Player (246)
Joined: 8/6/2006
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Location: Connecticut, USA
Wow. I can't wait to see a polished TAS incorporating all these tricks. Love when stuff like this is discovered! EDIT: Hm, I wonder if it's possible to glitch out the sides of the Tube. That would make it interesting, especially if you can glitch back in
Joined: 3/16/2013
Posts: 43
Woah. Now that clipping into walls is possible, this game really can be broken lol. Can't wait to see further results.
Player (72)
Joined: 3/31/2013
Posts: 18
Hi all. I made a new TAS that uses the new skips. Uploaded in case anyone wanted to look at it. I used gens11svn296 if that matters.!%5D.gmv It is sloppy. My main goal was to figure out roughly how much long Ecco should be now with the new tech. I hope someone else will pick Ecco up and does a better and more thorough job than me. Especially by monitoring ecco's speed and considering lag frames (and doing a better autoscroll section lol). Anyways, I highlighted it on twitch as a simple way to watch. There are 2 ideas in hard water and island zone that might be faster. So if anyone picks it up, be sure to test: clipping in the beginning of island zone, running to the end sonar the whale from inside the wall and popping out up and right, finishing by going the natural route. (also explore trilobite, the 4th jurassic stage more) I don't have any intention on doing another unless new significant real-time tricks are found. For this to happen I think someone needs to figure out how the sonar trick works so that we can figure out all the places we can use it. (or find a faster wall clip strat) --- I can shed some more detail on the new method to rock clip. It locks the camera while letting you move. While the camera is locked, wall boundaries are not as defined when not on screen. So, to do the movement to clip into rocks, ecco must start in an idle position. To keep the camera from moving, you use a rhythm of right and left (or up and down if idled vertically). During the rhythm, to make ecco move, B is pressed during either direction and ecco should move the opposite direction and can be repeated. However, B, the dash, has a cooldown. This can result in ecco not moving as far depending on how often it is pressed. Ecco does not move as far if pressed every right/left. So, there is some complexity to this movement that should be considered. Doing horizontal wall clips anywhere is very feasible playing on console, but vertically is much more limited. Ecco does not seem to be able to idle naturally vertically except for in certain vertical sections. It is a possibility that there may be a frame of idle vertically though before defaulting back into a horizontal position. I haven't explored it though. In terms of route, there may be better areas to rock clip or go through. It is honestly hard to say with all the possibilities. Because you are pressing opposite directions for the camera lock, this movement is much slower than regular movement, which always must be taken into consideration. **Should also note, although the lagoon clip also abuses the camera, it is caused by the auto-homing nature of the dash on the jellyfish. -long post-
Joined: 6/7/2008
Posts: 124
Location: Portugal
First these new tricks, and then a Kickstarter project for an Ecco spiritual successor. This is truly a great weak for the franchise. The new TAS can't come soon enough!
I'm Espyo from the SRB2 Forums. Current project: A Pikmin fan engine, Pikifen
Joined: 1/31/2005
Posts: 95
ElectroSpecter wrote:
EDIT: Hm, I wonder if it's possible to glitch out the sides of the Tube. That would make it interesting, especially if you can glitch back in
Because the glitch requires control of the camera, it's not possible in either tube or machine. Similarly, because the game doesn't let you bring up the map in either tube or machine, the mapskip isn't possible either. if we're going to skip those levels, it will require more new glitches =/
Player (129)
Joined: 6/22/2014
Posts: 3
Hello everyone. I am currently doing a TAS of Ecco the Dolphin using most of the "new" skips and glitches found. However I do not use the clip with the camera glitch which, in my opinion, make runs a little boring by being used in almost all levels and shade other interesting glitches. The TAS is already advanced but if someone knows tricks/glitches (especially for the machine or the tube, let's dream) or has some nice routing idea, I would be pleased to hear about.