Game objectives

  • Emulator used: VisualBoyAdvance rerecording v23.5 svn421
  • Hard mode
  • Get 100 cards
  • Stop movie at end screen or credits
  • Manipulate luck
  • Abusing game errors
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Takes death
This is 100% run. For to get 100 card, The hardest in tas is killing 999 soldiers, because too many soldiers' appearance and action are random. But luckily, I killed 999 soldiers exactly inall. (soldiers not include Japanese soldiers and bird-mask soldiers)
Mission 1 and 3 must be completed tiwce; Mission 5 must be completed triple; the hidden mission, Dungeon mission must be completed 10th.
All the power up cards raise power 20%, except card 30 Demon God.


This game has too much glitch.
Don't try to press left and right together and shoot or throw grenade, otherwise touch the frozen glitch or reset game or emulator been broken. The useless and agonising glitch, But when play in the real GBA, no need to care about it.
Disappear Giltch. Something good and something bad. The good news, I can skip many enemies appear. e.g. Many high HP machine.
The bad news.
Some time I kill the less soldiers than my plan. I have to waste some frames to kill another more soldiers.
Some time the prisoner and supply disappeared. I have to choose the worse way to make them appear. (see walkthrough)

Memory address

0200CDE22enemy which you killed in 1 mission
0200CDE42all soldiers be killed
0300485C2prisoners you saved
0200CDEA2prisoner2 (after mission complete)
Card list memory 1.
Value 0b10 means get card,
0b11 means get this card and be equiped.
e.g. in address 0200CD7A,
Value 0x14=0b00010100 means card 42 43 be equiped, though not get these cards(cheat).
Card list memory 2
prisoners list memory 1
prisoners list memory 2
step 0xD0
step number
2All HP memory address

Power data

If get the power up cards, the gun and gun's smoke(except cannon's smoke) power will be added 20% in next mission(L from 8 to 9). fire bottle has no power up card.
knife360get card: 30 Demon God
Hheavy machine gun10
Rrocket launcher30
Llaser shot8x22 frames 0.5 shot
Fflame shot20x13Flame shot include main flame and range flame.
Main flame 20, range flame 1~5
Iiron lizard30
I's smoke10can't damage machine
Cenemy chaser30
Ddrop shot30
D's smoke1can't damage machine
Gsuper grenade100
G's smoke50can't damage machine
bomb's smoke1x2can't damage machine
fire bottle80
fire bottle's smoke15throw on the ground
slug gunner's sword90equip card 7 Slug Gunner
black hound's vulcan30equip card 6 Black Hound; card 37 Hyper Vulcan, no effect
cannon's smoke50can't damage machine; card 38 Hyper Cannon, no effect
thrown metalslug400
tank stomp50/2f(every 2 frames) get card 41 Crawler+


