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Great video :) I have one question. At Lady Yard's in Mercator. If you only have 1 HP when Friday punishes you, she'll only hit you once and you save frames? I don't remember. Looking forward the next video!
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maanitou wrote:
Great video :) I have one question. At Lady Yard's in Mercator. If you only have 1 HP when Friday punishes you, she'll only hit you once and you save frames? I don't remember. Looking forward the next video!
How's it going maanitou :) That was a very good question, and I just now tested it. Even with 1 HP remaining, Friday still lets Nigel have it four consecutive times for his "ballet" lessons (hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, lol!). He just remains at 1 HP the entire time. By the way, are you the same maanitou that Ratfunk mentioned in the SDA thread? That particular trick he mentioned with the Death Statue and a certain cutscene is awesome! I'm definitely planning on including that one in the TAS, and I'll certainly give you two full credit for finding it.
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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Ok, thank you for checking! Yes, that's the same maanitou :) Ratfunk, Vayarda, and I certainly did a great job last year inspiring each other to find new skips and strats :) It's always a pleasure to see new tricks being discovered!
Post subject: Lake Shrine anomalies
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Peculiar little glitch in the Lake Shrine. While constructing a rough draft route, I was able to sequence break past a few puzzles and collect some Life Stocks and Keys a bit quicker than normal. Anyhow, at the very end as I'm entering the side room of the main hall leading to Duke Mercator (to obtain the Shell Breast), the game wants to force me to exit out 9 frames after I regain control of Nigel. This can be prevented by immediately jumping over towards the corner. Oddly enough though, from here when the cutscene starts Duke Mercator turns the opposite direction that he's supposed to face (as his dialogue appears taunting Nigel). Weird...
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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not as weird as u might think, Ryle gots a scripted walk / controls when cut scenes happen entering from the wrong area tends to always do something odd, although in statueless, u can enter the party scene after being throw into the dungeon from the back door, although sometimes if u try stuff 2 early ull get a blank npc text box. or if u cut through the mountains then back track to ryuma more odd stuff can happen.
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RatFunkZ wrote:
not as weird as u might think, Ryle gots a scripted walk / controls when cut scenes happen entering from the wrong area tends to always do something odd, although in statueless, u can enter the party scene after being throw into the dungeon from the back door, although sometimes if u try stuff 2 early ull get a blank npc text box. or if u cut through the mountains then back track to ryuma more odd stuff can happen.
Ah, you're right! I looked at the map again and realized there's also a another platform off to the right (so the forced movement would pull Ryle/Nigel forward if he went the intended way, first). I've observed that annoying "blank npc" situation twice: Once in Greenmaze from the cutter guy, and again from Zak in the Mountainous Area if you haven't completed the Lake Shrine yet. I guess the game flags certain events to prevent you from making certain sequence breaks? Those other strange things you've mentioned sound interesting. If you'd like, feel free to share anything else you guys have found!
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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Looking good as always. One thing I noticed is that you are very low on health, and without Eke-eke. Are you planning on dying for some reason? I seem to remember that glitching through some doors without a key required dying next to it and being revived by Eke-eke...
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Truncated wrote:
Looking good as always. One thing I noticed is that you are very low on health, and without Eke-eke. Are you planning on dying for some reason? I seem to remember that glitching through some doors without a key required dying next to it and being revived by Eke-eke...
So far, my being low on health has been the natural result of routing on-the-fly :p I've just been adjusting on the go with equipping better breast plates and collecting Life Stock. ...although I am planning on dying at a certain point; both to save some time and to show off a certain glitch :D The locked door glitching trick I think can only be done on the JPN version. If I'm not mistaken, the 'statueless' RTA route uses it also in the Verla Mines to glitch past the Taurus Statues blocking early access to Destel.
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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Greetings everyone! I finally created an account here just for your TAS Ars and I have to say my mind was blown when I watched the jumping trick over the cuttable trees in the first village. So yeah, keep up the good work! :) In regards to the question about the deathabuse: That only works in the japanese version and yes the statueless RTA uses it in the Verla mines as well. Oh that reminds me, the funny glitch in the Lake Shrine. That confused the hell out of me when it happened to me during a playthrough where I wanted to collect all equipmentpieces and had to backtrack to the Lake Shrine in order to get it. Took me quite some time to get the idea to press up while entering to get stuck...
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Taloof wrote:
Greetings everyone! I finally created an account here just for your TAS Ars and I have to say my mind was blown when I watched the jumping trick over the cuttable trees in the first village. So yeah, keep up the good work! :) In regards to the question about the deathabuse: That only works in the japanese version and yes the statueless RTA uses it in the Verla mines as well. Oh that reminds me, the funny glitch in the Lake Shrine. That confused the hell out of me when it happened to me during a playthrough where I wanted to collect all equipmentpieces and had to backtrack to the Lake Shrine in order to get it. Took me quite some time to get the idea to press up while entering to get stuck...
