Post subject: MetalSlug7
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This run I used marco complete mission1, and 58 frames faster than my eri's run. But I don't want to go on working this, because I dislike no death or only use one character. I hope this can help someone who want to improve the publish one. emulator: 0.9.7, Bus-Level Timing on version 1 emuVersion 90700 rerecordCount 5983 romFilename Metal_Slug_7_USA.nds romChecksum CF8D691B romSerial NTR-YM7E-USA guid 84BE2329-6CE1-AED6-9052-49F1F1BBE9EB useExtBios 0 advancedTiming 1 encode:
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Here are three wip's I made a long time ago with desmume 0.9.6 with Advanced Bus-Level Timing on. first wip: This was the first serious tas I attempted with this game. At the time I didn't know that the knife-canceling technique can also be applied to guns and bombs until the 3rd boss where I discovered it with Z. second wip: After discovering that, I decided to start a new run that used the technique and even found a faster way to defeat the 1st boss. Note: when watching this wip, only watch until I press Start in the beginning of mission 2. Everything after that is was just me messing around without realizing that I was still recording. third wip: After seeing mtvf1's run with Super Change, I decided to start again to see if I could save more time. I stopped because I felt that I could use grenades more efficiently. One thing though: It seems that if you manage to hit a soldier with a shield in the first possible frame he appears in the screen, you can kill him instantly. This is useful because you can save bombs and not waste time by using knife to kill him. You can see this happen in the 3rd wip. I'm taking a break from tasing the metal slug series right now, but I hope this is useful stuff.
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new wip I've been working on a few side projects lately (other than Metal Slug 3) and started this a few weeks ago. Emulator is Desmume 0.9.8 with Advanced Bus-Level Timing on. This run uses Eri and will not use death. So far, I've finished mission 3 and improved mtvf1's eri run by 365 frames. (I'll be mainly comparing to the Eri run since it is nearly 2 minutes faster than the published marco run).
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Very well run. You can still improve boss3 battle, left 5 Z to the end. When boss3body's HP is less than 3000, boss's head would appear, you can take the double damage, e.g. you can use Z to take 500 damage. Or maybe you no need use F to hit body. (5x300+5X500=4000) Use this memory watch file, you can find HP address more easily.
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improved boss battle Thanks mtvf1, I improved the boss battle by 67 frames. Total of 432 frames so far. At the beginning, I shot with the pistol once and F before Z can do a full 300 damage so that the head would appear earlier. As soon as I used the last Z to make the head appear, I started attacking the top half because I have to wait a little bit before I can do 400/500 damage with Z.
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mtvf1, in mission 4, how many frames did it take to get S? I'm wondering if it would be faster to go ahead without S and just use H, grenades, and I later on since you don't have to wait for the prisoner to walk and drop down.
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I cost about 230 frames to get S. If you give up S, you need use 22 more grenades. I'm sure the grenades is not enough, or you can get Ir, too. So you have to use 6 more F to beat boss. This boss fight has the very large lag frames, 1 frames with 3 or 4 lag frames. In fact, 0.9.8 is "faster" than 0.9.7, though the 0.9.8 show the more lags. You can compare with time2 (address 020F4B20) which .wch file show. I'm not sure when in boss4 fight, 0.9.8 has too much lags, too. You can test it first. Sorry I forget using F once would cost how many frames.
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Taking the S is faster. I tried to save some grenades at the beginning when you fight the two helicopters, but I ended up losing more than 100 frames and I would only lose even more later in the level. The main problem is that the tank that you have to destroy after getting S has 1100 hp, more than twice the hp it has on normal (500), where it is faster to skip S and you have enough grenades to compensate. Oh well, I guess it can't be helped.
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I forget to tell you that you should destory the 2 helicopters as fast as you can, and don't need to kill any soldiers. I just kill them for fun. Maybe you can give up H to reduce 1 prisoner. Use bombs to replace H. At this the picture show, you can save 4 bombs, and just use S. Don't worry about lose any frames.
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Does the tank spawn at the left at the same time? Well, in your run, you did have 5 bombs left over after the boss, but maybe with super-change, I could use a lot more bombs against the boss.
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I'm not sure, but the screen scroll at the same time. Too bad, super-change can't be used for shooting down or throwing bombs down. But F got the very large lag, or you can use the less F.
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mission 4 It's been a while, but I finally finished mission 4. This mission was frustrating because there would be places where I would save frames only to lose them from lag. In the end, I just had to try my best to reduce lag and minimize the frame losses. Currently saved 528 frames in total going into mission 5. There was a new strategy I tried against the boss, which seemed to be faster in-game time wise, but ended up being slower by 28 frames (which I believe is because of extra lag).
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zk547 wrote:
mission 4 It's been a while, but I finally finished mission 4. This mission was frustrating because there would be places where I would save frames only to lose them from lag. In the end, I just had to try my best to reduce lag and minimize the frame losses. Currently saved 528 frames in total going into mission 5. There was a new strategy I tried against the boss, which seemed to be faster in-game time wise, but ended up being slower by 28 frames (which I believe is because of extra lag).
The most reason is manipulate luck, the boss's action what after it die. You only losed 1 frames when boss's HP = 0.
