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Okay I am just going to make a list here since there are already videos of many of the strategies, and the actual human records. Advanced 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zx0uesCvio [55.30] Advanced 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XdnGvLzIoA [Record is 55.76 with same strategy] Advanced 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ8FUuNIRMY [57.50] Advanced 7 SKIPPED BY WARP Advanced 8 SKIPPED BY WARP Advanced 9 SKIPPED BY WARP Advanced 11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghRqtgr04uc [Record is 25.21, supposedly the same strategy] Advanced 12 SKIPPED BY WARP Advanced 13 SKIPPED BY WARP Advanced 15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTVTQXh43TY&feature=related [57.61] Advanced 16 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d9wF5Uc-uo [26.35] Advanced 17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgtFOt_8c2E skip to 1:40 [Record is 54.03, same strategy] Advanced 18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydy1LgP3UiU [57.05] Advanced 19 - 24 SKIPPED Advanced 25 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xpxBKRVPK8 [57.73] Advanced 26 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_x45DqMa2I&feature=related [56.55 same strategy] Advanced 27 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sux5wz7PGD0 [26.63] Advanced 28 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W7C0_S52i8 [27.11, done using rapid pausing] Advanced 29 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAsD5juWhuU [27.55 same strategy] Extra Stage 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFhRTYW2lJE [26.71 same strategy] Extra Stage 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkAmCwLVmxk [56.60] That's all for now. Hopefully I can clean this up and find the rest of the human records :P bump
Joined: 3/11/2008
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Oh and I forget exactly how it works but if you beat expert does is carry on straight to master? If so I'd love to see a run of expert and master combined.
SMB1: Finish Expert w/o continue => game proceeds in Expert Extra Finish Expert Extra still w/o continue => game proceeds in Master. Finish Master w/o Continue => ??? (I don't think it's been done. Master 3/9!!!) So, pretty much any Expert run will need to go all the way through. And unlike in SMB2, you can't begin from Master even once you've been. Score would be boring often (and would necessarily be Warps). Now, interestingly, for Play Points it is more efficient to NOT warp. I forget how bananas score, but time score iirc is always 2x hundredths if you have more than half, and 1x else, plus a big bonus on warps.
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eternaljwh wrote:
Finish Master w/o Continue => ??? (I don't think it's been done. Master 3/9!!!)
It has been done. There are a handful of people with 9999 play points - no death, no warp runs. sdkess has even done it with all four characters! The only thing that changes is the dialog in the ending scene.
Joined: 4/18/2011
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Hey guys. Waffle told me about this speedrun and I'd like to help if possible since I love SMB and own some of the records in Advanced. I'll provide the rest of the WR strategies for the stages waffle didn't get: Advanced 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn1yA-CWw68 [58.23] Advanced 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnWEmO-ylps [55.36] Advanced 14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5WiFqCZivE [57.91] Advanced 30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqTULXuc2zY [58.68 same strategy] Extra 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-XWaTazSq8 [25.93] Extra 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft4y-9tB4Mo [27.65 - Beginner Extra 3 and Advanced Extra 4 are identical, and the strategies are the same] Extra 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTD57XeoZk4 [57.48] Hope I could help.
Joined: 3/4/2012
Posts: 74
I recently started messing around with TASing Super Monkey Ball (my first attempt at TASing mind you). So far I've found that this is a lot harder than I expected. I'm sure that's partially due to my lack of TASing skill, but I think it's also due to the fact that this game is very segmented and been extensively played over the years to perfect each stage. This results in RTAs that are nearly perfect stage wise. I'm sure there is room for improvement (especially in some of the more complex stages), but the improvements will be very small unless new pixel perfect routes or glitches can be found. I've realized that I can't do this myself. If anyone would like to try to tackle this with me I'd love it. (that goes for you too magicboy10xx if you're still around. I've seen your videos on youtube, and if you have any ideas for crazy difficult routes I'd love to try them) Using the dolphin code manager and memory watch Here's what I've found so far: (all positions in meters) Current1 Y position: 00205f34 Current1 Z position: 00205f38 Current1 X position: 00205f3c Next1 Y position: 00205e9c Next1 Z position: 00205eac Next1 X position: 00205ebc For the following values will be the same as the above values unless they are changed in some other way Next2 Y position: 00205e64 Next2 Z position: 00205e68 Next2 X position: 00205e6c (changes next frame based upon the above next positions) Current2 Y position: 00205e70 Current2 Z position: 00205e74 Current2 X position: 00205e78 The current speed will change based upon the difference between the current2 location and the next1 location. As far as I can tell the only really useful positions are the current1 and next1. Maybe with moving platforms the current2 and next2 might change things up, but I haven't tested it. Regardless, I think current1 will always be the current position. Also, changing next2 in the memory watch can move your monkey to a specific location and help determine specific coordinates you might be aiming for. 1 game unit = 1 meter = one 2x2 checkered square Next, and probably most importantly is velocity (in meter's per frame): Y velocity = 00205e7c Z velocity = 00205e80 X velocity = 00205e84 Friction takes its toll of 1% of current velocity each frame while on the ground. (I didn't find the memory address for that yet) The monkey ball is 1 meter diameter Gravity is 9.8 m/s^2 or .0098 game units/s^2 This appears to be a counter of the number of frames since the player was given control of the monkey during a stage: 001eec20 The one really useful address I haven't found yet is the current direction the camera is looking relative to the ball's location. This is useful since the ball moves relative to the direction the camera is looking. These values may be near the values needed to be used to determine that angle, however: From the camera's position, looking through the monkey: Y location the camera should try to look toward: 021EEF0c Z location the camera should try to look toward: 021EEF10 X location the camera should try to look toward: 021EEF14 FOV (default 1.333333) = 021EEF14 Camera location around the monkey (16 bit int): 021EEF1C - 00 to FF going counter clockwise around the monkey from the front 00 is right in front of the monkey looking at its face 79 is right behind the monkey looking at its butt FF is back around to the front again Lastly, according to this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj0V_scDLNo the formula for velocity after bouncing in Super Monkey Ball 2 is (0.5+sin(ImpactAngle))/2 I'm not quite sure how he found that, but it's probably similar for SMB1. Some other not so useful addresses I found while fooling around: The address to change gravity is 00205ecc. Putting it in Dolphin's AR codes makes it crash. But if you change it every frame in the memory watch in debug mode it works. The address to change your monkey ball diameter is 00205ec8. Once again this crashes AR but works in memory watch.
