Hetfield90's Mega Man X 100% TAS in 33:48. It is 1329 frames (22.2 seconds) faster than the published run by gameplay improvement, and 400 actual frames (~10s) faster (due to emulator frame rate and lag emulation/load time accuracy disparities). Emulator used was Bizhawk 1.9.1.


  • Uses no passwords
  • 100% item collection
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Uses speed/entertainment tradeoffs
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Manipulates Luck
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Dies to save time


There were two main inspirations which catalyzed this run: one of which came from a glitch (known as the Phantom Grab) discovered by Luiz "The Pride of Brazil, Slayer of Goku" Miguel, which allows you to replace objects inside of a boomerang by collecting another item with the boomerang on the same frame the new one spawns. This glitch was utilized to save a substantial amount of time and even changed the route to one which was previously thought to be impossible. Since this route is still far less than practical for real-time speed runs, I wanted to showcase it (as well as other optimizations that have been discovered by myself and other RTAers since Dezbeast's run was published) in a TAS.
The other came from FractalFusion and Rolanmen1's 100% TAS WIP, the movement of which I essentially copied exactly for the first 3 stages of this TAS (and even some of their downtime swag as well). When I saw their TAS WIP it was like art in motion to me, and it really got me thinking about what new things can be added to a 100% TAS.

Table of Time Saved in levels:

Published: Total FramesMy Run: Total FramesPublished: Lag FramesMy Run: Lag FramesPublished: Gameplay FramesMy run: Gameplay FramesGameplay Frames SavedTime Equivalent to Gameplay Frames Saved(approx.)
Chameleon6313640191763046384-80 -1.3s
Penguin Revisit221822053622152199160.3s
Octopus4807493812525246824686-4 -0.1s
Sigma 14780486963447744835-61 -1s
Sigma 23080312712030793107-28 -0.5s
Sigma 33274248626653248242182713.8s
Sigma 417061697001706169790.2s
All Stages71966712413849887158269253132922.2s
Because the published run was made on Snes9x 1.43 (which saves a substantial amount of time over Bizhawk 1.9.1 in lag emulation/load times) and I wanted to know how much I improved upon the published TAS in actual gameplay (and in which places), I measured the the parameters of each section of gameplay in each TAS (to discount load time disparities) and counted lag frames to discount those as well. Of course, this undermines the fact that both TASes were made to achieve fastest completion time and reduce lag as much as possible (and that different parts of each TAS did a better job at reducing lag than the other), but I felt that knowing this extra information couldn't hurt. More info on what parameters I used to exclude load times and which frames were lag frames in each TAS can be found here.

Stage Info

All frame save/loss values exclude lag frames and load times.

Intro(4 frames lost)

  • This vile is far from optimal, but after 15+ hours of trying to manipulate him, this was the best I could get and I really wanted to continue with the rest of the run at that point. The fact that didn't notice the ship misalignment on the iteration I ended up going with is mind boggling.

Chill Penguin(51 frames saved)

  • Walking backwards for exactly one frame and then jumping two frames later makes utilizing slope speed from even gentle inclines worth it. Also, log zips are cool.
  • I didn't use the soft music glitch on this stage or any other stages in the run even though it saves frames because I like Mega Man X's sound track and want to hear it at full volume.

Boom Kuwanger(102 frames saved)

  • This is essentially an exact replica of the Kuwanger stage from FractalFusion and Rolanmen's 100% TAS WIP, so all credits go to them here. Time saves over Dezbeast's run include the right wall climb in the first room, an additional laser damage boost, elevator skip, 2 additional gap jumps, and the ceiling kick after the heart.

Sting Chameleon(80 frames lost)

  • Generally Sting Chameleon is the 8th Maverick in 100% so you have water in the pit to get the heart, but by getting the heart with the Phantom Grab instead you can move Chameleon before Storm Eagle which is more conducive to boss weaknesses. The time loss here is from not having buster upgrade or Rolling Shield yet in this route.
  • It took some experimenting to figure out how to do this Phantom Grab optimally, but juggling the life drop with a second boomerang set it up almost perfectly. It's normally faster to do the miniboss before getting the heart, but since that would cause me to have to backtrack to get a life drop from the nearest enemy, the inverse order was better.
  • I started with Shotgun Ice on the miniboss since I don't have the buster upgrade yet in this route. It hits the boss earlier than any other weapon at my disposal, and the fight still takes 22 hits regardless.

