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Hey, my first anime was Sailor Moon at 6:30am as well, although I can't recall if it was 10 years ago, heh. DBZ was the first anime I really started watching seriously. It was fun then, but at this point I can't bring myself to watch any of it, mostly because I moved on to what I consider better anime. Honestly, I didn't think the dub sounded that bad. This could be because it was the first anime I watched both dubbed and subbed, but also it was one of the first I watched subbed. About the only thing that really sticks out to me now was that I liked Goku's japanese voice actor's screams better than Funimation's one. Oh, and I guess there's also the horrible dubbed voice for Buu. xp The one thing that really ground on my nerves when I watched it was the rediculous stalling all the damn time. It is also my opinion that, while Naruto was better than DBZ (up to the point I watched Naruto... ~episode 117), it still suffers from this problem a bit as well. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to watch it one day at a time (ignoring possible dub annoyances). While the flashbacks are probably good for watchers who missed the last episode, it still breaks the nice flow the anime had going for it, imo.
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I enjoy Dragonball a lot, although the manga is a lot better than the anime because it doesn't waste so much time. Less subplots, reaction shots, etc. BTW, as soon as I saw this topic I thought of this post and laughed a little bit.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Well, DBZ used to be my favorite back while it was still first airing in Japan. I have every single ep/movie/special. It was so unreal, there was nothing like it at the time (and even to this day). But, no, I agree that Funi did ruin it. Just everything. Don’t say I’m jumping on the wagon either, cause I used to be the biggest DBZ fan, and if you’ve watched the whole thing unedited with the original Japanese voices and bgm, then watched Funi’s, you’d be shaking your head in disappointment too. Most people bash the show because they watched Funi’s prior to the original. I’d be bashing it too if that were the case. Still, DBZ is one of the most popular shounens ever, and long-running shounens is what makes anime so great IMO. Worlds of action, adventure, epic storylines, awesome fights, unforgettable characters, the most interesting scenarios, and of course yelling out the name of your special attack before using it >D. But almost every series has its one annoying trait. DBZ has dozen-episode fights (might not be a bad thing), Naruto has the longest flashbacks, One Piece has the most filler eps, UY and Ranma are too repetative, Kenshin has 30 eps of non-manga trash, etc. My favorite series right now, and what I recommend everyone check out, is Hunter x Hunter. I think the series is the perfect length (62 eps + OVAs). It doesn’t drag on over a hundred eps, and it gives you more to watch than 26 ep series, too short IMO. Doesn’t waste time with filler eps either. So many awesome characters too. Gon, Killua, Hisoka, Ryodan. It’s also a lot more scientific than Naruto. Another reason why I like it is because its not such a theme show, like how in One Piece, all the main characters have to be pirates in a water world or in Naruto they’re ninjas in a feudal Japan like setting. Anyone of any occupation can be a hunter as long as they have the skill. The setting is a modern day society, but like the less known side of it. Ugh, I can yap on about anime all day. /me goes to work on timeattack.
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I jumped on the wagon, but then I jumped off because Funnymation does such great dubbing it's true
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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You all are forgetting one of the biggest classics of all time. Voltron. :> I'd also recommend Fruit Basket. It could easily be conveyed as a chick flick series, but it would seem to have a very strong male audience. I also back any recommendation of Trigun. The perfect blend and shift of humor, action and drama. LOVE AND PEACE! I personally didn't like Cowboy Bebop all that much. I just found it too pretentiously philosophical for its own good. People kept giving vague metaphors when asked questions, and everyone accepted them as concrete answers. Ulch.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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I never watched the entire series, but I've always wanted to... hehe dunno if I should watch sub or dub though. I like to hear English, but I hate censorship... stupid christian america ;/
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Sleepz wrote:
Well, DBZ used to be my favorite back while it was still first airing in Japan. I have every single ep/movie/special. It was so unreal, there was nothing like it at the time (and even to this day). But, no, I agree that Funi did ruin it. Just everything. Don’t say I’m jumping on the wagon either, cause I used to be the biggest DBZ fan, and if you’ve watched the whole thing unedited with the original Japanese voices and bgm, then watched Funi’s, you’d be shaking your head in disappointment too. Most people bash the show because they watched Funi’s prior to the original. I’d be bashing it too if that were the case. Still, DBZ is one of the most popular shounens ever, and long-running shounens is what makes anime so great IMO. Worlds of action, adventure, epic storylines, awesome fights, unforgettable characters, the most interesting scenarios, and of course yelling out the name of your special attack before using it >D. But almost every series has its one annoying trait. DBZ has dozen-episode fights (might not be a bad thing), Naruto has the longest flashbacks, One Piece has the most filler eps, UY and Ranma are too repetative, Kenshin has 30 eps of non-manga trash, etc. My favorite series right now, and what I recommend everyone check out, is Hunter x Hunter. I think the series is the perfect length (62 eps + OVAs). It doesn’t drag on over a hundred eps, and it gives you more to watch than 26 ep series, too short IMO. Doesn’t waste time with filler eps either. So many awesome characters too. Gon, Killua, Hisoka, Ryodan. It’s also a lot more scientific than Naruto. Another reason why I like it is because its not such a theme show, like how in One Piece, all the main characters have to be pirates in a water world or in Naruto they’re ninjas in a feudal Japan like setting. Anyone of any occupation can be a hunter as long as they have the skill. The setting is a modern day society, but like the less known side of it. Ugh, I can yap on about anime all day. /me goes to work on timeattack.