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Anyone still working on this? I'd be interested in seeing the progress sonicpacker and mapler made so long ago if one of you still have it. I'm thinking about starting a TAS eventually of Beginner mode as a test, and if anyone wants help I'm sure SMBSlu (www.youtube.com/user/SMBSlu) is the person to ask for it. If you can get a hold of him that is..
Joined: 3/4/2012
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Waffle wrote:
Anyone still working on this? I'd be interested in seeing the progress sonicpacker and mapler made so long ago if one of you still have it. I'm thinking about starting a TAS eventually of Beginner mode as a test, and if anyone wants help I'm sure SMBSlu (www.youtube.com/user/SMBSlu) is the person to ask for it. If you can get a hold of him that is..
I am still interested in this, but I feel like lua support is really needed for dolphin before this is really feasible. Using RAM watch to keep track of speed just doesn't work. If there is another way to watch speed frame by frame outside of Dolphin then that would be cool. Also, I got discouraged trying to beat the B2 RTA WR. I can't figure out how packattack broke the goal line while entering so high on the goal. I've gotten 57.6x on B2, but when I try to enter the goal at a higher spot like packattack did I just can't break the goal line. So, I've moved on to other things, but I'd be willing to work on this more over the summer possibly.
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Cheat engine should work fine to watch speed.
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rog wrote:
Cheat engine should work fine to watch speed.
Can I watch multiple values at once? I just remember trying to go back and forth between multiple memory addresses to check the value for each one each frame. I might just be using it wrong.
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John11 wrote:
Can I watch multiple values at once?
Of course.
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If I remember correctly, there is a speed gauge in the game somewhere in the bottom corner. Unless that isn't helpful to you. You can always just go for fastest in-game time if getting each level perfect to the frame is too hard, or not possible or whatever. For B2, going through the side of the "goal ball" is a glitch that only works sometimes in SMB1. I guess just keep trying different directions near the end to get the goal tape the break.
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Here's a WIP (please ignore the sound desync): Link to video
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Nahoc, Wootz. That's a Yes vote right there. Broke any game rule and engine restriction for that. Awesome.
When TAS does Quake 1, SDA will declare war. The Prince doth arrive he doth please.
Joined: 7/2/2007
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This is gonna be an awesome TAS when it's done. :) Keep it up!
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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Very awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing more.
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Very sexy Nahoc! I'm glad you're working on this. I doubt I could do it justice.
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Hah great to see you're doing this :D
TASes: [URL=http://tasvideos.org/Movies-298up-Obs.html]Mr. Nutz (SNES), Young Merlin 100% (SNES), Animaniacs 100% (SNES)[/URL]
Joined: 11/21/2006
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I'll be honest. E6 and E7 were incredibly awesome. The first three stages were... not. First off, it looks like you don't know about boosting, which is simply holding up-left or up-right at the beginning of a stage; this is the first video I found of B1, which is a pretty good example. Even so, they can still be improved a lot. The E1 record is 28.35, I don't know the best red goal time for E2 but I've personally gotten 26.40, and there is a much faster strat for suiciding on E5 (though that was still really slow for the strat you used). I'll try to provide videos for each of them later today. Also why are you using Aiai, Baby is clearly superior. :(
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Miles wrote:
I'll be honest. E6 and E7 were incredibly awesome. The first three stages were... not. First off, it looks like you don't know about boosting, which is simply holding up-left or up-right at the beginning of a stage; this is the first video I found of B1, which is a pretty good example. Even so, they can still be improved a lot. The E1 record is 28.35, I don't know the best red goal time for E2 but I've personally gotten 26.40, and there is a much faster strat for suiciding on E5 (though that was still really slow for the strat you used). I'll try to provide videos for each of them later today. Also why are you using Aiai, Baby is clearly superior. :(
Thanks Miles. I've never played this game so I know nothing about it. Cosmo linked me to this page after I posted this testrun which should give me nice goals to beat. Can't wait to see your videos; they'll surely help me a lot!
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Posting in this thread after a 7 year wait to say I'm unreasonably excited about this game finally getting some TAS attention :)
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X9yZCf3mNM E2 and E5 are improvable, I'm sure, but they're a good demonstration of the strat at least. E1 is probably maxed but who knows. I can provide a replay file of E1 if you want, not sure if that would help.
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Miles wrote:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X9yZCf3mNM E2 and E5 are improvable, I'm sure, but they're a good demonstration of the strat at least. E1 is probably maxed but who knows. I can provide a replay file of E1 if you want, not sure if that would help.
I think it would, yes. I can only get .33 for now.
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Wish the forum had attachments, would've made this a lot simpler... Oh well.
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I'm surprised Nahoc's WIP isn't getting any backlash after the score vs. time discussion. I for one still think time is more entertaining for a TAS so I'm glad he picked that category. Good luck Nahoc!
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Actually, I still think scoring makes this game an order of magnitude more spectacular because, instead of going from A to B, more exciting route variation can be seen. But meh, beggars can't be choosers.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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