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This area is used for communication between ARM7 and ARM9, for example, to report the touch screen coordinates. The status of the X and Y buttons, which for some reason they decided to connect only to the ARM7, is also stored here. There are only a handful of different ARM7 program versions used by official games, so the layout of this area is generally the same.
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After some heavy researching, I finally found very useful adresses while memory watching in ARM9. From adress 023D66E0 to 023D6870 are the whole dialogue events, triggers and setups from each dialoge in the game. Adresses 023D6640 to 023D6660 are the loading bytes for the dialogues to appear and for each one of them. (It may not apply for the desicion boxes, but who knows.) Maybe it can help A LOT when you want to be exact with dialogue box changing.
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solarplex wrote:
Ten frames? Hmm I cant recall too easily but usually i would mean Input button -> 9 frames of not pressing -> input button. example: A ,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,A Or after on frame of input, the next input would be on the tenth frame.
Is not so exact, now I noticed, solar waited more than 9 frames in various occasions, and its probably because of the camera or something, I don't know, but Its being a total pain to me. http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/16722234151272806
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Theres more shit in ARM9 than I thought... The screen transitions and interactions with NPCs have more adresses than I expected. Researching them will take ages. EDIT New info! Still researching, but from adresses 021B2880 to 021B5350 (and maybe more) have to do with the wrench, MechanoDuster and some more small segments in game, the game's code calls them Microgames. Above those adresses, there are some lots of adresses for the actual minigames (so far I've only found the Labyrinth game). Crap, so far so good I guess.
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I'm considering going back to TAS this game. There are newly discovered tricks/glitches that may save me some time, I can't promise finishing it this year, the Microgames and overall dialogue is hard to optimize. I'll update the Games Resouce page of the EPF games when I can and not get lazy, it will take a while though.
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The Games Resources page has been updated!!! Go check it out here! Hurray x5 posting!
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It would be REALLY helpful if someone could find these addresses, I just simply can't find them: *Admitance of cursor to pass to next dialogue box (THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE) *The X Position of the Cursor *The Y Position of the Cursor *The X Speed for the Cursor *The Y Speed for the Cursor *The X Camera Position *The Y Camera Position *The X Speed for Camera *The Y Speed for Camera *The X Puffle Position *The Cursor Position on Screen *The Values for Cursor Clicks *The Changes for Cursor sprites *Loading Screen Values If you want to help me in this really difficult task, please PM or something like that. This will help me a whole lot to make an optimized run through all of the 10 Missions.
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Link to video This was made before the new findings. Dunno why I was TASing this in Spanish, maybe because I'm a Spanish speaker myself. Not upload to YouTube cuz... reasons.
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Ok, after some planning, this is the route I'll use in Mission 1 -Fadeclick to Rookie, optimize dialogue until I can move the cursor. -Go to the Puffle Training room. -In the room, call Bouncer and Puffle Scroll onto the farther right when you are calling her. -When called, layer skip the 2 boxes and then throw a snowball to the last target. -Then optimize dialogue again and then go to the river. -Item HUD Off to the cardboard box and mix the 2 orange items. -Quick click the broken jackhammer. -Quickly build the jackhammer, then skip the minigame. -Optimize dialogue again, then go to next room. -Select the grappling hook and skip minigame. -On the next room, Item HUD Off Dot and get the belt. -Then talk to Rookie, and get the Fish Pole thingy. -Finnally talk to Jet Pack Guy and get his precious Jet Pack. -Mix items, then grab the belt and DRAG it and quick click the mixed Jet Pack. -Quickly optimize the Jet Pack Microgame. -Optimize dialogue more and do the Stack-up Microgame. -Optimize dialogue and finish the mission. Man, this will not be easy.
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So I restarted the movie from scratch, everything going awesome... Not until I noticed a glaring mistake at the very beggining of the mission... I didn't choose the fastest desicion at one point, and I was in half of the mission already. I was pissed. Now I have to go through everything again. FUCK.
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Kurabupengin wrote:
So I restarted the movie from scratch, everything going awesome... Not until I noticed a glaring mistake at the very beggining of the mission... I didn't choose the fastest desicion at one point, and I was in half of the mission already. I was pissed. Now I have to go through everything again. FUCK.
The life of TASers.
