No problem. Just some clarifications: By resetting the starting location, I mean that after you die, you'll start at the beginning of the level instead of at the last checkpoint. The $700804 check is triggered every time you fall and will increment a counter. After it hits $80, jumps will become increasingly smaller, but only for even values of the counter. It stops at $FF, and from there on all your jumps are normal again (I assume that this is unintentional).
There are really only two types of tests. In some places it checks for mirroring, and in other places it checks if battery RAM is present (which Mega Man X obviously doesn't have). The reason for all these checks isn't that a copier might fail only some of the tests, but to increase the chances that a pirate will neglect to find and patch them all. There are also other places where it will verify that these instructions are intact, and enable the funky behaviour immediately if not.
ZSNES will detect version 1.1 of the game, and prevent these checks from triggering, but it does not do so for version 1.0.
Edit: Seems that some of this was actually discovered before, and ironically, posted on
another "the cutting room floor":