mission1 1st (1500frames, 00:25)
Part1. Manipulate luck and selective kill some soldiers to skip a fighter helicopter.
Important card11 S. ClipDoubles shotgun ammo.
Part2. Part3.
Boss battle. BossHP 5400. when boss in the air or the front wheel of tank rise 45°, I have the chance to use shotgun damage 200+32 point.
Kill soldiers36Save prisoners5Get cards311 44 79
mission2 (6700f, 01:52)
Part1. I can't skip the first helicopter like #3870: mtvf1's GBA Metal Slug Advance in 11:13.16. How to skip it? First, I can't save a prisoner to get H. 2nd, wait for blockhouse fire. If I save this prisoner, I can't skip helicopter. So I must get metal slug. This helicopter HP is 650, and throwing metal slug can make 400 damage. But I found a glitch can hit this helicopter twice.
Part2. at the same reason, I can't skip these two helicopters, too.
Boss battle. BossHP 2496x2. I found a perfect trick about using L! 8 frames, 32 damage and 0.5 arms! In the end of 1st twin boss, I have to wait some frames and manipulate luck for the 2nd twin boss's action.
Kill soldiers75Save prisoners20Get cards183 13 15 20 26 32 45 58 64 70 74 78 80 90 91
mission3 1st (15400f, 04:18)
Important card37 Hyper VulcanEnhances vulcan cannon power.
Part2. I found a way to make bats disappear. 1st, near the screen end, and then jump back. But at this time, system has decided that bats are appearing one by one. So I can use these about 300 frames to save more prisoners until the last bat disappear.
Important card17 Grenade clipDoubles supply of grenades.
8 H.M. ClipDoubles heavy machine gun ammo.
Part3. I wait some frames to kill more soldiers.
Boss battle. BossHP 4320.
Kill soldiers171Save prisoners27Get cards268 17 33 37 46 71 81 86
misssion4 (25700f, 07:10)
Part1. I must use and empty all Shotgun before get another Shotgun arms. If I didn't empty it, the arms only be added 10.
Important card14 E.C. ClipDoubles enemy chaser ammo.
Part2. Very large lags, because soldiers appeared anywhere, though most of them are not in screen.
When got important card 22 Shotgun+, I face back and lead to more soldiers. For 3 reason.
1. Kill more soldiers.
2. Skip the next missile launcher appear.
3. If I don't do it, the disppeared thing is not missile launcher but a prisoner. I can't complete this 100% run.
Important card22 Shotgun+Enhances shotgun attack power.
25 E.Chaser+Enhances enemy chaser attack power.
28 Super TNTEnhances grenades attack power.(not include fire bottle)
29 Army KnifeSlightly enhances knife attack.
Part3. Many hidden items and prisoners. I change direction again and again for killing more soldiers.
Boss battle. BossHP 7200.
Kill soldiers284Save prisoners42Get cards425 10 14 22 25 28 29 34 47 60 72 76 82 87 92 93
mission5 1st (37600f, 10:30)
Take death, and get a funny card
85 WashoutGiven for not killing a single enemy.(Die and don't continue. )
I think this is the fastest way to die.
Part1. (parachute)
Part2. (bridge) Skip a tractor shovel.
Part3. I chose the path2 first, becuase I need to get card 31 Flak Jacket. And then I can take more damage in mission5's part1.
Important card38 Hyper CannonEnhances slug's cannon power.
31 Flak JacketDecreases damage to player by 10%.
Boss battle. BossHP 7200. Because I have got card 22 Shotgun+ and 28 Super TNT in mission4. Shotgun's power is be added to 240, and Bomb's is 120. So The boss's HP is amount to 6000!
I didn't hit this boss so quickly, I must wait for boss's gate close befor its lower than 2300. Otherwise totle 3 small flies fly out from the gate.
Kill soldiers383Save prisoners48Get cards569 12 31 35 38 40 48 49 61 65 73 83 85 88
mission5 2nd (50900f, 14:13)
Part1. As you see, I take the more damage.
Part2. I touched the Rumi Aikawa(a bag girl). She isn't in prisoners list, but a prisoners count RAM address 0300485C been added. There is another address 0200CDEA can show the prisoners, too, but it only changes in select screen. Maybe I can change 100% to 101%.
In fact, Rumi Aikawa is a card in mission2.
74 Rumi Ubiquitous guy of supply. Bad at navigation.