Storm Eagle(356 frames saved)

  • Aside from saving 5 seconds on the boss fight by having c-sting, there were number of small time savers over the published run throughout the stage as well. These included the Luizerang™ (a strategy developed by Luiz Miguel where you arc the boomerang downward to grab the heart earlier), jumping underneath a platform in the first section and wall kicking the other side of it, some lag reduction, a more optimal pre-capsule climb, and using Shotgun Ice to break the barrier to the capsule.

Flame Mammoth(5 frames saved)

  • Jumping left after the buster upgrade demonstration allows you to reach a full charge 7 frames sooner (because you get the pink charge shot off screen quicker), and you can still get into position to create the ice sled on time anyway.
  • The jumping after boomeranging the E-tank was done to cause the E-tank to take an as direct as possible trajectory to the point where I needed to do the Phantom grab. I was able to save 9 frames with this over the published run's strategy.
  • I found out that you can manipulate what kind of enemy is dropped onto the conveyor belts with your y-axis position, which allowed me to get a zip through an Utuboros head in the second conveyor belt section.
  • The charged Storm Tornado strat for the Flame Mammoth boss fight was far too laggy on Bizhawk to be worth it, so I just went with the standard any% strat.

Penguin Revisit(16 frames saved)

  • Upon entering this stage with the dash boot upgrade, I got confused as to which game I was actually playing and started using Maverick Hunter X strats everywhere(which explains the excessive use of Fire Wave). Luckily it didn't cause me any extra lag frames.
  • Doing this revisit at this point in the run saved me 2 frames in stage select inputs over any other alternative.

Spark Mandrill(52 frames saved)

  • I'm glad I was able to kill the 2nd blue mech to reduce lag and get the ceiling kick after the 2nd ladder without slowing down at all.
  • The reason I used Fire Wave on 2 of the fireflies in the hallway before Thunder Slimer was because that was the only weapon I could kill them with at a time where they wouldn't give me an item drop (or if they did I could pick it up right after). Amazing how the laggiest weapon in the game can have situational lag reduction applications, lol.
  • This Thunder Slimer pattern killed the miniboss in the same amount of time as the pattern in the published run (the time I lost to lag from hitting two bubbles with charged Storm Tornado was balanced out by being able to get 2 additional C-sting shots in after my first wall jump), but I ended up saving time in lag during the explosion with 2 less bubbles at that point.
  • This heart grab(discovered by Megiddo) was where most of the time save in this level came from. I think it may have potentially been faster to phantom grab it with a drop from the turtle, but I didn't think of this till much later in the TAS(probably not because of lag though).

Armored Armadillo(88 frames saved)

  • I was initially anticipating this to be a time loss in this route since having the body armor prevents you from taking enough damage from the cart to die to the bird at the end of the stage, but it turns out that e-tanks have a significantly greater spawn distance than hearts which allowed me to forgo dealing with the first burrower and a venture into lag city entirely.

Launch Octopus (4 frames lost)

  • I popped charged C-sting on the first sub to reduce lag during the fight, but ended up getting it back during the explosion. I also tried popping the C-sting earlier in the stage so that it would run out precisely when the Submarine does, but this just displaced the lag to earlier in the stage, lol.
  • I lost some frames by having to dodge a torpedo from the ship, but I still have no idea how I could have manipulated it.
  • I then somehow managed to despawn the ship (maybe from going too fast?), which lost me frames on the climb out, but at least I was able to do the Luizerang 2.0™ and arc the boomerang downward to get the heart sooner even with this low ceiling.
  • I lost 5 frames from Octopus jumping high at the start of the fight, but I have no idea how to manipulate this without causing lag city from killing the blow fishes before the boss door. As you can probably tell by now, this stage did not really go my way, lol.

Sigma 1 (61 frames lost)

  • I have no idea how I lost an entire second in this stage, but all of it was before the Vile fight. I guess it either had something to do with how I spawned the floating platforms/where I did my damage boosts, or maybe I did the Vile text skip incorrectly.
  • I figured out that you can buffer the entire Hadouken input during the load times before boss fights, this saved me 1 frame on each of Boomer Kuwanger, Spark Mandrill, and Sigma.
  • Each of the current fastest published MMX TASes have 3 crossovers for their first Bospider pattern, and mine did not break the tradition. I thought having ample time to wall slide after the Kuwanger fight and at the beginning of the Bospider fight with several optional enemies to kill in between would be RNG manipulation heaven to get the god pattern easy, but of every iteration, this was the only one I got that had even as few as 3, lol.

Sigma 2(28 frames lost)

  • A double kick in the first climb allowed me to utilize the platform jump without overshooting the top.
  • It's faster to use C-sting in the final section but I couldn't get a decent Rangda pattern with it to save my life. The red eye first pattern which I ended up taking isn't even optimal.

