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Hello TASVideos, Here's a long time lurker (like 3 years or so) who decided to finally learn how to TAS and give back to the community. I must admit at first I was clueless as how to even enter frame advance mode, but thanks to the guides I made it through. So let's get on to bussiness, I'm such a fanboy of this game (and the secuels) I decided to start with this game. I beat it like 4 years ago but I'm familiar enough with it as I got the closest to 100% map completion I could get, and when you dedicate that much time to one particular game it's hard to forget. It helps though that there's this awesome fan page (on japanese, you guess it) that has all the maps and item locations for it ( that will serve me well for route planning. I think this game has potential for TASing, as this game on the fastest speed (changed conveniently as soon as the game stars) is not that slow. I have known of people who have thrown this game off just by its somewhat slow normal speed, without knowing you can change it. Also there's several decisions to be made involving resource management and route planning (eg. Which items to get, which monsters to kill) for optimal speed, aside from the standard first possible frame input and luck manipulation. Here's a WIP for the first 3 levels of the game (There are 40+ levels of increasing difficulty): What do you think? By what you've seen, worth a shot? ***************************************** Some technical stuff Jumping (4 pixels/frame) is always better than walking (2 pixels/frame) as long the path is equal to 4 or more squares before you have to turn. This means: turn (takes 10 frames), jump, turn is not faster than strafe walking if there's 3 or less squares to be walked in a double turn on the map. Superjump Sadly, this is only a graphical bug as far as I've investigated it, because you're still on the same position on the map if you verify it. To do it, after using a sledgehammer on a weakened wall, there's a lag that will come from ~15 to ~31 (variable) frames after it, as anything you do as walking or jumping will delay the lag . Point is you have to be on jumping animation and value 24 (2 bytes) on address 7E42D2 when it comes, you'll notice it because the value will get stuck more frames than usual (2). If you done it right you will apparently jump 3 squares instead of 2 and can enter inside of walls you face front, however, as I said, this is only a graphical bug because your position on the map is the same and will turn off as soon as you turn. This bug is featured on the WIP around frame ~13780. It's a shame this didn't grant me abilty to pass through walls. Useful addresses so far (Data size: 2 bytes) 7E42D2 = Remaining pixels to walk/jump vertically. Y speed is figured from this. When jumping value 0 is the first possible frame to input again. When walking, 4 or 1020 (depending on direction). 7E42D0 = Remaining pixels to walk horizontally. X speed is figured from this. When walking value 4 or 1020 (depending on direction) is the first possible frame to input again. 7E0596 = Current exp. 7E0590 = Arm strenght. 7E058D = Luck (stat). Loops up/down, no apparent way to manipulate it until I get a certain item.
Current project: Brandish (SNES) - Progress: Fortress 4F
Player (218)
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A nice job, but what I'm more concerned about is game choice. Seems to me like things could get repetitive, especially since the look of the areas only changes once every 7-10 areas (or something like that). Personally I liked the WIP but I think we need to hear the opinions of those who haven't played the game much (Hopefully they won't just pass over this thread when they see the name). You could go ahead and TAS it, but don't be too surprised if it's rejected. I suppose that if that happens someone could still put it up on Youtube, though.
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Posts: 8
Right, just to make it clear I'm making this TAS with no expectations as to wheter it will be published but rest assured I'll try. Will at least give me some experience. edit: 3 more areas completed, here's the WIP: By the way, I'm using snes9x 1.51 rerecording v6 svn 113. I edited this on the post because I didn't see on the rules what's the policy for this type of threads (like, you may make a double post if you are posting new progress, or you edit it on the first post). Being considered as a spammer it's the least thing I want. As far as new glitches go, only thing I could figure out is that pressing ground switches induce lag too, most notably the ones that open a door. I took advantage of this fact at frame 22626, where being on "lag state" (the screen even went black for 2 frames) let me survive a spell. Also if you jump 4 frames before an arrow hits you, Varik (the main character) will be invulnerable to that arrow and even others as long as he's on the jumping animation. Important things to mention is that on area 5 the warp magic is banned, and on area 6 you can't rest (Pressing L+R will turn the screen black and heal hp & mana faster, but if you get hit while doing this you'll receive much more damage). edit 2: New WIP - I completed all Ruins (10 areas + foot of tower), now going to Tower: Might as well not post any more WIPs until I complete the game unless someone be interested in progress. But if I encounter any new glitches I'll surely post them. For now I'm satisfied that I discovered a slight improvement on map movement optimization soon enough (when I use the warp magic). To optimize it, you need to change the direction the yellow arrow goes every 3 frames. edit 3: Sorry guys college being a bitch lately. Definitely gonna finish TAS but progress will be much slower than I've been doing so far. Current progress will be always shown on topic name.
