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This game is way better then the other Lupin game, mostly because you move alot faster and it isn't as choppy, plus bubble gum.
I'm making a little test TAS now.
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
Alright, I quickly tried this game out, It can be completed in about 8 minutes, or less. Here's what I could gather from my first playthrough:
In true Lupin tradition, the game is fucked up beyond belief. While it runs at 60 fps, which is nice, any enemy will still slow the game down dramatically.
Also in Lupin tradition, everything is random, from enemies to items spawning to everything.
Items give you score. Score is important, because enough score will give you extra life, which you need for damage boosts. Every 10.000 points, a minigame is activated, which should be avoided.
Falling down bottomless pits sends you to land of hell (Hello, La-MuLANA), where you have to dodge flames. Surviving it will spawn you in the room you originally were in. Some enemies also send you there if they hit you.
The game is as caothic and inconsistent as you'd expect. It might make an interesting TAS, but I do see it being unbelievably difficult, with the game being as caothic as it is. I may get on it at some point, but not now, I think.
I've appended my first playthrough of the game, done with openMSX and reverse.
Link to video