Post subject: Kendo Rage!
Skilled player (1421)
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I've recently picked up this little project. The first level can be be seen here. Looking great so far, but I may have to redo it because I think I can shave a few frames from the beginning with better jumps. >_< That would mark the third time I've done it... The rush attack is proving to be very problematic. Yes, it moves faster than regular running, but I only have four charges per level (hard gives no rice) and I can't build any momentum with it. It's very valuable against bosses, but I only need two or three. Gah, placement, experimentation, trial and error. This is very intimidating. And I am NOT looking foward to the next two levels. If I get this done, I think it's going to be quite awesome.
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Player (67)
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I remember this game. But what in the name of Bob possessed you to speedrun it? It's like Sailor Moon meets cliche city! Well, at the very least it'll be entertaining. Heh. Anyway... if the first level is any indication, this game won't take more than 3 minutes total. =P Good luck.
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Skilled player (1421)
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PROGRESS REPORT!!!1 Level two finished. I went back and redid Jo2 because of a glitch I found which allows me to attack a boss before the fight. Kroakie Kate isn't as smooth as I'd like because I used two rushes to get through the snow wall and I had to wait for my charge to finish building up. Level 2 has a lot of bunny hopping prevent myself from sinking in the snow and to keep my "chibi run" longer (I don't think it's needed in level 1). I also managed to kill all one hit enemies... except for a flying snowman I somehow missed. I'd hex him to death if I knew how. >_< Time: 1) 4:03 AM 2) 4:07 AM Real Time: 1:43 I'm hoping I can shorten this five hour commute to under one. Now for level 3... Goi, slow water levels. <@_@> I'll post a progress report with each level done and a WIP once I take down the Toyminator.
quietkane wrote:
But what in the name of Bob possessed you to speedrun it?
A game this psycho was practically begging for it. Besides, I think Bob would be quite impressed with it. <>_>> Edit: Level 2 improved a bit; times adjusted accordingly. Missed snowman taken care of as well.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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PROGR3SS REPOR7!!!!1!one I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I hate seafood I HATE SEAFOOD!!!! Sorry. Level 3 was a nightmare, and the boss an even bigger one. But I'm through with it now. Time: 1) 4:03 AM 2) 4:07 AM 3) 4:18 AM Real Time: 3:19 Yes, that one level effectively doubled my movie time. Hopefully the other levels won't take as long.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
Skilled player (1421)
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PROGR355 R3POR+!!1!1one! Toyminator is down. I repeat, Toyminator is down. Just as I suspected, as soon as I got out of level 3, everything would be a breeze. Time: 1) 4:03 AM 2) 4:07 AM 3) 4:18 AM 4) 4:25 AM Real Time: 4:40 Now for things that look suspect: 1) Nothing really. 2) a. Sinking in the snow is bad, but I do so anyway to build momentum. Once I get said momentum, I start jumping to keep it. b. The break in attacks against the boss is so I can charge up my weapon. 3) a. The loose attack in this level is to give me control over my swimming sooner after bumping my head. b. Ordinarily, touching the ground would slow my swimming down, but I found a way around that. c. The break in this boss battle is to get everything lined up for attack. 4) Again, nothing really. You'll also notice that the levels' pallettes look off (especially noticeable in level 3 where it looks like the ROM is a slightly bad dump). This is caused by going through the level intermissions too fast. So, questions? Comments? Cookies? I think this is looking great so far, but that may be me being biased. :P Edit: Toyminator battle improved a bit; time adjusted accordingly.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
Player (67)
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Why was there an underwater bus stop, again? *shakes head* I'm not sure which is weirder: that you're running this game, or that I'm looking forward to your updates. =P Are you sure the green weapon is the best one? I seem to recall that it's really only powerful if you're willing to charge it all the way up. But I might be misremembering that. Yeah, levels 1, 2, and 4 all look good. The two boss fights in level 3 look like they're.... off. I dunno. That level in general just looks bad. But then again, it's probably just the level; water levels are usually really nasty to speedrun.
If life were an RPG, I'd be an NPC.
Skilled player (1421)
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Why so surprised at the fact I'm doing this? I'm surprised no one else has! Yes, I am certain the green is the best weapon. As you said, it's only more powerful if I charge up. That means four hits delivered at once. Why WOULDN'T I want that? Thankfully most I'm mostly charged before the bosses, Kraokie Kate notwithstanding. Yeah, level 3 is rather bad looking. Stupid water. >_< I may have spotted a mistake at the end of level 4. Initial tests show it will save about four frames, but we shall see.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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This movie looks great so far; I'm looking forward to the rest of it.
Skilled player (1421)
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P1206R355 R3P0R7!1!!oneone First time I did this one I wasn't happy about it. My mometum wasn't building up like it should, my jumps were lousy... it wasn't pretty. I went back, fixed my problem, found a new glitch, and after saving five seconds I am far more pleased with the results. I'm not totally satisfied with the boss, but because he was airborn, there was nothing I could do. Other than that, it turned out wonderfully. Time: 1) 4:03 AM 2) 4:07 AM 3) 4:18 AM 4) 4:25 AM 5) 4:32 AM Real Time: 5:47 A sub-ten minute movie is very likely right now, but I'm not certain if I can manage a sub-hour commute. The next two levels have a lot of boss fights in them. I'm going to try a slightly unorthodox approach to this next one. I hope it works.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
Skilled player (1421)
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9120612355 1239012711111 (all numbers, baby! geez, I'm such a poser...) All right! It's only been, what, a month since I last updated? <;>_>> Sorry about that. I was getting frustrated, lost motivation, got distracted by a separate project I didn't care for, and got back on this. I hope this doesn't happen again. I took a couple of unorthodox approaches here: I ducked under some enemies to keep my charge because I couldn't dodge them any other way, and I backtracked a bit to get a chibi-run. Worked out rather nicely in the end. The bosses took several tries to get right, and the end boss goes down mighty quick. Time: 1) 4:03 AM 2) 4:07 AM 3) 4:18 AM 4) 4:25 AM 5) 4:32 AM 6) 4:40 AM Real Time: 7:04 Prepare for much ugliness in the up and coming level. <@_@>
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.