Sigma 3(827 frames saved)

  • Using the ice sled to zip past the range of pixels that pan the camera up before the Armadillo fight allows you to skip him entirely.
  • Timing my Fire Wave to run out after the last necessary flame to kill the 2nd miner before Sting Chameleon is released saved a pretty significant amount of lag. I even had less lag frames in this section than the published run did on Snes9x 1.43.
  • The ice sled zip through the wall before Spark Mandrill was half a second slower than not doing it, but it was too cool for me to pass up, lol. I guess I'll just chalk this one up to speed/entertainment tradeoff.

Sigma 4(9 frames saved)

  • After hours of going back to Flames Mammoth's room in Sigma 3 and killing caterpillars, I was somehow lucky enough to get an optimal Velguarder pattern and not get blocked by the left claw at the start of the Velguarder Sigma fight in the same iteration.
  • The two-pronged always catches Velguarder Sigma off guard. He never expects you to attack him from both sides.

Possible Improvements

  • I mentioned most of the big areas for improvement in the stage by stage descriptions, but I think that lag reduction could have been better overall. There was a lot of random lag that likely could have been eliminated with buster shots which I didn't notice until I was counting lag frames after the TAS was finished.


This run is far from perfect, but I enjoyed making it and was able to showcase the new route/optimizations which made me want to make it in the first place. Making my first full game TAS was definitely a valuable learning experience, and I think I'll be able to do a much better job now when I tackle my next one (which will likely be Mega Man X2 Any%).
I'd also like to give thanks to:
  • FractalFusion and Rolanmen1 for their 100% WIP which inspired me to do this run.
  • Dezbeast for his published run which I used as a reference for the majority of my run.
  • The MMX speedrun community who are constantly looking for new ways to optimize this and the other X games.
  • My stream viewers who watched me spend hours smashing my face into a wall trying to manipulate RNG.
Screenshot Suggestion: (frame 64755)

Noxxa: Judging.
Noxxa: While there are still opportunities for further improvement throughout the run, this is a worthy update of the 100% run for publication. Accepting as an improvement to the published run.
Guga: Processing...