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looks good
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mission 5 Unlike mission 4, mission 5 was very nice to me and I saved 259 frames. The main thing that helped save time was picking up extra grenades in the second part. Total of 787 frames saved going into mission 6. As for mission 6, I'm expecting to lose time here because I'm not going to die to use Tarma. I would also have to pick up the firebombs too because R and grenades alone aren't going to be enough to get through the first part fast enough before I get G.
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In mission6, the gundam's action is similar to random. Every walk or jump in different time would get different result. Because its pixelY is always variable. So it's a little hard to test its move. In my test, its walk speed is about 0.69 pixel/second, the jump speed is about 0.72 pixel/s. This is the list of its walk. (maybe you will get the different test result.) pixel-frames 156-0 156-2 156-4 159-6 162-8 165-10 168-12 170-14 173-16 174-18 175-24 176-28 177-34 178-40 179-44 177-46 175-48 181-56 187-58 192-60 198-62 203-64 208-66 209-72 210-78 211-82 212-88 213-92 211-96 210-98 215-106 221-108 227-110 232-112 237-114 242-116 243-120 244-126 245-130 246-136 247-142 246-146 244-148 250-156 When jumping, from 156-0 to 244-122. So in my eri's run, I walk 14 or 16 frames first and then jump. I think you can walk 16 or 18 frames first, because before my last jump, I walked alittle longer. Don't forget the faster way of using H and Vulcan. Good luck.
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wip up to boss battle I saved 995 frames in total before the boss battle. The gundam part was frustrating because I would save frames and then lose frames. In the end, I saved around 13~14 frames in that part. I think walking 14~16 frames, then jumping, and then walking a little longer before the last jump is the best way to go. Walking 16~18 frames didn't yield the best results and sometimes even ended up being slower than walking 14~16. It seems that in the boss battle, the cannon only does 80 damage at most, which is pretty disappointing.
Don't forget the faster way of using H and Vulcan. Good luck.
Could you explain how this works again and the input? Thanks.
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Faster H. (→B)(→B)(→)(→)(→)(→)(↘B)(↘B)(↙)(↙)(→B)(→B) or (→B)(→B)(blank)|(blank)|(blank)|(blank)(↓B)(↓B)(←)(←)(→B)(→B) no move. Faster Vulcan is easier. vulcan every 20 frames autofire 5 times. You can press B at 17 and 18 frames. Did you try to give up S? Because many manchine no need to be destroyed at first. And you can beat the two helicopters together.
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Did you try to give up S? Because many manchine no need to be destroyed at first. And you can beat the two helicopters together.
I did at first, but I decided that I would need more G than I could save from the beginning. Without S, I would need about 8 extra G, which would mean saving 3~4 G from the beginning (since i have 4 left at the end). But I'm not sure if I could destroy the helicopters fast enough with just firebombs and pistol because I would have to wait for them to get together.
Faster Vulcan is easier. vulcan every 20 frames autofire 5 times. You can press B at 17 and 18 frames.
Do I press B 2 frames after I press it at 17/18 frames? So (→B)(→B)(wait 17/18 frames)(→B)(→B)(blank)(blank)(→B)(→B)? Maybe a dsm file that demonstrates it would help? Sorry, but I'm not sure if I'm getting it correctly.
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zk547 wrote:
I did at first, but I decided that I would need more G than I could save from the beginning. Without S, I would need about 8 extra G, which would mean saving 3~4 G from the beginning (since i have 4 left at the end). But I'm not sure if I could destroy the helicopters fast enough with just firebombs and pistol because I would have to wait for them to get together.
Firebomb's smoke can hit helicopters, too. Use firebomb hit tank, its smoke hit helicopters.
Do I press B 2 frames after I press it at 17/18 frames? So (→B)(→B)(wait 17/18 frames)(→B)(→B)(blank)(blank)(→B)(→B)? Maybe a dsm file that demonstrates it would help? Sorry, but I'm not sure if I'm getting it correctly.
I think that wait 16 frames between press B, if no more lag. Compare the picture 2, and you will easily find it failure or success. You can find the 2nd and 3rd bullet overlap a part.
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So I redid the helicopter fight and managed to destroy them fast enough with just 2 firebombs and pistol. In fact it even saved 5 frames! 1 more frame was saved from the screen transition. This means that I have the extra G I need so the S can be skipped, which means the mission will have to be redone.
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Maybe you can leave 1 G to kill the last soldor in part3, or let the last 2 soldors die falling down on the gound at near the same time, they will disapear quickly. It happened on v0.9.7, I'm not sure v.0.9.8 has the same result.
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So I tried to destroy the first helicopter in part 2 with only G and pistol, but I'm not able to to destroy it in a way that also kills the flying bazooka soldier quickly in order to get the screen to scroll immediately after I destroy the helicopter. Using a firebomb smoke to kill the soldier doesn't work because the soldier burns all the way to the bottom and the screen waits for the the soldier to disappear. So it seems that even though it is possible to save enough G to skip S, the S still has to be taken in order to do the helicopter part quickly, unfortunately.
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G smoke didn't work, too?
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nope. Comparing to my old wip, I think the main difference is that having S allows you to destroy the helicopter fast enough before the soldier even appears. EDIT: I managed to do it. I had to use all of my firebombs to destroy it fast. Since I'll have 0 firebombs for part 3, I will lose a few frames.