It is my time atack for the game Spiderman vs Kingpin.
I´m played in level NIGHTMARE.
- Takes no damage
- Aims for fastest time
- Plays at hardest level
- No missing shots
- Genre: Platform
Tanks for all

Bisqwit: I think this could be sped up a bit, but since it's been voted, processing...

Post subject: #350: Neofix's Genesis Spider-Man vs Kingpin in 07:22
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15913
?T?h?i?s? ?i?s? ?a?n? ?a?u?t?o?m?a?t?i?c?a?l?l?y? ?p?o?s?t?e?d? ?m?e?s?s?a?g?e? ?f?o?r? ?d?i?s?c?u?s?s?i?n?g? ?s?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n?:? ?<?b?>?#?3?5?0?:? ?N?e?o?f?i?x?'?s? ?G?e?n?e?s?i?s? ?S?p?i?d?e?r?-?M?a?n? ?v?s? ?K?i?n?g?p?i?n? ?i?n? ?0?7?:?2?2?<?/?b?>? ? ?S?e?e? ?d?e?t?a?i?l?s? ?a?t?:? ?<?a? ?h?r?e?f?=?"?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?q?u?e?u?e?.?c?g?i???i?d?=?3?5?0?"?>?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?q?u?e?u?e?.?c?g?i???i?d?=?3?5?0?<?/?a?>? ? ?S?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n? ?s?t?a?t?u?s?:? ?<?b?>?a?c?c?e?p?t?e?d?<?/?b?>? ?L?a?s?t? ?e?d?i?t?e?d? ?b?y?:? ?<?b?>?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?<?/?b?>? ?<?h?r?>? ?T?h?e? ?s?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n? ?m?e?s?s?a?g?e? ?f?o?l?l?o?w?s?:? ?<?b?l?o?c?k?q?u?o?t?e? ?c?l?a?s?s?=?q?u?o?t?e?>?I?t? ?i?s? ?m?y? ?t?i?m?e? ?a?t?a?c?k? ?f?o?r? ?t?h?e? ?g?a?m?e? ?S?p?i?d?e?r?m?a?n? ?v?s? ?K?i?n?g?p?i?n?.? ? ? ?I??m? ?p?l?a?y?e?d? ?i?n? ?l?e?v?e?l? ?N?I?G?H?T?M?A?R?E?.? ?<?p?>?-? ?T?a?k?e?s? ?n?o? ?d?a?m?a?g?e? ? ? ?-? ?A?i?m?s? ?f?o?r? ?f?a?s?t?e?s?t? ?t?i?m?e? ? ? ?-? ?P?l?a?y?s? ?a?t? ?h?a?r?d?e?s?t? ?l?e?v?e?l? ? ? ?-? ?N?o? ?m?i?s?s?i?n?g? ?s?h?o?t?s? ? ?-? ?G?e?n?r?e?:? ?P?l?a?t?f?o?r?m? ?<?p?>?T?a?n?k?s? ?f?o?r? ?a?l?l? ?<?p?>?N?e?o?f?i?x? ? ?n?e?o?f?i?x?2?k?@?h?o?t?m?a?i?l?.?c?o?m? ? ?<?a? ?h?r?e?f?=?"?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?w?w?w?.?c?f?o?r?c?e?.?a?s?b?y?t?e?.?c?o?m?.?b?r?/?"?>?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?w?w?w?.?c?f?o?r?c?e?.?a?s?b?y?t?e?.?c?o?m?.?b?r?/?<?/?a?>? ? ?<?p?>?<?h?r?>? ?<?a? ?h?r?e?f?=?"?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?h?t?m?l?"?>?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?<?/?a?>?:? ?I? ?t?h?i?n?k? ?t?h?i?s? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?s?p?e?d? ?u?p? ?a? ?b?i?t?,? ?b?u?t? ?s?i?n?c?e? ?i?t?'?s? ?b?e?e?n? ?v?o?t?e?d?,? ?p?r?o?c?e?s?s?i?n?g?.?.?.? ?<?/?b?l?o?c?k?q?u?o?t?e?>? ?<?s?m?a?l?l?>?
Joined: 3/11/2004
Posts: 191
omg finaly someone who did a run for this kick ass game. i played this soooo much as a kid and loved it. never could beat sandman though >.< i'm really looking foward to seeing it. (i swear i'm not looking for the rom now lol) if its as good as i hope it is i'll vote yes for sure
Player (71)
Joined: 8/24/2004
Posts: 2562
Location: Sweden
Watched this run yesterday. Very nicley played indeed. I played this game alot when I was younger too. So last day was pretty nostalgic. Hehe. I definetley pressed the vote "YES" button. :)
Post subject: Movie published
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Posts: 15913
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [212] Genesis Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin by Neofix in 07:21.70
Joined: 1/31/2005
Posts: 121 In this page there is a mistake: Spider-Man vs Kingpin (U) [!].smc should be changed into Spider-Man vs Kingpin (U) [!].bin
Editor, Reviewer, Experienced player (983)
Joined: 4/17/2004
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Location: Sweden
Both smc and bin are valid formats for Genesis emulators. Are you sure this is an error? Shouldn't it work with either one for the movie to play back correctly?
Joined: 1/31/2005
Posts: 121
But... are you sure SMC is for gens? I remember it's for Snes9x... Am I wrong?
Player (247)
Joined: 5/1/2004
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Location: Rio, Brazil
You're right, mega drive has the .bin and .smd rom formats, i dont know if its just naming (probably not, there must be more to it). Anyway, its a typo.
Editor, Reviewer, Experienced player (983)
Joined: 4/17/2004
Posts: 3109
Location: Sweden
Ah, right. smc and smd, my mistake. Someone with privilegies (spelling?) could change it. I don't think it's causing any problems because people likely aren't reading that info anyway.