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Why isn't that already in Dolphin? If loading a different state crashes, whats the point of them being stored together? Seems kinda important to me.
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
Seems legit.
Player (129)
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I don't think anyone else ever actually switches back and forth between the two.
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Lol, I guess. I just can't do all the testing fast enough on LLE. And don't even think about mentioning... console testing.
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
Seems legit.
Active player (322)
Joined: 1/15/2012
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I was wondering... Would it be possible to add an ASCII keyboard or any keyboard in the controller supported by Dolphin ? With a TAS input and stuff ? I know this is something really specific (Phantasy Star Online), so this is just a question, not a request. I don't plan to run this game right now anyway :)
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Wiimote recording seems much, much, much more consistent after some recent fixes. It seems that with no save states, it syncs perfectly, and even with save states it now syncs most of the time. Anyone who's interested, test it out, and let me know how it syncs, including when playing back with read only from a save state. Builds are at By the way, tasing with this now, my experience has been that when playing back a movie with read only from a save state, it'll either desync right away, or sync perfectly, so even if you still get desyncs (i am still getting a fair bit, but still much less than before), it may not be necessary to play back from the start to find them, and just have a save state before a section that you know is prone to desyncs, and is confirmed to sync from the start, then if it syncs through there, it'll probably sync the rest of the way. And if it doesn't, then it'll probably also desync when played back from the start. Obviously you should still check sync from the start often, but this can get less and less practical as a movie gets longer, so it's good to be able to check sync from a save state.
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From what I understand, lua was once integrated into Dolphin (even if it was poorly done). Would it be a large task to bring it back, if only to read values, do pre-determined inputs based upon those, and to load/save states? Of course it would need to have the inputs saved to the .dtm. It sounds like it would be quite a large task, but it would greatly benefit most, if not all, Dolphin TASers (specifically me). I know very little on this and so I'm assuming it is possible to export those specific functions. If not, I'll have to see how much it is possible to manipulate using cheat engine. I doubt it would be possible to frame advance or use savestates though.
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
Seems legit.
Player (129)
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Find what revision it was removed in, and maybe i could take a look at the code. If it's not too hard to fix (i know nothing about lua), maybe i could.
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The last revision I could find it in is r7049. The next available revision is r7058. Either it was removed, or it was moved to some spot I can't find. It does fit the time frame in the issue, where on Feb 3, 2011 it is said that lua had been removed. I believe lua was originally added in an unofficial build 4525, which I cannot find (some info here: Edit: Here's the changelog for removing Lua:
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
Seems legit.
Player (129)
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void DontWorryLua() // everything's going to be OK
haha Don't expect anything soon, but i'll take a shot at it.
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Yeah, I noticed a todo about investigating a memory leak from loading states... Seems like fun. If only I could find a list of all the lua functions that were available for Dolphin, even if they didn't function properly.
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
Seems legit.
Player (129)
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That memory leak is long fixed. See line 1241 LuaInterface.cpp.
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Oh my, this looks ridiculous. There is no need for you to put yourself through this. I'm sure a lot of it is outdated and it just seems like too much work for a single person. I may take a crack at implementing specific features though. Only very basic things. Considering I know neither language, it should end horribly. I understand why it was scrapped. Seems like it was an all or nothing decision though, as I'm sure some basic things worked fine, considering how it lasted several years. At its current state, assuming it builds fine and gives no errors, do you think it would be able to write to a movie and sync? Also, would just adding lua cause desyncs to existing movies?
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
Seems legit.
Player (129)
Joined: 12/3/2011
Posts: 1579
lol, it won't even build as is. A lot of stuff has changed.
Also, would just adding lua cause desyncs to existing movies?
Of course not.
Player (129)
Joined: 12/3/2011
Posts: 1579 It builds, but i disabled a number of things to get it to. I also haven't tested it at all.
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Sweet! I'll test in as soon as I finish my homework lol. Also, how would I apply this to my current build?
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
Seems legit.
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If anyone could provide a 32bit build with lua at some point I would like to test!
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It doesn't work right now.
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I really hate to pressure you, but I want to get back to work on TWW and I don't have the patience to do several thousand rerecords on a single superswim and spend several hours optimizing it, an i have around 80 left... I'm currently on spring break and would like to be productive. If there could be any way you could fix the crashing I would be more than happy to try to get input working for hours and hours. I know I sound really nagging right now, but I have no chance of optimizing this bullshit without some form of automation.
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
Seems legit.
Player (129)
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Get on irc.
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asutoro wrote:
エラーは無くなりました。しかし、desyncが発生するようになりました。 ゲームとのdesyncでは無く、dolphin側のdesyncと考えます。 何回もstate saveやstate loadを行なうと、ムービーファイルに入力されたコントローラーデータの一部だけ記録されていませんでした。 何回も発生するので、ズレるたびに修正するのは手間がかかります。 この不具合は直らないのでしょうか?
日本語では伝わりにくいので、画像にしてみました。(数値や画面はフィクションです。) どちらもムービーファイルをエクスポートした結果です。 私は過去に修正されたこの箇所が気になります。これらと同じタイミングで起こっている可能性があります。
Unhandled Exception
  Code: 0x80000003
Call stack info: 
     KERNELBASE!0x75853E2E : DebugBreak
Operation related to TAS of N64/GC/Wii/PS2 emulator is often investigated.
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ごめん、私はあなたの画像がりかいしていません。 それは何をゲームですか?
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RachelB wrote:
ごめん、私はあなたの画像がりかいしていません。 それは何をゲームですか?
GC/Wiiどちらでも発生します。ゲームの種類は関係ありません。 ドルフィン側の問題です。 最初の画像はこの不具合が直される前のバージョンによる結果なので、画像ではエラー画面が出ています。
Unhandled Exception 
  Code: 0x80000003 
Call stack info: 
     KERNELBASE!0x75853E2E : DebugBreak
2枚目の画像は不具合修正したバージョンでの結果です。 修正したバージョンはステートセーブやロードを繰り返すことでムービーファイルのデータが欠損しています。
Operation related to TAS of N64/GC/Wii/PS2 emulator is often investigated.
Player (129)
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何をデータが欠損していますか? 最新バージョンは正しく動作しますか? から
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RachelB wrote:
何をデータが欠損していますか? 最新バージョンは正しく動作しますか? から
movieファイルの1flameだけの入力が欠損します。(Wiimoteも同じ) 最新バージョンはまだ試していません。 avi_sync_hackはとてもいいオプションなのですが、 元々はflamedumpがレンタリングしてないflameをdumpしてくれないのが一番悪いと思います。 他のエミュレータでは全てのflameをダンプする仕様が基本なのですが、ドルフィンは前代未聞です。
Operation related to TAS of N64/GC/Wii/PS2 emulator is often investigated.