Joined: 10/21/2010
Posts: 2
I've looked around and can't find anything suggesting anyone else is trying to make a run of this game, so I figured I might try myself. Before that, I'd like to ask whether or not anyone is interested, or has any general comments on the idea? I'd especially like some input on which game settings I should use. I've played with it a bit, and super fast cursor speeds combined with ultra-precise shot placement should make for an entertaining run, but I don't know what my goal should be exactly. I'm not even sure just how many levels the game has. (There are no walkthroughs or lists of maps, and I've never beaten it myself.) I also need to experiment and figure out exactly what the level end condition is. I'll try to post a test run of the first level or two, but it's coming up on finals week, so I'm really just gathering ideas for now.