Eeries. Screen scrolling is used in the first room to manipulate the Bowser Statue's fireballs.

Stage 5 Mount Everest (ステージ5 チョモランマ)

Done by Kaizoman666. The second room manipulated sprite spawning to reduce the amount of lag, at the cost of entertainment. In the third room, walljumps and damage abuse are used to skip waiting for the Digging Chucks' rocks.

Stage 6 Norfair (ステージ6 ノルフェア)

Done by Fethy75. Walljumps are abused in this level to save time and provide entertainment. Screen scrolling in the second room is used to manipulate the dolphins.

Stage 7 Sky City (ステージ7 とかいのそら)

Done by Kaizoman666. P-switch jumping is used to save time, as well as a glitch with Pirhanna Plants where ducking every other frame while big will avoid damage. Double grabbing is also used to save time in a couple places.

Stage 8 Pandemonium (ステージ8 パンデモニウム)

Done by Fethy75. Manipulation of various sprites, glitches, and damage abuse are all used to skip sections of the castle. Bowser is not very exciting, unfortunately, due to the addition of water.

Labyrinth (ラビリンス)

Done by Kaizoman666. Spinjumping through slopes, P-switch jumping, and shell jumping are used to skip most of the level.

Stage 9 Ultra Star Return (ステージ9 ウルトラのほしふたたび)

Done by Kaizoman666 and TheFinalBoss726. Walljumping is abused for both saving time and entertainment. Abuse of items near the end is used to skip a long section of the level.

Final Stage Castlevania (ファイナルステージ あくまじょう)

Done by TheFinalBoss726. Walljumping, screen scrolling, and damage abuse are used to manipulate the falling ceiling and skip sections.

Potential Improvements

  • Avoiding the screen scroll for the lightning bolts in Stage 2. It is likely possible to get past these without having to screen scroll, which would save a ton of frames.
  • Better manipulation of sprites in Stage 4 and Final Stage. We lost frames in order to manipulate things, but it is likely possible to get a similar result with less frames lost.
  • Better manipulation of lag. We were paying attention to it in the first few stages, but gave up focusing on it in later ones.

Nach: Judging.
Toothache: Encode added

Nach: Runs of hacks are under much more scrutiny than runs for normal games. Not only does the run have to be good, so does the game hack, and exceptionally so.
The level design in this game is absolutely horrid. The levels themselves are not cohesive or aesthetically pleasing. Enemies which don't really go with the terrain are present, sometimes with graphical glitches. Enemies are seemingly floating in the air, or packed into absurd places, all in the name of difficulty. Nothing about the game itself bears any kind of professional polish.
Putting visuals and enemy placement absurdities aside, the levels aren't that great either. A bunch of levels are designed with very little room to maneuver. Notwithstanding a few exploitable situations, a run of these levels will generally look the same every time. "Impossible" segments were long, frequent, and placed together, instead of littered throughout a large game. The auto-scrolling segments for the most part were also boring.
In terms of how well this hack shows off the Super Mario World engine, I'd perhaps give it a 15% rating. There's so many great things SMW has, various items, levels with multiple exits, levels with varied routes, and so on. This game barely touches on what can be done. Many SMW hacks are also known for adding cool things onto the SMW engine, instead of using the minimum Nintendo gave us.
There are tons of great SMW hacks out there which have greatly altered the game, giving us a fresh look, and sometimes even varied mechanics from other Mario games, or something completely fresh. They have tons of amazing memorable levels which would make for a great TAS. Some of them have extremely hard segments throughout their levels, but not as concentrated as this one. I'd accept any of those despite being hacks.
The precedence till now for an adequate run with a mediocre hack has been to accept the best of a similar set of hacks. However, we also have a precedence with Super Metroid hacks that even a completely unrelated hack can obsolete one which has little to offer. If I were to accept this, I would have to allow it to be obsoleted by some other SMW hack, which I find rather arbitrary, as there are so many acceptable ones to choose from. The arbitrary nature of such a decision messes up obsoletion chains, which I'd rather not get into. I'd also have to consider if perhaps a publication of this run should be immediately obsoleted by one of our Super Demo World runs.
The run itself while looking amazing in reality doesn't benefit all that much from TASing, compared to how an average run of the game would look. This is because the vast majority of people playing this game will be using save states and other emulator features anyway. As above, too much of the game pigeonholes you into one possible route for a given segment.
So contrasting this run with our existing runs of SDW, or some WIPs I've seen of other SMW hacks, I don't see this run offering anything special that we can't get better elsewhere, or already have to an extent. Coupled with our strict guidelines for what makes a TAS special, and what basic requirements a hack needs to meet in order to be accepted, I have no choice but to reject this.

Nach: Being that the vault does not allow hacked games, I am rejecting this from vault as well.