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Ok... I just needed to relax, its all better now. Allright, I got it. I improved 63 frames over your movie so far (currently at buildin' a jackhammer), I just need a very detailed explanation of how you did the jackhammer building section and I'll be fine. Also noticed an improvement when going to the river section. Dammit. Input file http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/18054162225284806 EDIT Maybe the puffle training room can be done faster if I puffle scroll after the 1st green light is on instead of puffle scrolling when I hit the target, I don't know I'm unsure about it.
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Ok guys, now just a couple of minutes ago, I discovered that theres 2 versions of this game, wow. Theres v1.0, which is the USA release, and v1.1 is the European release. After some little examination, v1.1 is faster... with loading times... well... shit. Now restarting this will be tough, since I have to verify all the tricks/glitches I found so far. Well, here goes nothin! *sigh*
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http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/18231941795708312 I knew it, v1.1 its indeed faster... for very few frames, but faster is faster.
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Ok, so for a comparison, I see that PAL v1.1 is faster from 2 to 5 frames in all loading time transitions combined, maybe it has a frame rule, but I can't really inspect it further.
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Ok, so I motivate to continue TASing this game, and this.... happens... Link to video Ok... I have no idea if this can be useful for TASing yet... but still, it can be a mayor glitch or something... I dunno, the game lags infinitely when it softlocks. I'll investigate this further.
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I'll switch back to USA v1.0 now, mainly because the loading screens are just unsignificant and I haven't found any differences aside from the START button, no DGamer and the puffle menu lowering down the music. BTW, the Ghost Items glitch doesn't seem to work anywhere else aside from the box at Mission 1... that's really sad, oh well.
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Post subject: Fastest softlock/crash TAS
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Link to video That's how a fastest crash/softlock TAS of this game looks like. Since Kirby's Adventure, Wind Waker and other games have one, why not this game? Input file for the curious: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/19033883691528530 Still have to upload this to NicoVideo though... unless someone else can do it for ME! P.S.: BTW, still stuck on the Jackhammer... SOLARPLEX PLS HLP!!! But, don't TAS it for me Ok?
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Just to put a note here cuz I'm not an editor anymore: -Framerate: 60fps, but the camera and everything moves in 30fps, that means frame perfect tricks and glitches have to be considered. -Lag: theres lag in in-game cutscenes, but not on actual cutscenes. The game can lag when the cursor sprite changes in gameplay. However, it can be avoided at some point by using the D-pad. -Ghost items: not effective anywhere but in mission 1 with dat box. -Jigsaw sections: Microgame... for a TAS... that is pure hell. That and the wrench sections as well.... FUKIN SRSLY SOLAR I NEED TO KNOW HOW!!!!!! That and a 7nth page for this thread.
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Post subject: Re: Important notes.
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Kurabupengin wrote:
-Jigsaw sections: Microgame... for a TAS... that is pure hell. That and the wrench sections as well.... FUKIN SRSLY SOLAR I NEED TO KNOW HOW!!!!!!.
Lol the jackhammer section? When you need help, just send me your movie file and I'll do my best to figure out how to do it fast :)
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K then: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/19116856852189004 I actually managed to save 7 frames by entering the river early.
Here, my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dekutony
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Kurabupengin wrote:
K then: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/19116856852189004 I actually managed to save 7 frames by entering the river early.
it's been awhile since I've tried to play your movies, what are the settings you use for emulation setting? I have Version 9.9 Desmume and the same rom.
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-Enable Advance Bus Timing ON -Use dynamic recompiler ON -Block size set to 100
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Ah there we go, (x84 was also required, couldnt use x64 9.9) So You're right up to the jackhammer part! Fun! So What I did if I remember correctly is: Move piece into position first then rotate. How to do it fast: grab the piece the first frame that its possible, test out how quickly and how far you can move the piece each frame (It's been awhile so I dont know if you had to wait a few frames for it to move a certain distance). Rotating: grab the yellow/green dot either before or when it shows up, next frame(s) try turning it by holding different angles on the screen. Try it once or twice, then redo the entire thing to see if you finish faster.
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Link to video Here is my demo (from your newest file) of me doing the jackhammer, this one is not as nicely done as my other one cause i did it in 10 minutes or so. But you can see I start grabbing before the screen even comes up, to grab a hold of the item it takes two frames. you need to release for one frame in between placement and rotation.
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