Welcome, Taloof! I appreciate you guys coming over and giving positive feedback on the WIPs! I definitively learned a thing or two going through the SDA thread, and this TAS wouldn't be the same without it :) I'm now in the process of optimizing the Lake Shrine, and finally came across the money bag trick RatFunk mentioned a page or so ago.
It looks to be very timing dependent, as in the final arc of Nigel's jump has to collide with the fine edge of the bag just as it spawns. If broken down into a science, this could really create some opportunities to 'gate hop' in certain rooms where there are no shorter objects/enemies that can be used to hop up on taller foes. ...not sure if this would save time at an earlier point (since I've been money grinding), but this might find a use near the end in King Nole's labyrinth.
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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yea it would be a lot more usefull in other categories, say using it to jump on top of the heal boots and skipping another locked door and various other places,,, although weakened because of phasing potential.
Post subject: WIP numba 8!
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Destel Cave, Lake Shrine, and everything in between! Managed to complete the Lake Shrine in just under 8 minutes (compared to the 14+ of the 100% RTA). "Gate-hopping" shenanigans were also taken to the next level :)'s crazy that I looked through my save state file and realized that I've been steadily at this for over three months (Dec. 29, to be precise). By my estimations, I don't think there's much more than 25-30 minutes left to do. I might have this one shined up and ready for the Workbench by early May.
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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Good work Ars! Can't wait to see the final product. :) Additional to the moneybagtrick you can even stand ride on King Nole's beams. Isn't very helpful but funny to watch sometimes.
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Hi! I am wondering whether one can use that kind of skip somewhere? :) maanitou
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Taloof wrote:
Good work Ars! Can't wait to see the final product. :) Additional to the moneybagtrick you can even stand ride on King Nole's beams. Isn't very helpful but funny to watch sometimes.
Thanks, man :) I hope everyone enjoys once it's all ready to go! Haha, I think I might be able to choreograph that trick into the King Nole fight (ricochet off a beam, strike at Nole as soon as he appears again). It'll add entertainment value, for sure.
maanitou wrote:
Hi! I am wondering whether one can use that kind of skip somewhere? :) maanitou
Hmm... Well, it might be useful on any% since Nigel's attack power is so weak at that point. However, I'm not sure he would be able to absorb all of that damage in order to "ride" the lizard over to the other side--BUT, also using an Eke Eke might allow you to pull it off. Also, I just took a look at your channel and, WOW! I had no idea you had most of these skip tricks figured out already! That trick with the two Taurus Golem statues in the final dungeon, especially, blew me away. There were at least three others on there, as well, that will save significant time in the final two dungeons (and I'll credit you for every one used in the TAS). How does that "hidden button" trick work in Destel Cave? Did the programmers place a hidden switch somewhere on the edge of a platform?
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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ars4326 wrote:
Hmm... Well, it might be useful on any% since Nigel's attack power is so weak at that point. However, I'm not sure he would be able to absorb all of that damage in order to "ride" the lizard over to the other side--BUT, also using an Eke Eke might allow you to pull it off.
Also I was wondering whether it might be relevant to ride enemies other places in the game. For instance in Verla mine, is it possible to fall down on a giant right below the entrance, and then skip the door on the opposite side of the room? In Destel mine, is it possible to ride skeletons and jump over the gate doors rather than having to kill them first? To what extent is it possible to jump from enemies to enemies in general?
ars4326 wrote:
Also, I just took a look at your channel and, WOW! I had no idea you had most of these skip tricks figured out already! That trick with the two Taurus Golem statues in the final dungeon, especially, blew me away. There were at least three others on there, as well, that will save significant time in the final two dungeons (and I'll credit you for every one used in the TAS).
I guess the designers wanted us to solve the puzzle this way, otherwise the two statues would not be jumping :)
ars4326 wrote:
How does that "hidden button" trick work in Destel Cave? Did the programmers place a hidden switch somewhere on the edge of a platform?
Yes a hidden button I guess. Ratfunk found one in the final dungeon, where lizards normally awaken when you walk up the stairs after slaying the two knights. Invisible switches are found several places in the game, some of them right after the entrance of a room, such that you cannot avoid walking on them (e.g. the cave in which the mayor is imprisoned in Thieves' Hideout) Looking forward to watching the final TAS :) maanitou
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In regards to the invisible switch in the final dungeon: You won't activate the lizards if you jump up the platforms more off the ledge to the right. What I mean is if you manage to jump right next to the "frozen" lizard you should be fine and avoid the switch/activation of them. The 2 invisible switches in the Destel Cave are placed right in the middle of the last part of the staircase. I call these two rooms the "cages" for obvious reasons. :) Took me a while to figure out that you actually have some room on the plateau without stepping on the switch. In my opinion the hidden switches and these cutscenes are two different things because you can avoid hidden switches but no matter what the cutscenes will trigger. You can't jump over or go around them. For me it looks more like "grossing a line/stepping into specific territory" where it doesn't matter if your body is on the ground or in the air. If there would be a possibility to get out of bounds it would be amazing. As maanitou mentioned the Thieve's Hideout: Before you enter it you get a cutscene with Kayla and her two minions. If we could avoid that and walk like jesus straight to the raft/into the hideout it could save a lot of time.
