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I initially had that idea, throwing both rockets, because inside the mothership, I can get L and one of the alien chains (the red one followed by 4 normal ones) before the midboss drops a bomb item. The main problem is the midboss, the UFO's had a lot of health and since human players shoot S slower and only single L, it took a long time to destroy the ships. Though if I'm farming for bombs, that won't be too much of a problem since I can attack it while waiting for aliens to come out. The third UFO/mothership could be sped up by using some of the bombs I get. I agree that G is the best choice against Rootmars2 after F. Does the smoke of G also damage Rootmars? Where can I get a 2nd F? Do you mean the big F that appears before I have to rescue Marco?
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Yes, the power of G's smoke is 50. Keep that F before rescue Marco. If you stand on nose of Rootmars, you can change guns and knife easily.
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Alright tested throwing both rockets again and discovered that I can get 4 S before the midboss so about 38 bullets for each player (few shots to kill the aliens before the midboss). Inside the mothership, I was able to get enough L for both players to take it to the next part before I get 2 F. I'm starting to think throwing both rockets might be better. At the very least, throwing both rockets inside the mothership might be better.
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wip up to midboss I'm going to try to give up both rockets to see if I can get bombs for both players in a reasonable time. mtvf1, do you know what affects the items the aliens will drop? I managed to get the first alien to drop bomb for now.
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Your input can control the random. You have to try it again and again.
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manipulation wip I had to give all 4 S to one player and 1 L to the other because the manipulation was determined by when I actually used my weapon and if I had just S, there would be times when I can't fire. I'm having some trouble trying to manipulate more bombs from the aliens. Right now, after I get 60 bombs for both players, the next alien will drop bombs, but I can't get the alien after that to drop bombs. Though I'm starting to think that getting 99 bombs for both player might not be worth the time it costs. Either get little less (70~80 maybe?) or just have one player get 99 and the other player keeps the rocket and gets missiles.
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If can't get all 2-99 bombs, keep one rocket may be better.
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almost there (90 bombs + 21 missiles) Somehow, player 2 ended up saving 1 missile before the midboss. The red meteorite before the blue meteorites also gave a bomb item when I only have one rocket. I think keeping one rocket is better. I have to manipulate much less and it helps me lose less time. At the third UFO/mothership, should I use any of the bombs to speed up the fight or save them? I know I'll use at least 1 because when player 1 has 90 bombs, the final bomb item can only give 9 bombs so it's best to have 89 bombs when getting the final bomb item.
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I think you should use some bombs to beat the 3rd UFO. Why not let one player get one S, S is faster than L, and Rocket's S has been speedup. I think you can throw the rocket after kill the 3rd UFO.
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I used L so that I could control the timing of when I fire and the boss's hp better. Giving player one a S might be better since I could use the Rocket's S to control the timing. Though depending on how much I have to fire to manipulate, I might end up destroying both UFO's before I get all my grenades. I think the best place to throw the 2nd rocket is after I destroy the first wall since that should be destroyed fast and the enemies after that drop L's if you're not in a slug.
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Inside the mothership I tried giving S to player 1, but I couldn't manipulate the aliens to drop bombs every time. I think the main thing that is important is the boss's hp at a certain frame and L is needed to be able to change the hp better. 21 missiles was barely enough, maybe I should've saved a few more missiles from the beginning. But both players getting 99 bombs would have taken way too long. Inside the UFO, I destory some enemies to spawn the next group of enemies quicker. The first wall must be destroyed as fast as possible to spawn the mini ufo's as soon as possible. I used one grenade because there was an opportunity to do damage to three of them at once and I only had pistol and H. The second wall only has to be destroyed fast enough. If you take too long, you have to fight three extra aliens (one of them gives H, which is useless) before the group of five (that gives one L). 2 grenades is enough for the 2nd wall.
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wip up to 2 F So it turns out that it was best if all of the walls were destroyed as fast as possible. However, destroying the last 4 walls as fast as possible only saved a few frames and took a lot more bombs, so it's best to just use L. The only walls that should be destroyed fast are the first wall and the second wall (only use 2 grenades on the second wall). I also destroy certain enemies faster to spawn the next enemies early. In the next part, the 3rd hoop-shooting bot can be skipped by screen scrolling to the left at the right time as I do in the wip. I have an interesting idea which is to give both F to player 1. Most of the aliens after the 2 F can be skipped with screen scrolling and the bots don't take that much longer to destroy with F and L because F can't do full damage. I can also take advantage of the weapons that come out later (maybe R/L or satellite) while still having plenty of F. Though even if this idea doesn't work, it's still possible to take 1 F farther that x2poet did, maybe even up to rootmars 1. Currently saved 4411 frames.