Part3. In a storeroom, I face left and jump to touch the prisoners. It's very important. If face to right, the GO will disappear, and I have to beat all enemies which in this storeroom. And in this room, I got the very important card 55 Dungeon. Now I can enter into the Dungeon mission. This is the reason that why I choose the path1 second.
Important card55 DungeonLets you enter the dungeon.
19 H.Machn Gun+Enhances heavy machine gun attack power.
Boss battle.
Kill soldiers441Save prisoners54Get cards626 19 21 23 55 94
Dungeon mission 1st (59800f, 16:42)
After got card 55 Dungeon, the dungeon mission is opening. This mission must be completed 10th.
Kill soldiers473Save prisoners56Get cards6351
Dungeon mission 2nd (63300f, 17:41)
Important card52 Tutor's LoveLets you enter the secret training camp.(mission1)
Kill soldiers504Save prisoners61Get cards6551 95
Dungeon mission 3rd (69100f, 19:18)
At the end, there are 5 prisoners. I have to take the useless shotgun, though shotgun is slower than handgun. Because of the Disappear Giltch, at this time, the disappeared is last 1 of 3 prisoners. If I didn't take shotgun or be taken was fish, and kill foes so quickly, I only could save 4 prisoners.
In dungeon mission, getting any card would auto-exit. So I got the Banana first.
Kill soldiers538Save prisoners66Get cards6763 69
mission1 2nd (75100f, 20:58)
Part1. Fail to skip the fighter helicopter, Because I save the hidden prisoners.
Part2. Bad luck, I have to use 4 bombs to kill that tank for taking damage and jumping high later. And I kill the less soldiers than my plan.
Part3. Boss battle.
Kill soldiers583Save prisoners76Get cards7419 27 57 62 66 67 96
Dungeon mission 4th (80900f, 22:36)
Important card54Ancient SoulLets you enter hidden stage in the ruins.(mission3)
Kill soldiers613Save prisoners80Get cards7654 97
Dungeon mission 5th (86500f, 24:09)
Important card50 Weird RuinsMakes ruin's steps passable.(mission3)
Kill soldiers644Save prisoners82Get cards7750
Dungeon mission 6th (92400f, 25:48)
Important card53 Cave MazeLets you enter hidden stage in the cave.(mission3)
Kill soldiers675Save prisoners83Get cards7853
mission3 2nd (97500f,27:14)
Part1. Some walls can be jumped into, but some not.
Important card4 Paper ThinOne hit will destroy.(Equip)
Boss battle. BossHP 4320. Better luck, the boss shoot right first. I have got cards 38 Hyper Cannon and 37 Hyper Vulcan, so the metalslug's vulcan and cannon power have been added to 120%.
Kill soldiers765Save prisoners91Get cards891 2 4 16 24 36 41 56 59 75 98
Dungeon mission 7th (109100f, 30:28)
Equip card 4 Paper Thin for getting the card 84.
84 DecorationGiven for clearing with "Paper Thin"
Kill soldiers798Save prisoners93Get cards9168 84
Dungeon mission 8th (114400g, 31:57)
Unequip card 4 Paper Thin.
Kill soldiers848Save prisoners94Get cards927
Dungeon mission 9th (120000, 33:13)
Kill soldiers900Save prisoners96Get cards9342
Dungeon mission 10th (125400f, 35:02)
Kill soldiers926Save prisoners97Get cards9443
mission5 3rd
I left the path3 to the end of tas. If I have finished the path3 before dungeon mission, I could have saved about 1 seconds (After equip card 4 Paper Thin, I needn't unequip again.). But after complete the tas, there are no credits and end screen.
Part1. Part2.
Part3. In bathroom room, I face left and jump to touch the prisoners, too. Just like mission5 2nd storeroom.
Middle boss Allen Jr. 1100HP x2.
His HP is very strange. Most damage has been multiplied by 2.558, except bomb.
I list these damage changed:
1 to 2, 8 to 20, 9 to 23, 10 to 25, 12 to 30, 15 to 38, 20 to 51,
24 to 61, 30 to 76, 36 to 92, 50 to 127, 60 to 153, 100 to 255,
120 to 307, 200 to 511, 240 to 614.
But as grenade, damage be divided by 2. Bomb 100 to 50, Bomb 120 to 60. fire bottle no effect, but Fire's smoke power changes from 15 to 38.
When he being the second type, if he use knife 1 time, his HP would be reduced by 25.
Boss battle. BossHP 7200
Kill soldiers999Save prisoners100Get cards10030 39 77 89 99 100