Current project: Brandish (SNES) - Progress: Fortress 4F
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So no progress on this mario? Despite how it may seem, there's generally at least one person on the forum who's interested in any specific tas, even if they don't actively voice said interest (in this case, it would be me).
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I have been encouraging players to finish their movies of not-so-popular games, but usually made no difference in the end. Anyhow, I am looking forward to this run.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
Joined: 7/10/2007
Posts: 280
I agree, a TAS of this would be pretty amazing looking (as I never figured out how to optimize levelling for boss purposes) - if you could manipulate Power gains, that'd be excellent.
Player (71)
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That was a weird game. Totally unplayable for me. :D The controls are just outrageous. I would also like to see this TAS to made done please.
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Posts: 8
Hey guys, No new progress as of now still, but that's only because I should be really focusing on my studies now. However, winter break wil start soon (~1 month) and I'll most likely get to finish it at last.
Current project: Brandish (SNES) - Progress: Fortress 4F
Joined: 7/30/2010
Posts: 8
Winter break, good news! Finally I get to finish this. Now it's completed up to Dark Zone 1. No new glitches, besides if you walk 4 frames before you would get hit, you don't, works almost the same as jumping. This is applied to avoid some bats, shoriuken hits. WIP:
Current project: Brandish (SNES) - Progress: Fortress 4F
Player (218)
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I haven't played the game in quite a while so I don't have any real input on saving time, although I must say that fight with the Cave boss took a while. I suppose that can't be helped?
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zidanax wrote:
I haven't played the game in quite a while so I don't have any real input on saving time, although I must say that fight with the Cave boss took a while. I suppose that can't be helped?
Yeah, I'm sorry I forgot to clarify that. The ninja boss has 180 hp. To train the arm strenght to get decent hits on him, would be more time consuming and not to mention repetitive to the viewer. There's an sword with 24 more base atk and 30 uses 2 rooms before the boss tough, I'll go ahead and see if it's better to get it and edit the post with the result. Of course, the actions of the boss are manipulated as much as possible, sometimes I needed to wait a bit of time just so he turned and I get a free hit, others waiting a frame or two to hit him for 2 instead of 1. (There's a few times where I couldn't get the 2) edit: Actually my arm strenght is so low by this stage of the game I still keep hitting 1's and 2's with the better sword. Not to mention I'm just level 4 when I fight the boss too, my base strenght hasn't increased either. A shame. edit2: Further testing has shown me it might be worth getting it after all. I paused the game some few hits before the boss would be dead, went back to get the sword and hit him, managing to get a 22. I'll redo the boss fight considering that, and see if it's faster.
Current project: Brandish (SNES) - Progress: Fortress 4F
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Posts: 8
I applied the changes mentioned below and saved 2490 frames! Thanks zidanax for highlighting the battle was so long, I didn't think getting a better weapon would make a difference with the arm strenght I have. And it didn't, until I equip it on the current WIP, I could make it to do damage of 2+. Damage depends on the frame you input the attack, so I guess it has to do with the RNG too. Newest WIP, now it's completed until Fortress 1F:
Current project: Brandish (SNES) - Progress: Fortress 4F
Joined: 2/24/2010
Posts: 153
I'd like to see this done if only because I don't want to have to play it through myself >_> Such a ridiculous game... The cut scenes are pretty sweet though. Too bad the in game graphics looks about what you'd expect for a port from a family computer somethere between the NES and early SNES in capabilities.
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Hey Uncle Mario, and progress update on this run?
