Hi, I'm starting a TAS on this game, since I feel it's a good choice due to its variety of level and enemy design over contemporaries like Blake Stone and Wolfenstein 3D, the sheer movement speed, and of course, the unique music for each level.
I'm using labfull.zip available at the official site
here. Files deleted for the img file: helpme.doc, hints.txt, ken.exe, readme.txt, sav*.dat. hiscore.dat can be deleted but the game will skip the high score screen at the end of each level, which is against the rules. ken.exe is deleted because kensbfix.exe doesn't crash with digital sound.
That said, I have a few issues/questions.
- The game runs OK in 320x200 mode. However, there is a 360x240 mode that I would like to use, but it has minor graphic glitching at the top of the screen. If I can't fix that, should I just do the run in 320x200?
- Early in level 1, there is a slot machine. It is possible to manipulate this and win the jackpot (1 coin -> 200 coins), though it is very difficult (1 in 4096, so I'll give up if it can't be forced). Payout is given 1 coin at a time, and it keeps going even if you complete the level before the payout finishes. If going for fastest time on the boss levels, I will need 6 ammo (more ammo = faster firing rate). However, the jackpot payout sound becomes annoying after a while because it takes about 1 minute to complete the payout. If going for winning the jackpot 3 times in a row, the viewer will hear "ding ding" for 3 minutes, which may ruin entertainment value. Should I just avoid the slot machines altogether? Example of the "ding ding"
- You can purchase cloaks at the vending machines for 5 coins, which grant invulnerability for 30 seconds. These stack. When combined with a slot machine win, I could purchase many of them at once and make most enemies trivial. (only holes and walking holes can kill you when you have a cloak) As you can go through enemies in this game, invulnerability would drastically shorten level completion time. Should I do this, or would it ruin entertainment value?
this link states that the latest version is r11.2. However, the repository has an r11.7. I tried compiling this on my own and got errors. Could someone create a Windows binary for me and update that resource page? Thanks!