Joined: 10/12/2011
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TheKDX7 wrote:
I asked him and he does not plan to submit it :/
You are pushing him, don't do that. Demanding something is never right, the product could be rushed and imperfect.
There is a reason why people cannot submit, his is that it's unoptimized andleandroff5 wrote:
I won't send it to TASvideos. And this TAS is still incomplete.
Back off and leave him be.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account.Something better for yourself and also others.
You are pushing him, don't do that. Demanding something is never right, the product could be rushed and imperfect.
There is a reason why people cannot submit, his is that it's unoptimized andleandroff5 wrote:
I won't send it to TASvideos. And this TAS is still incomplete.
Back off and leave him be.
Calm down I JUST ASKED him it is not as if I forced him to make it.
It is apparently not optimized, so he shouldn't submit it anyway.
Yeah, this is rubbish, but that's the point, this guy was just messing around.
I showed this to the mkdd pros on the pp forum, I've been told that many of the splits are slower than the champ's best splits, but a notable time is MB lap 2, which smashes the wr by 0.4 even without a shroom.
I'm really surprised by how quickly an mt can be charged compared to the fastest a human can do, and it's for this reason that it can save so much time.
Yeah, I'm one of the top MKDD TT'ers, and I can confirm that this is far from optimized--however, it is very cool, especially since no one has really attempted a TAS of this before. It's amazing how fast those MTs are. I am quite knowledgeable about the game, but sadly, I know very little about how to make TAS's, not to mention I lack the time and patience, so I will likely not be able to work on this. Otherwise I'd be very interested in trying, even just for a bit.
that looked really far from optimized even to my untrained MKDD eye
some of the things he does look really cool though, so there’s certainly potential for a great TAS if anyone plans on doing a proper one
For what it's worth, my initial tests have yet to find a way to MT as fast as he does in that video. I've asked him on youtube what inputs he uses for how many frames in order to charge those MTs as fast as he does, and when he responds I'll give it a try, but as of now, I must not be doing something the way he is. I'll wait until he tells me what inputs he used.
EDIT: Here's my initial test. I spent about 30 minutes on it, so the run is obviously pretty bad, but you'll notice the MT speed is not quite as fast as in the above videos.
Yes, where applicable. As I said, my knowledge of this game is not an issue. I've put more time into this game than any other by far, I'm #14 in the world and have a WR, so my knowledge of the advanced techniques is extensive. My problem seems to stem simply from being unable to find the correct number of frames for each input while charging an MT. According to what I've done thus far, the minimum amount of frames between driving straight and finishing an MT is:
~10 frames to start the drift (holding A+R) (this seems to differ based on whether or not you were holding a direction before starting the drift, however. for instance, if you're using a sideways boost around a turn, you'll be holding left; consequently, when you press the R button, you only need to hold A+R for ~2 frames before the drift starts)
8 frames holding the "opposite" direction (+A+R)
3 frames middle
3 frames opposite
3 frames middle
From what I've tested, that is the fastest MT I've been able to charge. I have yet to get a response from the creator of the first video, so I still don't quite know what he's doing differently, but I'll report back when I know more. At this point the possibilities are: he is actually doing something different with the input that for whatever reason I did not think of (this is my first work ever with TAS, so this isn't out of the question I suppose), there may be some sort of version difference (he is using J). We'll see what happens when/if he responds.
In the meantime, if anyone wants to do some testing of their own and see if they can figure out a faster MT input than what I've listed above, please feel free.
EDIT: Another idea I've just had is that maybe his MTs charge so fast because he is using two controllers (as evidenced by the super start boost he gets, this can only be done with two players iirc). Maybe MTs are able to charge faster in 2P mode?
EDIT2: I was correct. MTs can be charged MUCH faster on 2P mode than on 1P mode. On 2P mode, the input goes as follows:
Start drift on 1P (A+R+direction) (# frames depends on if you were holding a direction prior, minimum is 2 frames)
Hold opposite direction on 2P (1 frame)
Hold middle on 2P (1 frame)
Hold opposite direction on 2P (1 frame)
Hold middle on 2P (1 frame)
Release R on 1P
It's really that easy. As you can see, this MT charges WAY faster than you can charge an MT on 1P mode, which means that any 2P mode TAS's of this game have a significant advantage over 1P mode TAS's. This probably does not affect submissions for this site, because it's probably within the scope of the rules to use 2 controllers? I'm not sure on that, but I think it is. This does affect Time Trial TAS's, which is primarily what I was interested in, because they can not go nearly as fast as 2P mode GP can.
I will likely post another video of my latest test run in a few hours.
I was correct. MTs can be charged MUCH faster on 2P mode than on 1P mode.
That is very cool. And, definitely the mode that should be used for any run submitted to this site. Not to mention the extra shortcut available in GP mode on Bowswer's Castle.
Edit: TheFrigz, do you think you could get God +10 on all courses in time trials using TAS? Or are some of them maybe impossible?
I was correct. MTs can be charged MUCH faster on 2P mode than on 1P mode.
That is very cool. And, definitely the mode that should be used for any run submitted to this site. Not to mention the extra shortcut available in GP mode on Bowswer's Castle.
Edit: TheFrigz, do you think you could get God +10 on all courses in time trials using TAS? Or are some of them maybe impossible?
It's tough to say with so little testing having been done, but if I had to make a guess, I'd say that the faster MTs in TT mode aren't that much faster than WR caliber driving, so I don't think it would offer as much of an advantage. I mean, it is noticeably faster, but the difference is smaller than when compared to 2p MTs. Also, some of the GOD+10 standards are insane, like sub 2'53 for RR. Still, I wouldn't rule it out, it very well could be possible.
Sadly, there was an unavoidable lightning strike at the beginning of the 3rd lap, so I decided not to finish it, but here's a little something I made:
Still extremely unoptimized, but it was kinda cool how I subbed 22 on a 0-shroomer :P, would have been 1'06"4-ish pace had I been able to finish it, and it's still extremely bad and unoptimized. Second lap is better than the first though. An actually optimized TAS of this game would be incredible.
So this might be thé wrong forum but is there a way to program all cups so you can get thé same track after eachother? My friends are #1 and #2 in this game and it would be a greater Watch for future marathons. By default Only thé first and last Tracks are thé same so its Hard to follow as a viewer!
Might be some Money you can earn by doing this for us, thanks!
Maybe you could find a course ID that loads before each race and hack that to go from #1 to #last with Game Shark or something. Or maybe you’d need a hacked ROM. I don’t know how to do either.
Even though the manual says you can steal items from other players by slide-attack, it never worked when I played on the European version. Could anyone confirm this?
Joined: 6/9/2005
Posts: 171
Location: Southern California
MUGG wrote:
Even though the manual says you can steal items from other players by slide-attack, it never worked when I played on the European version. Could anyone confirm this?
If your rider has no item, and you side-attack a rider with an item, you'll grab it. I've only done it in 2p mode, because you can't side-attack 1p.
(at least, that's what I remember from playing this game so many years ago!)