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Sincerely I haven't worked on it, since I got to mandatory bosses (3) each with 200 HP on the same room :/ Varik only hits 1-2 HP to them so... Realizing how painful it would be for the viewer I tried to glitch out of the room without result... I'll finish it sometime as I'm approaching 1st year anniversary of starting it :) yeah maybe that would be the perfect excuse :P
Current project: Brandish (SNES) - Progress: Fortress 4F
Editor, Skilled player (1208)
Joined: 9/27/2008
Posts: 1085
Your run has caught my interest. So I made my own start into the game. I am roughly 2586 frames ahead at the start of Ruins Area 3, with about 2100 of it due to a different route through Ruins Area 1. There is a forced wait at each door. One is stuck waiting about 5 frames every time. During this wait, one can shift the inventory selection to an adjacent item slot, or take a nap for 3 frames, without wasting time. Napping like this restores, by my estimation, 3/4 of an HP and 9 extra units of mana regeneration (with 5 Knowledge, you need 75 units for 1 MP, and you generally restore 1 unit at a fairly rapid rate). It also freezes the luck counter as well. With the new route I picked through Ruins Area 1, I pick up a 10-use Sledgehammer. Judging from your run, this alone will last me exactly long enough to reach Foot of Tower, but no further. Luckily, there is a treasure chest in the area containing another 10-use Sledgehammer just a few steps out of the way. Watching the rest of your run, this appears to be enough to last the remainder of the game. This is knowledge I would not have had without your current run. Understandably, you overbought these things without knowing if you got enough, but now we know more. I recall not doing a whole lot of damage against that trio of bosses in Fortress 4F in a normal run of this game. I take it even a Blade of Muramasa isn't helping you deal more than 2 damage? Seems we're just going to have to deal with the long battle, then. If you want a TASing partner, I think I can handle working through this game. Although, I do have other TAS projects I probably should be working on anyway, my interests tend to drift everywhere. This is my fancy memory watch, in lua script form: Download Brandish.lua
Language: lua

local R1u= memory.readbyte local R2u= memory.readword local R4u= memory.readdword local R1s= memory.readbytesigned local R2s= memory.readwordsigned local R4s= memory.readdwordsigned --***************************************************************************** local function GuiTextRight(x,y,str,c1,c2) --***************************************************************************** str= tostring(str) x= x - (#str)*4 gui.text(x,y,str,c1,c2) end --***************************************************************************** local function StatAndExp(x,y,addr,str) --***************************************************************************** GuiTextRight( x,y,R1u(addr)) gui.text( x,y,string.format(".%2d",R1u(addr+1)),0xC0C0C0FF) local Growth= R2u(addr+0x17FA) if Growth ~= 0 then GuiTextRight(x+12,y+7, "+" .. Growth, 0x00FFFFFF) else gui.text(x,y+7,str,0xFFFF00FF) end end --***************************************************************************** local function StatAndMax(x,y,addr) --***************************************************************************** GuiTextRight( x,y,R1u(addr)) gui.text( x,y,string.format("/%3d",R1u(addr+1)),0xC0C0C0FF) end --***************************************************************************** local function DumpStats() --***************************************************************************** StatAndMax( 88,200,0x7E0589) -- HP StatAndMax(220,200,0x7E058B) -- MP GuiTextRight(236,192,R2u(0x7E1D97),0xC0FFC0FF) StatAndMax(120,214,0x7E058D) -- Luck gui.text(120,207,"Luck",0xFFFF00FF) GuiTextRight(148,207,R2s(0x7E1D9B),0xC0C0C0FF) local clr= 0xFFFF00FF if R2s(0x7E1D9B) > 0 then clr= 0x00FF00FF end GuiTextRight(148,214,R2u(0x7E1D99),clr) StatAndExp( 20,210,0x7E058F,"Arm") -- Arm Strength 0x7E1D89 StatAndExp( 50,210,0x7E0591,"Kno") -- Knowledge StatAndExp( 80,210,0x7E0593,"MgE") -- Magic Endurance StatAndExp(200,210,0x7E0595,"Lvl") -- Level GuiTextRight(256, 0,R4u(0x7E43C2)) -- Gold on hand end gui.register(DumpStats)
Alas, it's only a fancy memory watch. Doesn't do things like calculate the RNG or predict the enemy actions.
Joined: 7/10/2007
Posts: 280
Just want you guys to know, you have a very interested observer waiting eagerly for this TAS! Best of luck! I think one major thing to figure out would be the optimal Arm Strength building spot...
