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We all worked on this. Complaining at one another what should work and stuff.
Thanks RGamma for the encode
Fastest movement is sliding.
This is how we managed to get a really good time for a 106%.
  • Requires: Free DSP ROM (A few of us couldn't find the right DSP)
Then again those ball levels and the swimming levels, we had to put a lot of effort into those.
It was crazy!
Now these are all the runners that helped...
The submission didn't accept the amount of names.

-ziplock-, /*-, aaa2, AB1, Abahbob, abeshi, Acmlm, addbball, Adebis, adelikat, AGGRESSiON, Aglar, aglasscage, agwawaf, airman2, Airwe, ais523, AjAX, AKheon, ALAKTORN, alden, AlejaKaiser, Alexandre, alexis_neuhaus, alexpenev, alexph, Alorxiel, alpha1233, Alter, AmaizumiUni, Amaraticando, amaurea, AndiHoffi, andrewg, Andy, AndyD, andymac, andypanther, AngerFist, Animadverto, AnotherGamer, AnS, AOi, Apo123, apple bapple, applepieman, Aqfaq, Arc, architorture, arkiandruski, Arne_the_great, Arnold0, aroduc, ars4326, arukAdo, Arykado2, asdfgary, Ash Williams, asutoro, Atma, Atomnium, atro city, axelito, Azite, Azorae, £e Nécroyeur, Bablo, BackwardLongJump, Bag of Magic Food, bahamete, bangbaew, Baxter, BBkaizo, beelzebub, benbenrx8, Bernka, Bestiajerules, Bhezt Rhy, BioSpark, birozombie, Bisqwit, blackshellbowser, Bladegash, Blaze, blechy, Bleh, blitzag, bloobiebla, bloodyspare, Blublu, bob whoops, bobmario511, Bobo the King, BobyPoula, Boco, boct1584, BoltR, bortreb, braceyj, Brandon, BrotherMojo, Brushy, Buddybenj, Burning Death, BYRAIN, byrz, BZero, c-square, C0DE RED, caitsith2, Callmewoof, Captain Forehead, Cardboard, Carl Sagan, Carmealio, carretero, catnap222, CeSaR74, cetaka, Chamale, charles1q2w, ChaucersSquire, Cheetah 7071, Cheez, Chef Stef, Cherry, chis, chupapi, ch_mand, cideprojekt, coconou, ColorAndPSK, Comicalflop, computerbird, Contendo, CoolBumpty, Cooljay, CoolKirby, cpadolf, criticaluser, cstrakm, CtrlAltDestroy, curtmack, Dacicus, Dadoc, daisukejigen, Dammit, daniayaw, Daniel Maroto, dantynbelmont, Dan_, Dark Cloud, Dark Fulgore, Dark Mana, Dark Noob, Dark Rain, DarkKobold, DarkMoon, dark_rocco, DaShiznawz, Dasrik, das_64, DaTeL237, dave_dfwm, David Wilson, DDRKhat, Deathray, DeHackEd, Deign, DennisBalow, Dessyreqt, devanwolf, Deviance, devindotcom, dex88, dezbeast, DiamondPhoenix, Diego Montoya, diggidoyo, Diman, DJ Skull, DonamerDragon, DootBeep, Dooty, Dragonfangs, dragonmiles18, dragonxyk, DS13, DudicalRat, DukeNukem007, dunnius, dwangoAC, ECCO, echo314, Ego Buff, Egor305, EgxHB, electrospecter, emi3d, emu, Equinox, Eratyx, ermacone, erokky, errror1, ersatz, Espyo, EvilRiu, Exim, Explosion Pills, Exxonym, 西坡, Fabian, FatRatKnight, feasel, feitclub, Felipe, feos, Ferret