Level 2 done. We had a handful of small desync issues with this level that caused us to re-do a few times so I'm releasing this current WIP as a dtm. It would help us a lot if a few of you guys would download it and confirm that it syncs for you up through the loading of the third level. As far as I know it does not sync for one of us, desyncs in level 2 at about the spot that Bond's car drives over the grassy area. If it syncs on 3 guys's computers but not the 4th... with the EXACT same settings used what does this mean?
The Agent Under Fire game ISO is version 1.00 .
.dtm and complete dolphin setup instructions for running this dtm are here:
PS: The load times before and after car/driving levels take a while if your PC is meh, as long as the frame counter is going up you're good to go. It takes my poopy laptop about 3 minutes.