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I think add 2 F to palyer2 is a good idea, because you can use bombs to cancel the L, or you can press (↙C)(↘A) to hit 2 sides of enemies. Player1 should get more L, but I think it's enough now.
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Wouldn't giving F to player 1 be better because I can throw bombs during the delay between each F? I can cancel L by crouching or turning around while crouching.
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I'm not sure, but if player1 keep L, he can help player2 to hit enemy alittle faster.
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Which part? When I fight the hoop shooting bots? Or the giant alien spiders in the next part?
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When fight the hoop shooting bots.
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up to rootmars1 Wow! 5440 frames saved in total so far! I gave player 1 2 F because I had that planned from the start (player 2 had more L too) and I didn't see any disadvantages with player 1 getting the F. Most of the aliens are skipped by scrolling the screen at the right time, the ones that are fought cannot be skipped. When fighting the hoop shooting bots, I use F twice on each bot, getting 10 hits for each bots and using L to finish them off. I had to use one grenade on the last bot in order to destroy it fast enough for player 2 to get the R before it disappeared. Getting R is right, it helps destroy the next bot and the "door" a lot faster. In the next part, I re-obtain L from the alien spider for player 2. The first giant alien spider and the bot after can be skipped by screen scrolling at the right time. Although the bot has the satellite, it also has 800 hp and I think L is better to have because I can have it going into rootmars1. As for rootmars1, I plan on manipulating L from the energy balls. X2poet was able to get 3 L before rootmars1 died, but since I have 18 F, I think I'll only be able to get 2 L from rootmars1 because I'll destroy it faster. Though I believe 1 L for each player is enough because I can use the L trick and the fact that the bots have a lot less health when you spawn them while out of the metal slug.
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Why you can't use more bombs? You needn't keep more bombs to the end. You should use bombs when you only have low power guns like L. Because when beat with rootmars2, you can use knife, and knife is faster than L, too.
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I didn't use bombs because I wanted to use more F because I didn't want to have too much F left over. Though maybe I might want more F to keep till the giant alien spider in the clone part and maybe the first bot after that. Where do you think I should use bombs and how many? I think if I do use bombs, it should be when I fight the giant alien spiders.
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I think you should use bombs at the beginning of the mother ship.
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I've quickly tested rootmars1 and it looks like I'll have 3 F left over to carry over to the next part. Also, I'll only be able to get 1 L because rootmars1 dies before the 2nd energy ball hits the ground (Though I think it's fine since I'll have the metal slug and bombs). I think 3 F is enough for the next part for the giant alien spider. There's no need to have any F after that, player 2 will get out of the metal slug to lower the bots health and player 1 will get in the metal slug to use cannon + vulcan. The bots after that drop weapons (C, H, and I) that are much better to use against the bots than F. So if I used bombs before, I will have a lot more F left over that won't get used before I start using other weapons. I think it's better to use F when I can and use bombs when I don't have F, unless knife > F in terms of damage. Another thing to consider: I think the bots that come from the left in the next part can drop big S. I've seen it happen in one player mode. X2poet said in an earlier post that he wasn't able to get the bots to drop big S, but I think they can drop big S. I've seen a 2 player run where one of them dropped a big S. The reason to get 2 big S is because of the part where I rescue Marco. The big F cannot do full damage to the "bubble." In one player lvl 4, the bubble has 250 hp so 13 big S was enough to destory it, but I've used all 30 big F on it and it still didn't destroy it and required extra big H to destroy it. I'm not sure how much damage big F does, but if I do get it, it should not be used to rescue Marco. I'm think the best thing to do would be to give player 2 both big S and then have player 1 get the big F and use bombs on the bubbles or even have both players get 1 big S each and skip the big F.
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Don't care about this 3 more F, all the weapons are enough except bombs. Yes, knife is faster than F, but you can use both of knife and F to beat marsroot2. I think 1F and 1S is the best. When beating the bubble, only F's main flame can damage it, and the power has been reduced to 5 every 2frames. Edit: You can use lua to display HP, did you still not use it? Post #377603
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I've been using the lua, I just didn't get that far to actually see the power reduction. I only knew from experience. If the big F damage has been reduced 5 per 2 frames, I think it's best not to use the big F at all against the bubble (one big F will do less damage than one grenade). Player 1 should get the big F and use bombs against the bubble while player 2 should get the big S (2 if possible, but 1 might be enough).
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