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Interesting, even if you use a levitation code in Thieves' Cave, you will trigger the cutscene. However, if you use the JANA-BERD 2xspeed Game Genie code, then you wont trigger the scene. Enjoy :) Maanitou
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Hahaha that turned out better than expected! :D Very funny to watch and i guess it does proof the hidden trigger concept or not... there is a delay when the scene triggers and you walked over it a couple of times as well... In addition to that the Litograph cutscene triggers right after the villagers leave. Very interesting stuff!
Joined: 1/27/2015
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yea as he said u cant avoid most of them and i did tr yand refer you to that youtube page a few times early on and its heavily mentioned in the forums. thats some bread and butter in the new age running is them vods. Also Taloof most oobs in this game will wind up getting u stuck behind a seperate set of walls be it 1 by 1 or a wide area, gettign back in is the problem
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Even if you would manage to get back in there is still the question open if you would softlock or not. Another thing: Has anyone accurately tested the dmg boost from the lifestocks? I mean at which HP Ryle gets +1 dmg? Not really important in a 100% run but still would be interesting to know for any%.
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yea taloof me and vayarda played around with the numbers, ITs unwirrtten but if u do it enough you know the numbers
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maanitou wrote:
Also I was wondering whether it might be relevant to ride enemies other places in the game. For instance in Verla mine, is it possible to fall down on a giant right below the entrance, and then skip the door on the opposite side of the room? In Destel mine, is it possible to ride skeletons and jump over the gate doors rather than having to kill them first? To what extent is it possible to jump from enemies to enemies in general?
I just tested the Verla Mine one earlier today. Unfortunately, even by jumping from the furthest edge at the top, Nigel just misses the top of the Cyclops's head. As for Destel, I'm fairly confident you could get that to work by riding the skeletons. However, I'm not sure (at least in 100%) if it would be faster vs. killing them all off after leaving the first trap room...
maanitou wrote:
Yes a hidden button I guess. Ratfunk found one in the final dungeon, where lizards normally awaken when you walk up the stairs after slaying the two knights. Invisible switches are found several places in the game, some of them right after the entrance of a room, such that you cannot avoid walking on them (e.g. the cave in which the mayor is imprisoned in Thieves' Hideout)
Man, that's pretty sly of them to place hidden switches like that, lol. That trick would've ended up saving even more time in those two rooms... However, I truthfully don't have it in me to go all the way back in the run to add them in (resyncing everything and dealing with the RNG changes would be a headache!). However, I will make note of it in the submission text under "possible improvements". Thanks for the feedback :) I'm getting excited in finally nearing the end!
Taloof wrote:
If there would be a possibility to get out of bounds it would be amazing. As maanitou mentioned the Thieve's Hideout: Before you enter it you get a cutscene with Kayla and her two minions. If we could avoid that and walk like jesus straight to the raft/into the hideout it could save a lot of time.
Can there be a way, somehow, to go out-of-bounds? A few years back, I recall goofing off w/ the 'infinite jump' code. After reaching the tops of different rooms, there would be a garbled mess of that room's graphics beyond it. And if you happened to continue past that, you would sometimes uncover a non-garbled copy of the original room, but with either no working exits or strangely located exits that would take you to copies of the same room or areas adjacent to it. The game, at this point, would most likely soft-lock on you. It'd actually make for a very interesting video!
RatFunkZ wrote:
yea as he said u cant avoid most of them and i did tr yand refer you to that youtube page a few times early on and its heavily mentioned in the forums. thats some bread and butter in the new age running is them vods.
Just re-checked the SDA thread and you're right! I can't believe I managed to overlook that. I would've ended up catching that 'hidden switch' trick in Destel... Anyhow, I'm now back where it all began at the Kazalt Cave. Might have the next WIP up in a few days :)
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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This may be a frontrunner for publication screenshot!
WIP 9 hot off the presses! Up next: Indiana Nigel and the Temple of Nole Raiders of the Lost Life Stock the Last Eke Eke ...stay tuned!
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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Hello, In The Crypt you can save some frames/secondes : => You read the Notice in this room (Landstalker TAS wip9.bkm, near frame 169326). Regards,