Warlord, FerretFaucet, fetofs, FFGamer86, finalfighter, fiskerN, Fladdermus, flagitious, flashthe, Fleetze, Flip, Flygon, foda, Foone, ForgoneMoose, FractalFusion, Frenom, fsvgm777, funnyhair, FunStyle, fuzi2, FuzZerd, FVDTSUYOSA, gab950912, GabCM, gabrielwoj, gamerfreak5665, Gamerskillsfull, gather, gbreeze, Gemini-Man, GeminiSaint, Genisto, georgexi, georgiek, GGG, gia, Gigafrost, Ginger, girfanatic501, gleison, GlitchMan, GlurG, GManiac, gocha, God-Hand, GoddessMaria15, Goemon, goldfish, Goldude, goofydylan8, Goofyman, got4n, grassini, Greenalink, grillo, Grincevent, GSGold, gstick, GTimeKiller, guacho80, GuanoBowl, Gunty, Gvozdevik, hadock, Halamantariel, Hanzo, hanzou, HappyLee, happy_mario, HardCoreMangeur, Haze Rever, Hâthor, hegyak, Heidman, Heisanevilgenius, heldtogetherwithtape, hellagels, hellfire, henke37, Hero Chaos Chao, hero of the day, HHS, highness, hikaru, Hiryuu, hisatoki, Hoandjzj, hogehoge61, Hongbaichaoren, hopper, Hotarubi, Huffers, Hutch, ideamagnate, iiro2, Ilari, inakilbss, Infinite Combos, INfintido, inichi, Invoker, inzult, Iriasu, irthemann, Ismaw34, IsraeliRD, IvanovishGC, izanamu, Jack Lv, Jackic, janus, jaysmad, JayTheBrainMann, jc564, jecy, jerfo, JetlagJad, jhp, Ji-chan, Jigwally, jimsfriend, JKRtas, jlun2, jnx, Johannes, Johnnypoiro, jonathangm, Josh, josh l., Josh the FunkDOC, jprofit22, jse, juancito87, JuanValdez, julianch, Jungon, JWinslow23, JXQ, K, KaitouKid, kaizoman666, Kale, kamengtaiv, KameZa, KamiKaze, Kaz, kchrules, Keirden, kengenken, KennyBoy, ketomei, Ketsueki, keylie, KFCMARIO, khv-user, kirbymuncher, kirkq, Kiske, klmz, KMFDManic, knbnitkr, kooz, kopernical, KP9000, krieg747, krieger, Kriole, kristmortal95, Krocketneo, kuja, kuja killer, Kumquat, Kurabupengin, Kyman, Kyrsimys, LagDotCom, lapogne36, laranja, laughing_gas, LAVOS5, leandroff5, lezard, LFNMai, Lieza McDohl, Lil_Gecko, LIMO, link_7777, lithven, LLCoolDave, Lollorcaust, Lollybomb, Lord Tom, lordofvt, Lord_of_Olympia, Lorenzo_The_Comic, LSK, lu9, Luke, LYF, m.i, macK, magus, Malleoz, mamuuuut, Marcokarty, Marcolaranja, Marik the Gamer, marioprincess, Mars608, Mart, Marx, marzojr, Master of Pigs, Masterjun, mat1er, mat89, mataniko, MATCH6974, maTO, MattyXB, Matyu, max12187566, Maximus, Maza, mazzeneko, mazzic, Mc GeeK, McBobX, McHazard, Megafrost, megaman, Mephistus, MESHUGGAH, Michael Fried, MICKEY_Vis11189, MiezaruMono, mike89, MikeRS, mil94, milquetoast, Minaya, mindnomad, Mister, Mitjitsu, mkdasher, mky, mlw7, mmarks, mmbossman, monthenor, mookish, Morrison, Mothrayas, motogiri, Mr. Kelly R. Flewin, MrGrunz, MrIvan97, mrlemonlame, Mro314, MrOmicron, MrWint, mrz, mr_roberts_z, Mr_Sweed, mtbRc, mtvf1, mugg, Mukki, mushroom, mvpetri, mz, Mzscla, N?K, Nahoc, namespoofer, namflow, Nanahocha, nanogyth, Naohiro19, NaturelLorenzo6000, NDS_Emil, NecroVMX, nEilfox, Neofix, neo_omegon, Newpants87, nfq, Nibelung, nicklegends, nico, nico30620, nicorido, nifboy, Nightcom, nineko, nintendo, NintenKai, Nisto, Nitrodon, NitroGenesis, nitsuja, nji9, Nodn, Nomade, Noob Irdoh, Noodlez, numerics, NxCy, Oasiz, Odongdong, OgreSlayeR, okaygo, Olivebates, OmegaForce, omegaredzero, OmegaWatcher, OmnipotentEntity, oneeighthundred, orugari, ouendan, Ouzo, ozort, p0rtal_0f_rain, p3r, p4wn3r, Palidian, Panda, PangaeaPanga, parrot14gree, partyboy1a, Pasky13, Patryk1023, paul_t, pdk, pekopon, Perfect