I've been back at it the last few days as I'm preparing to finally put together a tutorial video as well. At the same time, I'm also trying to get the quality that YouTube re-encodes to be as high as possible which puts me in this kind of workflow:
1. Export Atlas Video from After Effects (Uncompressed, scaled to 2160p)
2. Encode export in Any Video Converter (H.264, 8,000 bitrate, AAC, 2160p)
3. Upload .MP4 to YouTube
This does appear to enhance the resolution from YouTube playback. Here's some comparisons between the original upload (DivX, 1080p) with a remastered version (H.264, 2160p).
Here's 480p:
Here's a 720p comparison:
And finally 1080p at fullscreen:

Enhanced resolution
Artifacts more present
Colorspace incorrect?
Glitchy visuals (watch
this between 1:15 and 1:25 for example)
Obviously I can't control how YouTube re-encodes uploads, but I'm hoping to at least stop the glaring glitches while hopefully maintaining the sharper resolution. I've got more testing to do like doubling the bitrate or trying 60fps, but I'm not so sure about which options to use for H.264 with Any Video Converter. I'm thinking this is where I'm doing something wrong as each new "remastered" video I upload with this workflow causes YouTube to double the total runtime (it plays through once fine, then starts over with no sound). When I get out of work I will post the default H.264 options being used:
I must be doing something wrong so if anybody has any suggestions and wants to give me a hand please chime in!