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Neclea wrote:
what rom have you used? ....
Pocket Monster Green (J) (1.0) or whatever close to that
Post subject: Told to post this here
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Luck Manipulation outside TAS wrote:
[Jamming the a buttun to boost attack] at least works in the american versions of red and blue. Also, the way high level monsters disobey you is somewhat predictible, depending on what move you choose. And what monster you encounter is on a timer, so if you want to catch a rare one, wait a minute after entering an area before you take a step. And if you miss with a move, and use it again, you will most likely miss again due to the results not being deleted from memory. Those games have horrible programming.
Also, I heard in the japanese versions their is a level up button code. Hmm, I'll look for it and edit this post. Edit: well, I remember reading it in a magazine, but online I can't find any level up cheat on a page that doesn't also have a Mew hoax. But, anyways, just in case this works... Go to the seventh item in "Tools" and press Select. Get into a fight, then press Select on the attack you dislike to change it. Note: The monster must have all four attack spaces filled. Win the fight. Then your monster will become level 100 and will enter the next stage of its life, if available. Oh, yeah, good luck on keeping through on this.
Player (208)
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I don't even understand that last code. You hit Select to swap one of your items, but you somehow get into a fight without choosing what to swap it with? And then you hit Select to swap your attacks, but you again choose only one and somehow finish the fight?
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It looks like it's for the advanced games, now that I think of it. And also involves using a TM in battle. Which is impossible.
Player (208)
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Hm, do you think the run should be done on one of the Game Boy Advance versions instead?
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I actually experimented with Leaf Green a few days ago. A run of that will be considerably slower, for the following reasons: 1) There's a very long unavoidable intro added on which takes a couple minutes to go through. 2) There's more NPCs, required events, etc to go through. 3) Luck is harder to manipulate in this game. I can still critical with every attack I use, but if I do so I can't manipulate the opponent's attacks nearly as easily anymore. In addition, monster fights are now step based (like in Final Fantasy games) rather than time-based (like in Dragon Warrior), so there would be a few battles I'd have to fight and run away from before I'm able to buy Repels. 4) They of course fixed the Pokedoll glitch, which adds about 7-8 minutes onto the run right there. This would almost certainly more than offset the number of timesavers I'd gain by switching versions (Running Shoes, being able to call up the Bicycle merely by pressing Select, slightly faster menu access/usage in parts, any sort of quick level up trick, etc)
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‬‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭Good run, Tairasu ... I mean Tilus. :) I am hoping for a good sub-2-hour run, like everyone else. Perhaps the reason you played the Japanese version is that the text is shorter. Just a few things to say though: - Unless I am mistaken, it would have been better to select a 1-character name rather than a 4-character name. Every time the game says your name, that's a 3-frame difference. Similarly, Zenigame (Squirtle) should be given a 1-character name as well. Hopefully not much difference; you're already 24 mins ahead of the SDA record. - I think talking to trainers, if it doesn't break your path, is faster than walking in front of them. - I was hoping you would faint your starter to warp quickly back to the PC. Especially after getting the Cut HM. Still, very impressive TAS. It's quite hard to do a good TAS and I'm just starting to learn. Actually, I've tried a Megaman X2 TAS, but I've put it off very quickly, since I have so much other stuff to do. Hopefully, you'll complete this TAS. :)
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1) I'm not going to shorten my name nor shorten the name of any Pokemon I catch in order to reduce time on the speedrun. That's nitpicking to the extreme, and I don't believe that once the final run's put up and accepted that it'll be replaced solely by the names being shorter. (Heck, I'm seriously considering jumping back toward the American Blue version rather than sticking with Japanese Green for the final run, so as to allow the casual viewer to understand what's going on more easily.) 2) Ehh, not entirely sure whether talking to trainers is faster than just walking by them.. I'll have to test it out myself on one where I won't lose time positioning myself to talk to one. 3) That problem will mostly be solved by catching an Abra and abusing Teleport in locations where I'll be unable to Dig. Battles are VERY long, and my number one goal in the run is avoiding battles, or at least picking routes in which I spend the least amount of time battling. Going into a battle and letting myself faint on the SS Anne, especially against the rather generic lower level trainers present on the ship, will be extremely time consuming, and by that point in the final run I'll have more than one Pokemon (maybe as many as 4), so it's highly unlikely I'll be able to save more time than I would should I just walk out and Teleport once off the ship. Anyways, I've gotten back into this run, and have made some really good progress.. and I should have a BIG update ready soon, if not later tonight. --- EDIT: Okay, I lied. I very quickly discovered why Zapdos was picked up in the SDA run and in the speed walkthrough on GameFAQs - Lorelei's Pokemon are a HUGE annoyance if you try to face her with Blastoise alone. My strongest move against any of them is Dig - and it takes three Digs just to take out her first Dewgong, which has average defense. I don't even want to think about how many it takes to take out Cloyster, which has much much more defense.. I'll probably run through half my moves just to beat her, while the Zapdos is capable of one hitting her whole side. And then, I have to worry about the pair of Gyaradoses that Lance and Rival have (the ones I faced before take up to 3 hits to take out, when they're lower level than me.. these will be as many as 10-15 levels above me).. can't use too many Digs otherwise I wind up worrying about Agatha's Gengars.. yeah, I'm seriously doubting running through the Elite 4+1 is even possible with just Blastoise. So, I'm backing up to after I defeat the 8th Gym leader to pick up Zapdos as in the SDA run and continuing from there.