Death, perfectacle, Peristarkawan, phantom321, Phil, philipptr, phoenix1291, Pictian, PikachuMan, Pike, pirate_sephiroth, pirohiko, Player1, plusminus, pom, poptart1234, Power Rangers, praetarius3, PreddY, prettyBoyRage, primorial#soup, prower, ptorflaxendrosis, QBOB, QoiZ, qqwref, Quibus, quietkane, Quietust, Qwerty6000, raboni, RachelB, Radz, Ragowit, Randil, RattleMan, rchokler, red-crowned-crane, ReichMan, reiki, Remafer, Remzi, RetroHolo, Rick, Rikku, RingRush, Rising Tempest, Robert_Ordis, rockfistus, Rolanmen1, RT-55J, Rum, Rushnerd, Ryuto, S@G, sack_bot, Sacrifices, Sam, Sami, Samoht, Samsara, samurai goroh, saomoore94, Saturn, scahfy, Scepheo, ScouSin, scrimpeh, scubed, Scumtron, SDR, Selene, SeNn, sergio89, sgrunt, shadow byrn, SHADOW_538, SharpKitten, Shinryuu, ShinyDoofy, Shiru, shisu, Silver, Sir VG, sirstarmagic, skamastaG, sksk1990, skychase, slamo, sleepz, sliverjazz, Slotermeyer, SmashFiles, snc76976, Soig, solarplex, some pickles, SonicBoom737, sonicmason, sonicpacker, Sonikkustar, Sopreti, Sotel6, SoulCal, soulrivers, sp00ky, sparky, speedofsound92, spezzafer, Spikestuff, spoonshiro, Spoony_Bard, SprintGod, sprocket2005, starpower60, STBM, Sticky, STV_Brozer, stx-Vile, SuperChan1990, SuperMario12, superninja, Supper, suwei, Swordless Link, Synahel, t3h Icy, Tailz, tall, Tanooki Teabag, TaoTao, Tarion, TASeditor, TASVideoAgent, Tatsuhiko, teammy, Tee-N-Tee, teh noj, TehSeven, teowind, Terimakasih, terrarising, tetora_X, TGPrimus, THC98, the BEST taser, The Dust Bunny, The Mario with Famtasia, TheAxeMan, Thedarksnw, theenglishman, thegreginator, TheHepper, TheKDX7, TheKoopaPatrol, TheLegendaryJirachi, TheRandomPie_IV, therealssjlink, TheSwordUser, Thevlackdemonn2294, TheYoungStarsOfTheWorld, TheZlomuS, TheZZAZZGlitch, the_nightrider, Thorning, tianwodeai, Tilus, tim333, TimmyAkmed, Tinister, tmont, Tompa, tool23, Toothache, tormed, Torn, Torn338, totodiletrainer01, totoro, Touch-me, Townsocks, tpfire123, Trask, trazz, TrenchAce, TRT, True, Truncated, Tseralith, Tuggummi, Tuplanolla, turbofa, turgish, turska, turtle, tviks, Twisted Eye, TylerArtrip, Ubercapitalist, Uintathere, umekor, unagi, unclejed, upthorn, Valagard, Vampier, VANDAL, VanillaCoke, Vatchern, vecna, Vector188, Vegetable, ventuz, Vespa, veup, videogamefreak, Viewer, VIPer7, VladimirContreras, Vlass14, VolcanoStormWind, Volkov, vsmk3, Vykan12, Waffle, Wak017, Walker Boh, Warp, was0x, waymuu, wazkatango, weatherton, Weirwindle, White Gastra, wicked, WiiS360, windeu, WinEpic, woabclf, Wodball, wonamik, WST, wwmarx, wyster, x2poet, Xaphan, xebra, xenos, XHAOS, xipo, Xkeeper, xoinx, XTREMAL93, xxNKxx, xxstimpzxx, Xyphys, y479021776, yagz, yep2yel, YoungJ1997lol, YtterbiJum, yuigenron, Yunshui, Yuzuhara_3, Zakatos, zefiris, Zene01, ZENEO9, Zer0, Zerstorung, Zettaijin, zggzdydp, zidanax, Zoizite, Zowayix, Zurreco, Zus, zvsp & zyr2288
NitroGenesis: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here.

