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If anyone's interested, I have started makeing TAS of Megaman & Bass (which some of you may know from Rockman & Forte thread from snes section). I'm playing with Megaman and currently in the beginning of Ground Man stage (fourth actual boss stage). Since this is my very first TAS, don't expect too much from it :) Because I'm doing this just for fun I'm not going to check every step if it could have been done few frames faster, but I do intend to make it as fast as possible. The entertainment part needs of course some working (which you might get from all of the above), but I try not to just stand still the whole time in areas where it's not possible to move ahead. Excluding few exceptions ;) Well, i leave the judging to you (since this is my first TAS, don't be too hard on me :P). Here's the moviefile of it:
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Hi, I've seen your WIP and i shall make some comments... Some people such as McBain or Mike Uyama may comment it better than me, but it's still good to have one's opinion... so, here are a few things : - In Pirate Man's stage, you can kill the rotating things that slide right and left on the ground with Wave Burner, it shall be faster than jumping over them... - During Your fight against Pirate Man, you lose time dodging the mines he throws, you should not care about being hit and hit him as soon as he has finished blinking... In other words BOSS SHOULD NOT STOP BLINKING (yeah it's hard I know...), I'm not sure but I think you did the same mistake against Cold Man... Though your Burner Man fight is very good... - In Burner Man's Stage you kill with Ice Wall the third "blue ball thrower robot", i'm (almost) sure that's unnecessary, you could simply jump on the other side while not losing the time to fire an Ice Wall... - Still in Burner Man's level, you were using the ice wall to kill the above-mentionned robots at the beginning of the stage then you kill some later with the normal buster... i don't know why... (Maybe if i recall well it has a hidden wall in front of the robot... if it's the case, you should use ice wall to go through the hole and ice wall to destroy it... if possible) I do not recall anything else... The overall impression is still very good... continue and good luck...
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Hmm.. i like this game a lot.. :) But i have played Rockman&Forte (jap) SNES
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Thanks for the comments, Xaphan. Most of them has a good point but I'm (most likely) not going to redo those parts. About the bossfights: Since I'm not going to make this absolutely fastest possible (since this is my first TAS), I thought it'd look much cooler to beat them without getting hit by the boss ;) And for the third "blue ball thrower robot": It's not possible to jump over it and the "floorsweeping little bugger". Although there might be other solutions to clear that part faster. And a bit more of the "floorsweeping little buggers": If I had know that you could destroy them with Wave Burner, I would most definitely have used that to be able to slide more. Well, all this can be corrected by the next person who is going to make a faster TAS of Megaman & Bass. I hope my TAS encourages someone to do it faster.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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I'd just like to note: It's definitely possible to kill Pirate Man both as fast as possible and without getting hurt. I remember doing so in one of my WIPs before I abandoned the run.
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I understand clearly your point meza, certain points would make you redo a lot of levels, though continue on the good way... and good luck, you may get more comments... and continue to post your WIPs here
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I just defeated Tengu Man and decided to update my progress to you. So now i have completed Cold, Burner, Pirate, Ground and Tengu Man. And next I'm going to Magic Man's stage. The url is the same as before but here's it again:
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Did some more playin' today and now i have beaten Dynamo Man (along with Astroman of course) The url is still the same as the previous one.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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I'll watch it tonight....
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I updated the file again. Now I'm in the beginnig of the stage 2 of King's Fortress. I expect this to be completed this week and after that I _may_ start doing this TAS with Bass, but most likely I'm going to start with some other GBA game since I have now gotten accustom to this emulator.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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if you want ideas see the GBA Games Run Wishlist topic... You may find a good one to run :D
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If you want to, you could re-run it on the SNES version...
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I would definately reccomend watching the SNES version for ideas on how to deal with some minibosses and other spots that you seem to waste lots of time. The ground man miniboss comes to mind. . .
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Thereisnospoon, I'm just doing this for fun so I didn't think about that when I started doing this. The reason why i started makeing TAS of Megaman & Bass was that there wasn't complete TAS of it yet and at the same time I was hopeing that someone gets interested enough to make more perfect TAS of Megaman & Bass (or Rockman & Forte).