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Tilus wrote:
EDIT: Okay, I lied. I very quickly discovered why Zapdos was picked up in the SDA run and in the speed walkthrough on GameFAQs - Lorelei's Pokemon are a HUGE annoyance if you try to face her with Blastoise alone. My strongest move against any of them is Dig - and it takes three Digs just to take out her first Dewgong, which has average defense. I don't even want to think about how many it takes to take out Cloyster, which has much much more defense.. I'll probably run through half my moves just to beat her, while the Zapdos is capable of one hitting her whole side. And then, I have to worry about the pair of Gyaradoses that Lance and Rival have (the ones I faced before take up to 3 hits to take out, when they're lower level than me.. these will be as many as 10-15 levels above me).. can't use too many Digs otherwise I wind up worrying about Agatha's Gengars.. yeah, I'm seriously doubting running through the Elite 4+1 is even possible with just Blastoise. So, I'm backing up to after I defeat the 8th Gym leader to pick up Zapdos as in the SDA run and continuing from there.
Just a suggestion-why not pick up Eevee and turn him into Jolteon? I would think it'd be faster, and I'd be very surprised if he couldn't use Thunderbolt to take out Lorelai almost as fast, even at a low level.
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You could... You would have to run and get both the Eevee and the Thunder Stone, but it starts at a nice level 25, right?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
You could... You would have to run and get both the Eevee and the Thunder Stone, but it starts at a nice level 25, right?
You could get Eevee/Jolteon to fight some trainer battles, but there aren't any good ones. Or you could evolve Eevee into Flareon, since Lorelei's Pokemon are also ice (except Slowbro). Edit: Another reason why Zapdos is good: Bruno's Pokemon are fighting and they are weak to Zapdos' Drill Peck.
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Is that your name or your locker combination?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Is that your name or your locker combination?
If you're talking about me, I derived my username from the number 823543, which is 7 to the 7th power. I first used it on a Halo forum. :)
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82-35-43 wrote:
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
You could... You would have to run and get both the Eevee and the Thunder Stone, but it starts at a nice level 25, right?
You could get Eevee/Jolteon to fight some trainer battles, but there aren't any good ones. Or you could evolve Eevee into Flareon, since Lorelei's Pokemon are also ice (except Slowbro). Edit: Another reason why Zapdos is good: Bruno's Pokemon are fighting and they are weak to Zapdos' Drill Peck.
Cloyster, Lapras and Dewgong take normal damage from fire-type attack, Jynx takes double and Slowbro takes half. Jolteon > Flareon in this situation. Jolteon deals a max 80 damage with thunderbolt critical against lvl 55 dewgong (assuming max DVs), btw. Dewgong has around 190 hp at that level, so it takes 3 thunderbolts to kill. Zapdos will easily ohko it. Assuming my calculations are correct. It is so-so whether jolteon is better than not, and with good dv advance 2hko is not impossible.
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Jolteon is not an option, at least not in this version of the run. I unfortunately already sold my Thunderbolt TM at a shop in Celadon to shorten the amount of time I scroll through the item menus. I could in the final run pick it up immediately once I reach Celadon, immediately teach it Thunderbolt, and level it a bit off of all the Gyaradoses and Pidgeots and the like I have to fight after that, but that would decrease Blastoise's final level.. and since there's a good number of Pokemon I barely one hit from that point on (and the fact that picking up Eevee isn't exactly that quick either), I'm not sure if this is such a wise idea for the final run, either. For comparison, Zapdos only took about 3-4 minutes to obtain in the SDA run, and since by that time the author was extensively using Repels, I probably won't shave more than a few seconds off of that time. Zapdos won't help much against Bruno, however - the only one out of the bunch that Blastoise can't already one hit with Surf is the Machamp (and that one's two hit anyways). I'm going to pick up Zapdos in this current run, and once it's finished I'm probably going to start doing some calculations to see whether picking up Jolteon instead would help shave off some more time. (Edit: Possibility #2: The Missingno glitch. How long would it take to activate it and glitch up a bunch of Rare Candies and level Blastoise to lv100, or whatever it takes to one hit everything the Elite Four has? I may need to investigate this possibility, as well..)
