This kingdom needs more work. I have too many bananas. But I do not want to work on it right now, so I'm saving it for my second run-through of the game. All of the adjustments are very small anyways. So that's why the minigame is lower-scoring.
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And now.
Why don't you get the boss while it's stunned the first time?
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Current Project: Psycho Waluigi
Project on wait list: None?
If I recall well, you're doing any% run?
It looks amazing so far! :)
PS: A platine run(or better, the "maxi run"!) would be nice. :)
This is a 100% run. He makes it so he only gets 1200 bananas at each level.
Why don't you get the boss while it's stunned the first time?
Every boss has 2 modes, in short if HP are lower than a certain point (varies between each boss) there is a small animation that makes you lose time and the boss acts differently (he starts sending spikes instead of green potatoes). If he starts hitting the boss, even to lower the HP a bit, you lose time in that action (nearly 5 seconds), also you might start the animation whether you lower the HP limit by smashing green potatoes or punching his face directly. However, if you are punching the bos's face directly, the animation won't start until you finished punching, and if the boss is dead he won't go in second mode.
The best strategy is to send green potatoes in the face 6 times so that a single punching time kills it without activating the second phase.
If I recall well, you're doing any% run?
It looks amazing so far! :)
PS: A platine run(or better, the "maxi run"!) would be nice. :)
A maximum score run would be extremely tedious. It would be hours of repetition. I may do a maximum score run of a certain level for fun later. This run is a 100% though, since a Platinum medal is awarded at 1200 points in a kingdom. Beating the game only requires 51 medals; an average of 3 per kingdom. But a Platinum is 4.
If I recall well, you're doing any% run?
It looks amazing so far! :)
PS: A platine run(or better, the "maxi run"!) would be nice. :)
A maximum score run would be extremely tedious. It would be hours of repetition. I may do a maximum score run of a certain level for fun later. This run is a 100% though, since a Platinum medal is awarded at 1200 points in a kingdom. Beating the game only requires 51 medals; an average of 3 per kingdom. But a Platinum is 4.
Oh it's already 100%.
Yeah, I don't know what it takes to try the highest score possible...
Thank you for your answer and looking forward to this run. :)
At the last levels, there is a stage where you can reach something like 17 combos (any banana you grab by clapping your hands start at 17+1 and add 1 for each bananas already taken with the same clap), I though I saw scores like 10k or even 17k bananas on youtube but I can't find any video…
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Durian down! Needs adjustments still, but I'm just going to get through the end at this point when it's nothing but minor stuff that only saves a little time. The second run through of the game where I'll be applying new tricks and cleaning up old mistakes is on the way anyways, and will require me to go through everything once more. This run isn't complete until I do that.
Big scary boss coming soon :o
It seemed to me that you could stun more quickly in the 2nd phase… Sad thing I don't have my gamecube anymore with all the saves.
I first read the description "I took too many bananas!!" then I saw that you skipped everything I was like wtf. Really nice stuff, you made some really risky plays with the bird, MOAR!!!
I can stun more quickly, indeed. But then the boss is left with 20HP.
Also, I've never congratulated you on being one of the twenty or so people in the entire world who have ever played Donkey Kong Jungle Beat for Gamecube. :D
They're slow one way or another. Next time I'm running through the level I'm going to try a more straight line approach. I feel like I was too set on thinking about reversing my left-ward momentum, which makes me go up higher. I did try out an alternative, but I think there's more experimenting to be done, indeed.
This is why the whole game is getting a second run. :D
With a bit of buildup because the boss has a unique little thing on the menu.
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Credits roll after this guy... but another set of kingdoms remain. The next one has my favorite level.
Yes, you have to sit through the first credits. Without a memory card, you can't reset, and with a memory card, the game only saves your progress AFTER you get back to the Kingdom-select menu. At least the music's pretty awesome, though.
There is a little delay. It is just the way the game is. You can't hit the pig until I start.
And yeah, there's no credits skip, unless we found some new serious glitch. I couldn't find one, though. :P
Favorite level time.
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Durian Kingdom may be the best kingdom, but Clock Tower is absolutely my favorite level, and the same-wall wall jump trick really speeds it up.
I took a break because all the Helibird stuff lately and my pace of working on this run was destroying my wrist. Time to invest in a better keyboard maybe. With macro buttons.
I usually dislike races, but that one was a blast! The rest of the run was awesome too! Good job!
EDIT: You also saved me from my boredom at work. \o/
I could but it wasn't useful to do so. The first set of hits obviously had to be separate. Doing so when the right one's heart was exploding would cause the left one to spawn only two pineapples because two of his were in the right's heart. It would also cause him to spawn his pineapples too early, with the right one shooting them with cannonballs and destroying them. Finally, it still shows both cutscenes, so no time would really be saved, even if these problems weren't here. I would have done it for entertainment value if it didn't take up time though, because it causes some minor glitches.
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Donkey Kong continues to cheat at races. I get a little demotivated and leave 35 extra points lying around. As I mention in the Youtube video comment, the whole game is getting re-run anyways to make use of new tricks so I'm just looking to close out the first draft here. :)