but you got to admit some of Funimations music they put in dbz was really good. My favorite part was when SS2Gohan was fighting the cell juniors.
bmecoli wrote:
I never watched the entire series, but I've always wanted to... hehe dunno if I should watch sub or dub though. I like to hear English, but I hate censorship... stupid christian america ;/
Hold off on the stupid Christian America thing, I'm offended by this you know. I am a Christian. I hope you didn't mean that. Anyway They have it uncut in english too, the dvd's have both versions on them japanese and english.
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suraimu wrote:
Home For Infinite Losers lol, yeah that was kind of stupid.
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SSVegetto wrote:
but you got to admit some of Funimations music they put in dbz was really good. My favorite part was when SS2Gohan was fighting the cell juniors.
I have both versions of that episode, and the original definitely sounded better. What really bugged was Gohan's SSJ2 transformation. That was one of the most memorable moments in anime, not to mention the greatest scream ever recorded, and they didn't even bother with bgm? The music Funi made for the show doesn't even come close to the original music. I still watch it if its on tv sometimes though. Its still DBZ.
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Sleepz wrote:
SSVegetto wrote:
but you got to admit some of Funimations music they put in dbz was really good. My favorite part was when SS2Gohan was fighting the cell juniors.
I have both versions of that episode, and the original definitely sounded better. What really bugged was Gohan's SSJ2 transformation. That was one of the most memorable moments in anime, not to mention the greatest scream ever recorded, and they didn't even bother with bgm? The music Funi made for the show doesn't even come close to the original music. I still watch it if its on tv sometimes though. Its still DBZ.
Ive seen the japanese version, and I know for a fact that the english version of SS2Gohan fighting the cell juniors has better music. I know what music you are talking about though, when Gohan goes super saiyan 2, its alright In my opinion.
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I found the small clip of it. It looks like it's been sitting in my junk folder for years now.
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yeah Ive seen it, now that I think of it , it is pretty cool, way better then the english dub. In fact most animes dont have this good music in it. Dragonball Z is the best anime made :D and still is.
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SSVegetto wrote:
In fact most animes dont have this good music in it. Dragonball Z is the best anime made :D and still is.
To say this is debatable would be an understatement... at least as far as my personal opinion goes. As for music, I can safely say I've heard better songs (and lyrics) than 'Cha La Head Cha La'. As for the anime itself... well, I'd honestly prefer watching Boobahs than DBZ. At least Boobahs has the curiousity factor, where you can't help but want to know what freaky horrors will appear next...
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Ok, I googled boobahs, and I have yet to figure out what those things are, what the show is about, and how it can compare to DBZ.
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SSVegetto, hie ye to a Suncoast or local import store (or video rental place) and get a copy of Robotech/Macross, Mobile Suit Gundam, or The Big O, quickly! I would even suggest the original Dragon Ball from Funimation, because the dubbed DBZ cuts out a lot of the humor from the original (and a lot of the violence, but that's up to your discretion).
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but you got to admit some of Funimations music they put in dbz was really good. No. No it wasn't. Casio Music =/= Really Good. At any point. Ive seen the japanese version, and I know for a fact that the english version of SS2Gohan fighting the cell juniors has better music. lolz opinions omgz! I know what music you are talking about though, when Gohan goes super saiyan 2, its alright .....You think the music to the single greatest moment in DBZ (debatable) is just 'alright'... *points* Get out. So you're saying what Funi did was good, then? To have Gohan pointlessly TALKING up to and through the very first part of the scream? Mmkay. Hearing Tamashii tai Tamashii playing as Gohan just stared there, taking in everything until the point he snapped... That SINGLE moment in the original is so much better than anything Funi's done. While I know their voice actors had to've wound up with several sore throats from yelling, their yells never had the power that the originals did. Want another comparison? Majin Vegita's suicide explosion against Fat Buu. Listen as he yells in both versions. Raspy!Dubgeta never even came close to the power.