Which run should I encode next? :)
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I think it's a good idea to do this TA on GBA... It's a well-know and popular game so it may attract more people into the GBA time Attacking "movement"... I hope you'll finish it and you'll submit it Maza :)
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I updated my movie again but I'm sorry to inform that I didn't have the moviefile in the beginning of the last level any more, so you'll also get to see my second battle with Cold Man ;) I'm quite sure that I'll get this completed during this week so just hang in there. :) (btw, it's so dull to beat up every boss twice!) Here's the url again so you won't need to scroll up a bit:
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Maza wrote:
I'm quite sure that I'll get this completed during this week so just hang in there. :) (btw, it's so dull to beat up every boss twice!)
Good, good... Though beating up the bosses twice is a Megaman rule... and it should be a lot faster the second time you encounter them... I'll be watching it when i'm back at home this afternoon :)
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Xaphan, would you like to tell the name of the rom you used to watch my TAS since mine doesn't say anything about it's version which is needed to submitt the run.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Unfortunately, it's called RnF.gba... But they just have to know that you used the US Version... GBA games do not have so much versions (unlike SNES Roms)... Look at my RMZ4 submission, the name of the ROM is really clueless about the version, but i just precised that I was using the Japanese version (anyway the US version is not released now)... BTW Maza did you vote for my time Attack????????? (note that i do not force you to do so ;) )
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Actually there area atleast 3 different versions of Megaman & Bass (GBA). But I also think it's US. And yes, Xaphan, I have voten you speedrun (if you are referring to Rockman Zero 4 ;) )
Which run should I encode next? :)
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So now it is finally done. You can check it out in the Workbench (and vote of course) ;) I'd prefer to get any comment you wanna make of it in the Workbench topic if that's not too much to ask.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Since i got finished the run with Megaman, I have started makeing one with Bass to make a companion to the one with Megaman :). Although I don't intend to complete it even nearly as fast as with Megaman since I'm quite busy with my school etc. Anyways, I'm pretty sure the game will be faster with Bass even though the two first bosses (Green Devil & Cold Man) are quite a pain in ass since Bass does so little damage with his gun. I haven't watched my run yet myself but here it is for you: Feel free to give any comments to me (except if you are going to complain how boring those Bossfights are ;) )
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Gigafrost mentioned before that you can jump off an ice wall even when you form it against a wall in Rockman & Forte. I'm wondering if that glitch also applies in the GBA version. You also mentioned in the submission that Bass can only dash with >+>. Is there not a single-button dash? In R&F, A is dash. I'll try to watch your movie if I can find the ROM. Edit: Looks good so far, but I suggest trying to shoot on the run, as opposed to stopping to shoot them all.
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No there is not a single-button dash in GBA version. That makes this a bit harder than with snes. I'm not sure if i understod correctly you point about the Ice Wall though. Did you mean that when you make an Ice Wall you can jump on top of it and jump again before it falls down (which i have done in my Megaman run by the way :) ) or did you mean that when Ice Wall is formed inside a wall (where it shatters shatters immediately), there i a small chance jump from it? Anyways, I don't believe that you would need the latter one anywhere especially with Bass.
Which run should I encode next? :)
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I take it you haven't seen my WIP then. I used the Ice Wall as a platform many times. Most notable is that using it Bass can ascend vertically as far as he wishes. Very advantageous in Astro Man's stage for the vertical appearing/disappearing block room. On another note, Bass can jump after letting go of a ladder thanks to his double-jump physics. In other words, you shouldn't be climbing ladders so much because jumping is much faster.
I suggest trying to shoot on the run, as opposed to stopping to shoot them all.
To elaborate, Bass can't move and shoot while on the ground, but he can move and shoot if he's in the air. But it might not be as easy for you on the GBA version because dashing takes three frames (where-as in the SNES version you could dash and jump in the same frame.)