turska: Judging.

turska: Great run, great audience response. Accepting for publication into Moons.
feos: Processing...

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #4007: mtvf1's GBA Metal Slug Advance "100%" in 38:50.38
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Encode with data and display hidden items. Download Video (no Audio), Audio. Sorry for post like this, you should mux video and audio by yourself. Because the movie file is larger than 200M, and mediafire didn't share the file which be cut by winRAR. If somebody can help me uoload to nico, please cut to 3 part. Part1, mission1 to mission5 2nd; Part2 Dungeon mission to mission3 2nd; Part3 Dungeon mission 7th to the end. Watch online at bilibili (30fps)
Joined: 2/6/2011
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I like it, very smooth play. Yes vote... And a Youtube link of the given encode in case someone needs it:
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Blow, stuff, up.
When TAS does Quake 1, SDA will declare war. The Prince doth arrive he doth please.
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Zavalix wrote:
I like it, very smooth play. Yes vote... And a Youtube link of the given encode in case someone needs it:
Thanks, it's very useful. I submited from youku to bilibili, but youku block some IP, because of the copyright. For example, youku buy some anime from Toei Tokyo and other companies, so they request youku block the japenese IP. I'm glad to see that anyone reproduce my tas. But why this youtube page wasn't publiced? I can't watch movie from youtube, but I used proxy and found it not open.
Expert player (2802)
Joined: 12/23/2007
Posts: 849
Extremely good job, very entertaining, except that you killed 999 men in less than 39 minutes which is bloody cruel (just kidding). Yes vote for that. :)
Recent projects: SMB warpless TAS (2018), SMB warpless walkathon (2019), SMB something never done before (2019), Extra Mario Bros. (best ending) (2020).
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Zavalix wrote:
I like it, very smooth play. Yes vote... And a Youtube link of the given encode in case someone needs it:
It's set to private. We can't watch until you switch it to public. Do please!
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Posts: 130
Twisted Eye wrote:
Zavalix wrote:
I like it, very smooth play. Yes vote... And a Youtube link of the given encode in case someone needs it:
It's set to private. We can't watch until you switch it to public. Do please!
Sorry!, it's fixed now :3
Active player (439)
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I could clearly see you spent a lot of time optimizing various stuff. Very well done mate. Clear yes vote and congratulations submitting the first 100% run of Metal Slug. Hope you will tas more Metal Slug (100% maybe?) run in the future.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Editor, Expert player (2124)
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Very well planned out. I just wish the game didn't force you to do the dungeon mission over and over just to get all the cards.
Metal Slug Advance wrote:
Paper Thin One hit will destroy.
The game's translation of what Paper Thin is supposed to do is terrible. Exactly how hard is it to get that right? (Granted, the fact that another card is obtained just by clearing a mission with Paper Thin enabled does eliminate most of the incorrect interpretations of "One hit will destroy.")
Skilled player (1249)
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Watched it twice,great work for the stages again and again.
Do the work.
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Please share the script, it looks awesome and can be used for publication encodes.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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Hey, I remember this game, I was terrible at it. Watching this and seeing it again brought back memories. Glad I could finally see what the later levels look like. I thought this TAS was well done and very entertaining. It showed a lot about the game and made it look fun. Because of this, I am inclined to give it a Yes Vote.
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
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feos wrote:
Please share the script, it looks awesome and can be used for publication encodes.
lua script and avs file I don't konw how to change the coordinate of input and frames counter, and I didn't use gb function. So I dumped movie.avi twice. First dump. Disable frame counter and input, change text option => in game. Use msa_itemsbox.lua. Second dump. Enable frame counter and input, and use MslugAv4.lua. Last, use avisynth file. You may change hq2x to PointResize. I know hqxx resize is not good for too large screen like 1080p. The play time is strange. When use 59.7275fps, the calculated time is 38:50, but the avi file's time is 30:53?
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mtvf1 wrote:
The play time is strange. When use 59.7275fps, the calculated time is 38:50, but the avi file's time is 30:53?
I assume you mean 38:53 instead of 30:53. First, AVI files for GBx/GBA games are always dumped at 60fps, even though this site calculates with 59.7275fps. VBA also calculates at 60fps. However this only gives a time of 38:40. The additional 13 seconds is because VBA frame dumping and movie frame count don't match for reasons I cannot explain. For example, frames 54 and 55 (when the frame count in the AVI says 53) are duplicated. The problem has been witnessed in some VBA versions concerning Super Mario Land in the past. Edit: AVI files are dumped at 60fps for VBA dumps, 59.7275 for BizHawk dumps. However, BizHawk and VBA both calculate at 60fps.
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FractalFusion wrote:
I assume you mean 38:53 instead of 30:53.
You are right. My mistake.
FractalFusion wrote:
First, AVI files for GBx/GBA games are always dumped at 60fps, even though this site calculates with 59.7275fps. VBA also calculates at 60fps. However this only gives a time of 38:40. The additional 13 seconds is because VBA frame dumping and movie frame count don't match for reasons I cannot explain. For example, frames 54 and 55 (when the frame count in the AVI says 53) are duplicated. The problem has been witnessed in some VBA versions concerning Super Mario Land in the past.
I know it, Post #329286 I just want to know what make these 3 seconds different. Thanks for your explanation.
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feos, have you encoded this? Please don't use VBA-rr v23.6 svn480. I found the lua script don't work good for it, lua script is 1 frame slower than the movie play. V23.5 svn421 worked fine.
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Can I just use your YT upload for alternate stream? The script looks too messy to build something HD out of it, while I think your youtuber is acceptable already.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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I can't watch from youtube, so I don't know my encode is clear or fuzzy for youtube. If you though it's clear enough, alright, you can upload it to your channel. Because Zavalix's link is half public. Or Need I write a HD avs file?
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Well, if you can write a script for pointresized HD it would be awesome.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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OK, did it. I don't know the rule of youtube 1080p, but I think it's easy for you to fix.
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For who can use YT, I did the YT HD : Working on all other
Current: Rayman 3 maybe? idk xD Paused: N64 Rayman 2 (with Funnyhair) GBA SMA 4 : E Reader (With TehSeven) TASVideos is like a quicksand, you get in, but you cannot quit the sand
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I uploaded to Nicovideo as requested by mtvf1. I also made subtitles, though they are in Japanese. Mostly to indicate which cards are picked up at which times. Nicovideo: Link to video
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FractalFusion wrote:
I uploaded to Nicovideo as requested by mtvf1. I also made subtitles, though they are in Japanese. Mostly to indicate which cards are picked up at which times.
Thank you very much.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2428] GBA Metal Slug Advance "100%" by mtvf1 in 38:50.38