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I have to agree; Funimation's music, for the most part, seemed like filler. Except in the parts where there was supposed to be silence, then it was a rude disruption. Although, I'd have to say the dub music for Goku turning SSJ3, combined with his throat-ripping screams, works. It gives a sense of power to that scene that is actually effective. ...but I'm still glad they didn't change the music for Dragonball, except for CUTTING OUT "MAZASE TENKAICHI" AND "WOLF HURRICANE"! They could at least have worked up a lyricless version on their Casio set, I'm sure...
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BombAHead wrote:
but you got to admit some of Funimations music they put in dbz was really good. No. No it wasn't. Casio Music =/= Really Good. At any point. Ive seen the japanese version, and I know for a fact that the english version of SS2Gohan fighting the cell juniors has better music. lolz opinions omgz! I know what music you are talking about though, when Gohan goes super saiyan 2, its alright .....You think the music to the single greatest moment in DBZ (debatable) is just 'alright'... *points* Get out. So you're saying what Funi did was good, then? To have Gohan pointlessly TALKING up to and through the very first part of the scream? Mmkay. Hearing Tamashii tai Tamashii playing as Gohan just stared there, taking in everything until the point he snapped... That SINGLE moment in the original is so much better than anything Funi's done. While I know their voice actors had to've wound up with several sore throats from yelling, their yells never had the power that the originals did. Want another comparison? Majin Vegita's suicide explosion against Fat Buu. Listen as he yells in both versions. Raspy!Dubgeta never even came close to the power.
WELL NO crap sherlock of course there opinions what else did you think they were ? Dude, I changed my opinion about that when Sleepz gave me the link, because I havent seen a lot of the japanese version and I saw glimpse of it. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD I WAS talking about when Gohan fights the Cell juniors, that funimation did a good job with the music there. When did I say funimation did good job on Gohan going super saiyan 2 ? Until I watch the entire japanese version of It then I dont really have an opinion about it. But I have seen bits and pieces of it and I love it as well. I also noticed someting in dbgt , in the lost epiosdes where that whisker dude gets really mad at trunks for touching his whiskers, and in the japanese version he gets mad and screams really loud but in the english version he hardly shows that much emotion. Funimation did a terrible job on dbgt, and the sound track is boring as heck. EDIT by feitclub: Stop shouting.
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Ugh. Toriyama should have stuck to his guns and had Goku die on Namek. THEN WE WOULDN'T BE HAVING THIS DISCUSSION.
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Do you have schizophrenia or something?
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No, he's just an anime fan. An extremely limited one, perhaps, but it's not like that's a new thing. Can everyone just take some time to cool down before posting again? SSV: Were you able to get the message I sent to you?
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Viewer wrote:
No, he's just an anime fan. An extremely limited one, perhaps, but it's not like that's a new thing. Can everyone just take some time to cool down before posting again? SSV: Were you able to get the message I sent to you?
yes I did, I'll reply in a moment.
Cherry wrote:
SSVegetto wrote:
In fact most animes dont have this good music in it. Dragonball Z is the best anime made :D and still is.
To say this is debatable would be an understatement... at least as far as my personal opinion goes. As for music, I can safely say I've heard better songs (and lyrics) than 'Cha La Head Cha La'. As for the anime itself... well, I'd honestly prefer watching Boobahs than DBZ. At least Boobahs has the curiousity factor, where you can't help but want to know what freaky horrors will appear next...
then perhaps you would like to watch teletubbys also ? LOL from what I found out its the same creator. offtopic: but you've got to read this quote its hilarious
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SSVegetto wrote:
then perhaps you would like to watch teletubbys also ? LOL from what I found out its the same creator.
I gather the irony was lost on you... 'Boobahs' is the most god-awful thing ever. Imagine Barney the Dinosaur on drugs (quite literally), and you've got a good image of it. And, yes, I do find episodes of Boobahs more interesting than the '20 minutes of bland dialogue, screaming, and punching' of DBZ.
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Cherry wrote:
SSVegetto wrote:
then perhaps you would like to watch teletubbys also ? LOL from what I found out its the same creator.
I gather the irony was lost on you... 'Boobahs' is the most god-awful thing ever. Imagine Barney the Dinosaur on drugs (quite literally), and you've got a good image of it. And, yes, I do find episodes of Boobahs more interesting than the '20 minutes of bland dialogue, screaming, and punching' of DBZ.
Congratulations you just hopped on the bandwagon and go with other people that havent seen the show and have no opinion of your own. I respect other peoples opinions but not yours.