Player (36)
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How about using the missingno glitch to get a level 100 Electrode? (The only electric type pokemon possible to get really.)
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That's also possible.. in the final run. However, it's not possible now, since Electrode shockingly learns no damaging Electric attacks in R/G/B. I can't use it on its' own, either - a quick lookup shows that a freshly caught Electrode at lv100 would know Selfdestruct, Light Screen, Swift, and Explosion, with Swift being the only useful move and it being very weak at that. Are there any Fighting Pokemon in that catchable list, however? They're also strong against Ice Pokemon, and may even be a better choice than Electrics due to Ice Pokemon having almost universally lower Defense ratings than Special ratings. ...Or actually, if I go that route, I might as well just pick up a second level Fighting Pokemon in Victory Road and see how well it fares against Lorelei's bunch..
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I also think Zapdos is too expensive.. it's at least a 3 minute detour. Missingno is shorter to do... but don't you have to go and watch that old geezer catch a Weedle first? That could take a bit of time, and make it not so short.. but still shorter! Yeah yeah, catch some poke's in victory road. I'm sure you'll figure out a way to get around it. The Jolteon idea doesn't sound good to me.. he's like lv25, that's quite pitiful. Probably won't get the first hit in any of the fights either.
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alexpenev wrote:
but don't you have to go and watch that old geezer catch a Weedle first?
i think you also could do that in safari, engage a fight, run, go to lava town to catch missingno.
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There also a Magnimite, and a Charizard. You can also get a Rapidash, and a Starmie (I think it's secondary is fighting... maybe.) Complete list: wrote:
A: Golduck B: Hypno C: Golbat D: Mewtwo (BIG OPPORTUNITY HERE!) E: Snorlax F: Magikarp G: Missingno. H: Missingno. I: Muk J: Missingno. K: Kingler L: Cloyster M: Missingno. N: Electrode O: Clefable P: Weezing Q: Persian R: Marowak S: Missingno. T: Haunter U: Abra V: Alakazam W: Pidgeotto X: Pidgeot Y: Starmie Z: Bulbasaur (Get all the starters without trading!) a: Missingno. b: Missingno. c: Missingno. d: Ponyta e: Rapidash f: Rattata g: Raticate h: Nidorino i: Nidorina j: Geodude k: Porygon l: Aerodactyl m: Missingno. n: Magnemite o: Missingno. p: Missingno. q: Charmander (Get all the starters without trading!) r: Squirtle (Get all the starters without trading!) s: Charmeleon t: Wartortle u: Charizard v: Missingno. w: Missingno. x: Missingno. y: Missingno. z: Oddish
It pretty much works thusly, the 3rd, 5th, and 7th letter of your name determines which pokemon appear.
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All right, so Jolteon and Thunderbolt aren't an option. What about Fissure? If you can control the outcome of any attack, instant kill moves like Horn Drill and Fissure should be able to connect every time. You get Fissure automatically after beating Viridian Gym, and the stats of the Pokemon who knows it shouldn't matter.
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Most of the one hit kills only have 5 PP.
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That's actually a derned good idea! I totally overlooked that TM! However, Fissure and the like only work if the Pokemon's speed is greater than the opponent's, but that's no problem as I can just use an in battle speed up item or two on my newly obtained Machoke before I start plunging Lorelei's Pokemon into the abyss. I shouldn't have any problem on anything thrown by Bruno (Surf), Agatha (Dig) or Lance (Ice Beam), either. Now, that leaves Rival, with his team of Lv60+ monsters.. but I shouldn't have much more of a problem with him either.
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Rival: Pidgeot: Thunder(bolt) or Ice Beam Alakazam: Dig/Drill Peck Rhydon: Guess Gyarados: Thunder(bolt) Arcanine: Surf Venusaur: Drill Peck or Ice Beam Some of those may be 2hkos, but there will be no problems with anything. Sadly, strengh and surf can't be deleted and both dig and ice beam are needed for E4, so some strenght-slave has to be caught in order to use fissure.
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Just use Snorlax as a Strength slave, you have to battle him twice anyway.
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