Experienced player (863)
Joined: 2/5/2012
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no hadouken on sigma head?
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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grassini: I believe that's what Hetfield90 was calling "swagdouken". (That term is awesome.) From what it seems, it wasn't possible to do both that and this new boss strategy. I liked the two-claw attack, personally, so I'm ok with this choice.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. (http://tasvideos.org/2928M.html.) Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! (http://tasvideos.org/2001M.html) Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Joined: 4/15/2012
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Location: Brazil
grassini wrote:
no hadouken on sigma head?
The hadouken does not work against the head of Sigma, Rolling Shield is the best option for this last boss form.
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Hetfield90 wrote:
Also, interestingly enough you can even grab things that aren't even items with it, such as boss doors. I wonder if you can even grab capsules with it, lol.
Interesting glitch. Apparently, with the glitch, you can grab anything that spawns on the misc. objects list (starting at $7E:1628 and each object is 48 bytes); all item drops, heart tanks, and sub tanks are added to this list, as well as movable platforms and doors. Unfortunately, capsules are not added to this list. I managed to grab a platform. The results are interesting. (Note: This movie uses Snes9x 1.43 v17 and Mega Man X V1.1). Basically, if a boomerang grabs a platform, you can use it to fly around.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [2771] SNES Mega Man X "100%" by Hetfield90 in 33:48.86
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I have been messing with grabbing the platform in Eagle, and this is what I have so far for Any% and 100%. The main problem I'm having with the 100% version of the trick is that if you take too direct of a path to get to the E-tank you despawn it, so you have to take kind of a detour. Do you know if it would be possible, Fractal, to find out what exact location causes the E-tank to depsawn in order take the most optimal route around it using lua scripts or something?
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Haha, what's with the random Idolmaster in your videos. Anyway, for the any%, I think it is faster to use the boomerang glitch on the second set of platforms (as shown in http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/20389114088716596). The platform is a bit more annoying to deal with though. It is easy to end up standing on top of it, and then there is no way to fall off of it (without being bumped off by a ceiling or going off the top of the map, which loses the platform). So the only way to travel a long distance involves doing wall kicks on the side of the platform. Also, the platform disappears near the capsule location unless you are high enough. I know the E-tank tends to disappear (if you boomerang grab the first platform) but I haven't tested it enough. In fact, I didn't know it was possible to keep the platform and not have the E-tank disappear before you showed that it was possible. Edit: I figured out the E-tank disappearing thing. If you keep the platform that you boomerang grabbed by going high enough, then the first set of platforms will remain in active memory. If you then activate the second set of platforms, memory will be overloaded and you can't load the E-tank. To avoid this, you must be higher (have lesser Y-position value) than Y-position 252, at X-position 1600. Edit 2: Scratch that. Apparently the last sentence isn't true.
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Haha I wasn't sure what to do w/ that blank corner of the overlay, so I put that gif there since it has Storm Eagle in it (and cause I like Idolm@ster). :P Oh nice, I didn't even think to use the second platforms. That looks like it cuts out a good 6-7ish seconds of backtracking. Now I'm wondering if it could even be potentially faster in 100% to ditch the first platform in the place that it likes to despawn near the "Airport 1001" logo, then go under the E-tank building to grab a second platform and ride it up to get the E-tank then over to the capsule instead of taking the detour with the first platform. On a side note, the more you glitch out the background/sprites it seems to generate a lot of extra lag, and the further left you are once you rise above the clouds in the initial ascent seems to get less the laggy glitches. I also think this could save time at the beginning of Sigma 2 and possibly Sigma 1 (but that might be tricky since you also have factor in taking damage for Vile).
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Here's a route to keep the flying platform from the first area and get the E-tank. http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/20391573293448651 To allow the E-tank to spawn, Y-position must be higher (lesser) than 252, at X-position 1600; this is a necessary condition; otherwise the second set of platforms will load and prevent the E-tank from spawning. However, there seem to be other conditions that I do not fully understand. However, going horizontally at Y-position 225 as in the movie above seems to work. I tried other stuff in the movie but it didn't work out. It is not possible to keep the platform throughout using the capsule (and it causes a lot of lag as well). You can go back to the second area's platforms and grab one, but it will disappear unless maybe you can get high enough (don't know how). The dropping platforms at the end cannot be grabbed; doing the boomerang glitch will just make them disappear.
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What lua should I be using to see X/Y position values in snes9x (or BizHawk for that matter if there is one)? The one I'm trying to use now is giving me an error that says "\megamanx.lua:29: attempt to index local 'fle' (a nil value)". Does that essentially mean that (1600,252) is the upper left corner of the area which the 2nd set of platforms spawns, and then you just fly horizontally from there until you drop down to get past the corner of the building (and the e-tank spawns as some point during that horizontal movement)? If so that would make this pretty simple and easy to optimize. Do you have a way of also finding out the coordinates that trigger the graphical glitches? I think it may possibly be worth avoiding those glitches to reduce lag later on. That grab after the capsule looks really interesting. I'm gonna mess with that today to see if I can keep it from despawning somehow. Between this glitch, the zip in Mandrill, and some unfortunate RNG that I ended up taking in my run, I think I'm going to be making a v2 of the X1 100% TAS pretty soon lol (and Any% too). Right now though I'm working on X2 Any%. Is there anything in that game you've found that isn't in any TASes/RTAs?
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Requesting a high quality encode of this run please *stares at Aktan & Co.* ^_^ Preferably lossless and maybe compatible audio encode. For some reason, vlc does not support tasvideos audio encodes.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Hetfield90 wrote:
What lua should I be using to see X/Y position values in snes9x (or BizHawk for that matter if there is one)? The one I'm trying to use now is giving me an error that says "\megamanx.lua:29: attempt to index local 'fle' (a nil value)".
Apparently, BizHawk's Lua has changed so much from Snes9x's Lua that it's not something I can fix right away. In any case, the original megamanx.lua requires the file "lookup.xyz" in the same folder for it to work (lookup.xyz is a reverse lookup table for RNG values). It should at least work in Snes9x. Here are the files if you need it for whatever reason. You can have a look at the RAM Map posted on this site. The memory for player X-position is 2-byte 7E:0BAD (pixels) and 1-byte 7E:0BAC (subpixels). The memory for player Y-position is 2-byte 7E:0BB0 (pixels) and 1-byte 7E:0BAF (subpixels). Edit:
Hetfield90 wrote:
Does that essentially mean that (1600,252) is the upper left corner of the area which the 2nd set of platforms spawns, and then you just fly horizontally from there until you drop down to get past the corner of the building (and the e-tank spawns as some point during that horizontal movement)? If so that would make this pretty simple and easy to optimize.
I don't think "upper left corner" is the best way to describe it. More like (1600,252) and below is the left edge of the spawn area for the 2nd set of platforms. Even then, there seems to be some hidden condition that may allow the platforms to spawn even when a little bit above (1600,252). It may be camera-related.
Experienced player (768)
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To being excited and understand phantom grab, I tried improving Eagle stage with phantom grab. But failed. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/549759748/Mega%20Man%20X%20test.smv I don't want to ride the escalator... ; ( Also, this is improved way to catch a life up in Eagle'stage I knew in 2011. This is a bit faster without phantom grab, but I don't know if it is faster with phantom grab. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1585958365/Mega%20Man%20X%20%28U%29%20test2.smv
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Hi agwawaf. The glitch works as follows: Addresses 7E:1628, 7E:1658, 7E:1688, 7E:16B8, ... are memory for objects like items, moving platforms, and doors. Each slot is 48 bytes. When an object is produced, the game places it in the lowest empty spot in memory. When an object is removed, the game removes it from memory without changing any other slots. The boomerang glitch happens when an object is produced at the exact same slot and at the exact time that the game removes an object held by the boomerang cutter. The method in your movie (which I tried earlier) doesn't work because the life recovery item was produced while the platforms were already in memory. As far as I know, the only way to start the glitch in this area is with the heart tank (life up).
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FractalFusion wrote:
Hi agwawaf. The glitch works as follows: Addresses 7E:1628, 7E:1658, 7E:1688, 7E:16B8, ... are memory for objects like items, moving platforms, and doors. Each slot is 48 bytes. When an object is produced, the game places it in the lowest empty spot in memory. When an object is removed, the game removes it from memory without changing any other slots. The boomerang glitch happens when an object is produced at the exact same slot and at the exact time that the game removes an object held by the boomerang cutter. The method in your movie (which I tried earlier) doesn't work because the life recovery item was produced while the platforms were already in memory. As far as I know, the only way to start the glitch in this area is with the heart tank (life up).
Thanks for explaining it! I got it. A way to do this glitch is similar to a way to do ACE of SMB3.
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4052
I'd compare it to the sprite swap glitch of SMW, myself, where you can get the goal tape or a chuck on Yoshi's tongue because it is in the same slot Yoshi was trying to eat.
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Joined: 1/19/2010
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Those are some really interesting tricks, and would certainly love to see those implemented in a TAS. I wonder if you can also do this in X2 using Strike Chain.
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I'm already working on v2, lol. I dunno about X2, since strike chain can't even grab Hearts/E-tanks.
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So Hetfield do you have Lua/RNG figured out now for the v2?
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I'm currently modifying Pasky13's Lua script (don't know where it originated, but Hetfield90 gave it to me). I'm also in the process of disassembling intro stage Vile's behavior, which is a major roadblock. I now have a good idea of what is required to get optimal behavior from Vile. Edit: Oh, the script is from the BizHawk 1.9.1 Lua folder.
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Yes I will be using luas/ram watch this time around.
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Two minor things that save a little time,I have'nt optimize they yet. Emulation info snes9x-1.43 v17. 1.When you beat the miniboss in mandrill spark,the up-right corner you can do ice sled. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1213453463/Mega%20Man%20X%20%28U%29%20%28V1.1%29-MS_minibosssledzip.smv 2.In fractalfusion wip ,you can manipulate phantom grab moving platforms to push magaman go into the capsule early before Dr.light dialog start.(real cool) http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/613014560/Mega%20Man%20X%20%28V1.1%29%20%28U%29_dupeagle3_earlyincap.smv After megaman get helmet armor cutscenes,you can allow to press the dialog off.
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Omg parrot14gree. These are amazing, lol This is now making me wonder. Although the camera lock prevents you from moving left/right until it is lifted, does it prevent you from moving up/down? I am thinking perhaps you could zip from inside the armor capsule on chameleon's stage down into the cave so that you already down there and can start moving right as soon as the screen lock is lifted. If possible, this could potentially save time since the advantages of chameleon 3rd only amount to about 3 seconds (and even less if an underwater phantom grab in chameleon is possible).
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Jk there is too much space between the capsule and wall and it just zips you up lol.
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Hetfield90 wrote:
Omg parrot14gree. These are amazing, lol This is now making me wonder. Although the camera lock prevents you from moving left/right until it is lifted, does it prevent you from moving up/down? I am thinking perhaps you could zip from inside the armor capsule on chameleon's stage down into the cave so that you already down there and can start moving right as soon as the screen lock is lifted. If possible, this could potentially save time since the advantages of chameleon 3rd only amount to about 3 seconds (and even less if an underwater phantom grab in chameleon is possible).
Thank you,it's my pleasure!! I remember it can zip down when the camera lock in miniboss room is lifted,but when you zip down into the cave,the horizontal camera lock is occur,you need to go left to lift it.