Editor, Skilled player (1208)
Joined: 9/27/2008
Posts: 1085
Each enemy has a specific EXP value associated with it. Whatever is being built up uses the difference of this specific value and whatever the level of the thing you're building up. The "armored dwarf" things leading up to the boss of Ruins is 30 EXP. The "wizard clone" battle is also 30 EXP. The "giant scorpion" boss is 50 EXP. With an Arm Strength of 5, I will, at first, gain 25 EXP per hit against the "wizard clone" (30 - 5; 30 from base EXP, the 5 from Arm Strength), then the boss will provide a healthy dose of Arm Strength (50 - whatever AS I have then, per hit). Once Arm Strength is properly boosted like this, there aren't really any monsters that will serve to boost it quite like that again. At least, not in the Tower. The bosses of Tower Top only have a base EXP of 50, which with a heightened Arm Strength, looks less appealing. I'm probably more encouraged to get repeated 1 damage against that boss at Foot of Tower. For whatever reason, the game slowly allocates EXP rather than giving it all right away, meaning I can get a decent boost as though I still have a low amount of Arm Strength, until the boss perishes. Uncle Mario's TAS demonstrates this, as the "Arm Strength increased" messages keep coming for a while. The luck stat gradually goes up and down, between 0 and some maximum, inclusive. The fastest way to change it is to sit still and do nothing, but it's at least 100 frames before it changes one point. There is a maximum value your luck can go to, and this is based on your level. Unfortunately, building levels means you have a higher maximum MP, and that's more MP you must recover between teleports. Levels do nothing for MP recovery -- Knowledge is what affects recovery. Besides that, in order to build levels, you need to actually kill stuff to be awarded EXP towards level. Arm Strength just needs you to beat stuff up, kills are optional. There's a few long-range plans that will be affected by what I do early on. In particular, I may want to pick up a few Hardening Potions if I plan to use one of those fragile Blade of Muramasa. 20 extra hits ain't bad. I might want to try out Fire Magic against the ninja boss, but this naturally requires a few tests (Leather Shield is no good against those shurikens). Hard to say what's the best path, but I really need more information about that boss trio before I get in too deep.
Joined: 7/30/2010
Posts: 8
Good job identifying these optimizations. Albeit I knew already up until Ruins 6F the TAS was a bit choppy(not anything major, the reason why I didn't restarted) because I was just starting TASing. I'd be surprised if you find any major optimizations past that. You are right I bought too many sledgehammers. I did a misscalculation when I looked at the maps I mentioned at the first post and did my route planning. You are free to use my TAS up until this last point I recorded: I don't have problems sharing the credits as I really don't have time anymore to continue with this, even if I'm just a few levels from the final battle. If you do plan to start from scratch and do your own run then good luck. I'll check this some time from now to see what you decide. From the top of my head, I recall doing a test with blade of muramasa on the lobster bosses. It did start doing more than 2 dmg at the 60~65 arm strength mark. However, I don't think the time it takes going for the blade and the hardeners you'll need for it is less than it takes to kill the bosses at 1-2 hp for hit. When I wanted to test that I didn't have the time for it anymore.
Current project: Brandish (SNES) - Progress: Fortress 4F
Editor, Skilled player (1208)
Joined: 9/27/2008
Posts: 1085
So that's how you got the key on Fortress 3F... Using an Invisibility Potion! I was tripped up by that for a bit. I'm looking at the various bosses right now. Ruins Area 10, Wizard battle: Most likely I'll just punch. 5 Arm Strength isn't going to do much. Foot of Tower, Giant Crab battle: I can either manipulate 1s or 2s. 1s for a longer battle with better Arm Strength gains, or 2s for a faster battle here but slower fights later. Hrm... Tower Top, Two sword-guys battle: Some decent greater-than-2 damage numbers showed up in your run. A built-up Arm Strength will certainly benefit well here. Cave B1, Ninja: That thing looks ANNOYING to fight. He'll hold still and throw shurikens if you keep some distance, and Fire Magic does work against him, and can be used fairly quick. Whether bothering with Knowledge and the benefits of faster magic regeneration for warping around and ease of burning the ninja outweighs the necessary collection of said magic, armor to fully block those shurikens, and lower Arm Strength for later... Besides, collecting M.Potions counters the need for Knowledge... Leaning towards not bothering with the magic. Fortress 4F, 3 lobster bosses: Our current wall. Fire Magic is useless here anyway, as they're immune to the spell. A towering amount of Arm Strength is needed even with the best weapon available, and they don't really give the EXP for it (These 3 value at 67, you say we need over 60 AS. Going from 60 to 61 takes about 14 hits; 64 to 65 takes 33). In short, have fun seeing a 2 pop up for 300 hits, eh? I checked to see how long it takes to get Fire Magic. About 1000 frames. Doesn't look like it'll be easy to make up for that frame loss. I found the RNG, located in 4 bytes starting at 7E021F. I haven't worked out its details. If I feel ready to dedicate some of my time to this run, I will certainly make a run from scratch. There are enough optimizations I can do.