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DarkMoon wrote:
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
I mean as in... just wayyyyyy too much of everything. Too many killer pirahna plants [and I do mean TOO MANY] for starters... things like that... as in unaesthetic and unappealing. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
I think the word you want is over-saturated.
Fair enough, that sounds way better then what I had came up with this morning. Mind you I was also going off very little sleep and a 14hr shift. ^^; Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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I don't quite understand the hate this hack is getting. It's supposed to be hard. I actually think that the hack has good level design (to a point), because it forces you to think about what you're doing. Yes vote.
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I found this hack pretty amusing, except that I didn't like the Bowser fight and the ensuing fireworks. Outside of that, I think this is definitely worth publishing. In the future, if another run on a hack comes along, and the hack and run are deemed better, we can always obsolete this run. At least, Super Mario World has a lot more entertainment potential in its hacks than Super Mario Bros, so a lot of the SMW hacks should hopefully be more interesting than all the SMB hacks this site got a couple years ago.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
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Concerning the hack: Of course Kaizo and its sequel here are very popular SMW hacks. I remember watching the "Making my friend play through my own Mario (Super Mario World) hack" videos a lot, and laughing as hell every 5 seconds or so. The game itself is meant to be played for real, as the level design is made to force the players to do cruel mistakes. Therefore, a TAS of this hack is interesting, but also kills the whole purpose of the hack, aka frustration and cruelty (read "trolling"). Concerning the TAS here: It's well made, I don't remember seeing this glitch which allows Mario to jump anywhere (in the rope-based stage). That was quiet refreshing for itself. As stated above, though, it kills the main amusement of the hack. Still, I find this worth publishing, not only because of the popularity and history of the hack, but also because it was technically good, and entertaining enough. Isn't that what we all seek?
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I'm wondering, how any people here stopped watching after the Bowser fight, without realizing the game goes on, and that Reznor is the final boss?
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Nach wrote:
I'm wondering, how any people here stopped watching after the Bowser fight, without realizing the game goes on, and that Reznor is the final boss?
I almost did... until I saw that there was still some time left on the video. :P
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I vote Yes - my live reaction was caught on IRC in #tasvideos and my statement was along the lines of "There is no possible way someone could complete this without savestates!". I agree that the hack itself is incredibly ugly but it's well worth seeing the fantastic maneuvering and planning of kaizoman666, Fethy75, and TheFinalBoss726 (that's a mouthful). I nearly stopped watching at Bowser but I'm glad I didn't - there's good stuff to be had after that fight. Thanks for the run! A.C. ******
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There is a movie file mismatch, but it still plays like it should. Another example is with FractalFusion's NES Rocman X run. A few obstacles were skipped however, but it's still a yes.
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PikachuMan wrote:
There is a movie file mismatch, but it still plays like it should.
Yeah, thats due to us switching ROM versions halfway through.
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Why this and not Kaizo Mario World 1?
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fethy has the current record. i guess he chose not to submit it when he made it.
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TheFinalBoss726 wrote:
fethy has the current record. i guess he chose not to submit it when he made it.
Because he died.
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How do I vote for a run like this? It's obviously a very high-quality run; the playing is superb, the tricks used are interesting, and it manages to make a difficult hack look easy. ...But there's the problem. It's a Kaizo run. These are runs not meant to be played by unassisted players, their very design requires absurd amounts of, at least, savestate usage to be within the realm of beatable. It really kind of defeats the purpose of TASing a run, if the run being TASed can't realistically be completed without TAS. It's not really pushing the game to its limits if the usage of tools is in the basic design parameters of the game. Despite the run's entertainment, trying to TAS a game like this just feels like it defies one of the basic tenants of this website. It's not a superplay. It's just a play. Kaizo hacks really don't stand out on their own very well. They're not (realistically) beatable by humans alone, they're not noticeably divergent from their base games, and they would give a very bad impression to anyone who played one but not the original. I really can't vote in favor of this game. But, to honor the attempt made on the run, I'll vote "Meh".
First a movie gets submitted, and ends up accepted despite breaking rules other runs have been rejected for. And when I vote less than spectacularly on this movie, I become the victim of harassment and threats. Yay, favoritism.
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Saethori wrote:
...But there's the problem. It's a Kaizo run. These are runs not meant to be played by unassisted players, their very design requires absurd amounts of, at least, savestate usage to be within the realm of beatable.
I've always liked how people don't remember that the original Kaizo Marios were actually meant to be played tool-less. Also, another reason Fethy might not have submitted his Kaizo 1 TAS was because a large improvement was found soon after.
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kaizoman666 wrote:
Also, another reason Fethy might not have submitted his Kaizo 1 TAS was because a large improvement was found soon after.
that was INSANE
How should I know what I think before I read what I post?
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I hate Kaizo-style hacks. I believe that games should be fun. Of course a game can be hard, but not hard at expense of fun. And Kaizo is way ahead of this. Also, the stages design bother me way too much, specially the lava stage. And that's why eeing this TAS is fun. Seeing this badly design mess is delightful. Specially when the autors simply passed over the stage. Also, it's far better than Air 2. Yes.
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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om, nom, nom... crunchy!
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How should I know what I think before I read what I post?
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Is there an encode of this somewhere besides YouTube? I hate 30fps.
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Wow, Nach went all out in his rejection message.
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I feel this one shouldn't have been rejected just like that.
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corronchilejano wrote:
I feel this one shouldn't have been rejected just like that.
"Just like that"? You say it as if Nach's reasoning wasn't justified.
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I would have preferred to see Kaizo Mario World as that game is harder (if you ask me) and the auto scrolling section is fast and then, faster. Though, Kazio Mario World is eh compared to Super Demo World the Legend Continues. Not as hard, but Demo World took the base game and created something amazing.
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hegyak wrote:
Though, Kazio Mario World is eh compared to Super Demo World the Legend Continues. Not as hard, but Demo World took the base game and created something amazing.
You are quite right about SDW. I'd honestly throw that on a cart and happily play that.. but Kaizo... um no. Nach's reasoning was very well thought out and explained and I wish to applaud that. It summates things a lot better then a lot of us could. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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With the flexibility and simplification of the rules, could this TAS be accepted today?