Bisqwit: Rejected on the account of it not being reproducable.

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thelegendarymudkip wrote:
I had the idea to submit it on april fools just in case by whatever reason it got rejected so we could call it an april fools joke to avoid embarrassment? surely that was me?
No, me. For quite some time now, I discussed it with Coojay.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Spikestuff wrote:
thelegendarymudkip wrote:
I had the idea to submit it on april fools just in case by whatever reason it got rejected so we could call it an april fools joke to avoid embarrassment? surely that was me?
No, me. For quite some time now, I discussed it with Coojay.
How can you ignore the yes vote RNG manipulation???!?!?!?!?!???
Current TAS: [SNES] Jelly Boy [NES] Street Fighter 2010
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I'm certainly proud of our 'ensemble' effort! Lots of red bull, 5 hour energy, and restless pacing/screaming at my laptop went into this one. Hopefully this makes it into the vault!
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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And I... was there.
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Bisqwit wrote:
And I... was there.
Link to video
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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Twisted Eye wrote:
Good job everyone we did it
except for Nach it seems. ;)
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jlun2 wrote:
Twisted Eye wrote:
Good job everyone we did it
except for Nach it seems. ;)
But it was a surprise for Nach. Remember?
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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jlun2 wrote:
Twisted Eye wrote:
Good job everyone we did it
except for Nach it seems. ;)
This. If they'd just give me the fucking recognition I'd deserve in this case :@
Current TAS: [SNES] Jelly Boy [NES] Street Fighter 2010
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thelegendarymudkip wrote:
jlun2 wrote:
Twisted Eye wrote:
Good job everyone we did it
except for Nach it seems. ;)
This. If they'd just give me the fucking recognition I'd deserve in this case :@
But you did nothing.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Former player
Joined: 11/2/2009
Posts: 100
Oh man. Congrats everyone. We really did it this time. I fondly remember that one frame I pressed the jump button...
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Spikestuff wrote:
thelegendarymudkip wrote:
jlun2 wrote:
Twisted Eye wrote:
Good job everyone we did it
except for Nach it seems. ;)
This. If they'd just give me the fucking recognition I'd deserve in this case :@
But you did nothing.
I helped manipulate the RNG for the "yes votes". That hardly counts as nothing.
Current TAS: [SNES] Jelly Boy [NES] Street Fighter 2010
Experienced player (998)
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Posts: 373
I'd like to thank you all for your amazing contribution to this run. We made it happen, guys!
Previous TASes: Frogger's Adventures: The Rescue Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door any% x 8 Paper Mario 64 Luigi's Mansion Sonic Heroes - Team Sonic Mario Kart Wii ILs
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why was I left out :'(
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why was I left out :'(
And I checked several times to see I had everyone who did it. Fixing it like amaurea.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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How long ago did we start working on this by the way? I forget.
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Bisqwit wrote:
How long ago did we start working on this by the way? I forget.
When a stable version of 4.0.2 came out, then we started TASsing it. I put the emu: Dolphin 4.0-1302 (Week old now) as the one because it syncs very well with it.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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I would like to suggest a screenshot: Frame 1337
Current TAS: [SNES] Jelly Boy [NES] Street Fighter 2010
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zidanax: Gee, Dasrik, it sure stinks that we'll never be able to TAS ever again. littl did thé kno
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
Joined: 11/3/2013
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Inb4 someone makes a few hundred extra rerecords and removes a frame of lag, thus totally nullifying the superhuman effort that went into this.
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Oh boy, let the April 1st joke start! Seeing those joke submissions kinda got me thinking for like a sec!
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Man, I'd completely forgotten I worked on this! Thanks for finishing it for me.
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-ziplock-? Now there's a name I haven't seen in a very long time...
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
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*looks over the players list* RIP zidanax. We miss you, bro.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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Don't forget I'm the captain
Jungon wrote:
if I was to have a Tool-Assisted real life ... I'd.. I could abuse death, just to see if it saves time ..