Post subject: brandish wip: youtube + video file
Post subject: Re: brandish wip: youtube + video file
Editor, Skilled player (1208)
Joined: 9/27/2008
Posts: 1085
antd wrote:
Your YouTube description is incorrect! In only three words, no less! It's not Uncle Bob, it's Uncle Mario (Unless there's an alternate name I'm unaware of). But thanks for keeping up on pasting WIPs onto YouTube as usual. I really do enjoy seeing such availability. Your time is appreciated.
Editor, Skilled player (1208)
Joined: 9/27/2008
Posts: 1085 Look at what I coughed up! Manipulation is a bit poor in places. I kind of didn't want to TAS through large areas because the last moment I could manipulate luck is at the start of the floor. Still, good ways to manipulate luck would be waiting at the previous floor, delaying a bit when confirming your warp, interacting with an enemy, or in the odd case of Ruins Area 5, delay before a loading zone. The RNG is found in two words, at 0x7E021F and 0x7E0221. Actually, it's mostly just 0x7E0221, as 0x7E021F appears to be a scratch address to help generate a new RNG. Basically, 0x7E0221 is left-shifted one bit, and bits 0 and 14 (before this left-shift) are XOR'd to determine the new bit coming in. 0x7E021F is just 0x7E0221 rotated left once XOR 0x7E0221 rotated right once. As for how the RNG is used... That I haven't looked into, yet. I plan to use my Saber against the archers in one room of the Tower. Then it's to be ditched for two Falchions to break against the two bosses of the Tower. I will try the Ramela armor to see if it allows me to shield against their attacks safely. The Ramela alone is also enough to help block ninja shurikens later, at least according to some earlier test of mine. Most of the interesting planning isn't down in the Tower or Cave, but up in the Fortress. Tower: Beat bosses with Falchion x20 and Falchion x30. Minimize hits dealt to keep Arm Strength low. Cave: Block shurikens and smash him with Fire Magic. Keeps Arm Strength low. Boosts Knowledge to the skies. Needs lots of M.Potions. Fortress: Now this is where our little vortex of planning needs to go... First off, I need exactly three Rings of Life: * One will be burnt getting past the gap in Fortress 3F. * Another shall be spent for a nifty shortcut in Fortress 4F (sadly, still can't skip the battle) * One last ring needed to get past Fortress Top thanks to yet another deadly gap. There are seven rings to find in the game: #1 - Starter ring #2 - Ruins Area 9 : Slightly out of the way #3 - Tower 4F : Almost right along the path! #4 - Cave B9 : Not even close... #5 - Dark-Zone 2 : Somewhat distant #6 - Fortress 2F : Inaccessible, impossible to get without death! #7 - Fortress 3F : Next door to key item. Snatch it! Obviously #1 will be in my inventory. #3 is lovely as I only need to travel four more tiles to get it. #7 is guarded by the same line of monsters as a necessary key, and these I plan to train on anyway. #2 is a good candidate to pick up, in case I need a fourth or #7 proves more troublesome than expected. Oh, that shortcut? Falling in a pit has some sort of weird mechanics in that if you attempt to jump out right away before you die in it, you will collapse while floating over the hole. Once revived, you can then interact with doors like normal, despite the adjacent pit. I already tried the lobster door, hoping they didn't lock it due to presence of pits, but... Seems those programmers had a backup plan and locked it anyway. Nuts. Next, the three lobsters in the fortress. I plan to get lots of Arm Strength backed by a Blade of Muramasa for it. Honestly, if potent strength plus the second best weapon in the game can't cut through that defense, we may as well give up on any hope of punching through with decent damage. More Luck would help, but that's based on your level, and we're not getting much of that. The Blade can be found sitting in a chest through some secret passages in Fortress 4F. It has 10 hits on it. I need Hardening Potions if that thing's going to last. Each Hardening Potion is worth 10 to 20 hits at random (Quick! Manipulate 20s!). Fortress 1F has a 2-use Hardening Potion in reach without even stepping off the path, and Fortress 3F has a 3-use Hardening Potion very close by. 110 hits with that Blade now! As for the experience necessary for 99 Arm Strength, I'm well aware that enemies give a whopping 1 per hit long before you have 99. But that's if you have around 70 Arm Strength. You see, your stats are allocated a point of experience every frame or so instead of all at once, so while I'm swiftly punching something, the hundreds of EXP I'll build up won't have increased my Arm Strength yet, meaning I can still gain EXP like a low level despite having enough for a high level. It'll also look ridiculous watching that message come up again and again. And then some more. And still showing up even more. You'll wonder when it'll stop. Or, at least, Knowledge will have that effect most pronounced from the ninja battle. For this sort of growth, my best shot would be to minimize my Arm Strength and poke at the highest EXP enemy I can find. The four Arachness guarding a needed key and a useful Ring of Life each have a value of 70. Starting from 35 Arm Strength, each hit would be worth 35 EXP, until I level up. To survive, I need lots of Invisibility Potions. Punching at maximum speed, 6 time-units of Invisibility Potion is eaten and 12 EXP is allocated. One potion gives 50 time-units, enough for 8 hits. I can also make roughly 8 hits before the game finally allocates EXP needed for one full level. So although I can start with making 35+ EXP per hit, by the end, I might only be getting 10 or so. With this in mind, 13 doses of Invisibility Potion would be worth only 30 Arm Strength, starting from 35. 23 doses will get a more favorable Arm Strength, but then I'd have to buy the extra 10 from somewhere. 65 Arm Strength isn't quite enough, so I may need those extra doses. Here's a short list of guesses from starting Arm Strength to ending Arm Strength:
40 : +34 > 74
39 : +36 > 75   Using 23 doses of
38 : +38 > 76   Invisibility Potion
37 : +40 > 77   and getting in as
36 : +42 > 78   many hits as I can.
35 : +44 > 79
34 : +46 > 80
33 : +47 > 80
32 : +49 > 81
31 : +51 > 82
30 : +53 > 83
See why I want to keep my Arm Strength as low as possible? The lower I start, the higher I'll end. Still, these are rough guesses, but every level counts, I think. The maze will be fun to navigate, if I ever get there...
Editor, Skilled player (1208)
Joined: 9/27/2008
Posts: 1085 Shot through the Tower. I think entering Tower with 26 Arm Strength is optimal -- Attacking the front side of those archers with the Saber did, at most, 14 damage. They have 26 HP each. Notably, I can one-shot them when attacking their back, which I did against one of them. The moment I started the boss battle here, I had 1 Luck. I don't know the mechanics behind damage and Luck, but I suspect having 11 Luck (highest possible for a level 2 Varik) would save a few hits. Luck goes up and down, slowly, through a timer. If we wait specifically for Luck to change, we need to wait 100 frames per point, at best. The timer freezes when Varik is doing just about anything. In other words, don't bother trying to "manipulate Luck", at least most of the time. The item, Amulet of Protection, when used, instantly sets Luck to whatever maximum you currently have. It is found in one of two places. The one in Ruins can be picked up without stepping out of the way. In fact, I face the chest and was capable of retrieving its contents (Amulet of Protection) without spending more than 4 frames (plus lag and inventory manipulation) on it. It's easily right along the path. In any case, the RNG also has an effect on your attacks. No question about that. I would otherwise be hitting for 1s often here. I have two Rings of Life now. I have 9 doses of M.Potion, looking to grab another 4. Maybe 13 will be enough for the Ninja and my Fire Magic spam. Considering that I'm only doing simple manipulation, and not breaking down the mechanics of the game for all its worth, this is more of a test run, if anything. Even so, I don't have any particular plans on a fully optimal run, so if I finish this "test run," be advised that I may not restart the run just to optimize things. I'll leave that up to anyone else to do, as there is a long-awaited TAS for another game I may want to spend time on, rather than this game. But if anyone else wants to give it a go to beat what I've got, you have my full support.
Joined: 7/10/2007
Posts: 280
Nice skip near 60k. Eagerly awaiting the full run.