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Dilandau wrote:
Hello, In The Crypt you can save some frames/secondes : => You read the Notice in this room (Landstalker TAS wip9.bkm, near frame 169326). Regards,
Hi Dilandau :) Welcome to TASVideos! ...Man, I can't believe I missed that skip all the way back in The Crypt. That's a solid four seconds that could have been saved :/ If this game's RNG wasn't so volatile I would simply take a day or so and re-sync everything back up to where I am. The bad thing, however, is that even a one frame or input difference can completely change the AI behavior of a single enemy, essentially requiring entire areas to be redone even if there's one enemy lurking around (rooms without foes re-synch rather well). Thanks for pointing it out, though. I'll end up adding it under the list of 'Possible Improvements' once I have the movie ready for submission. Hopefully this is the last one I've overlooked, lol.
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Joined: 3/21/2015
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Ha, thanks for linking to my video! :D I was doing an offline run this weekend and finished with 2hrs 35mins. It feels so weird if you don't play this game for a long time. Going to derust and trying to improve my wr & trying to include some of your strats.
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Hi guys, I watch this topic for some time and I decided to join you now :D. I didn't see the WIP and I wait the end result to see that. However, one little question : What is the time you think to do for the 100%?
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Taloof wrote:
Ha, thanks for linking to my video! :D I was doing an offline run this weekend and finished with 2hrs 35mins. It feels so weird if you don't play this game for a long time. Going to derust and trying to improve my wr & trying to include some of your strats.
Looking forward to seeing some new WRs! There's quite a few strats that I believe can be easily applied to RTA running. The biggest ones that stand out in my mind at the moment are those in the Lake Shrine (the ghost-assisted gate hops on the 4th floor).
vayarda wrote:
Hi guys, I watch this topic for some time and I decided to join you now :D. I didn't see the WIP and I wait the end result to see that. However, one little question : What is the time you think to do for the 100%?
Hi, Vayarda :) I am shooting for a final time of around 2:18:00. I'm currently almost an hour ahead of ccpato's RTA 100%, and I think there's enough short cuts and tricks left to get very close to that time. It's a very ambitious goal, but I think it's doable!
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Joined: 4/22/2012
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Woah, Under an Any% time, amazing ! I hope that you will have the courage to make a TAS on JAP Version, Any% of course ;) I will love to see a sub 1h on Landstalker haha
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I figured it would be something like that. 2hrs 18 minutes. Damn. My any% for the english version is 2hrs 20 minutes :D A japanese any% would be very interesting as well. Really can't wait to see the final TAS :)
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Posts: 13
we await you in the real runners catagory taloof, any% is 1:44:0 statueless is 1:48:00. English is just 100% like the tas. any% is anything % is fastest whatever, is jap, is deathstatue, is lame.unless ur gonna jump into 100% English is just a hindrance to you
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Hmm, I just tried the japanese version and I guess it will take a while until I can configure the controls to be as smooth as they are on the steam version of Landstalker. :/ How do you manage to play?
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You buy a Japanese Genesis and the jap version of Landstalker, or you download an emulator and the japanese's ROM ;)
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:P Yeah I have the Fusion Emulator for my Sega Games but I play with my Xbox 360 Pad for PC (using the stick). Now when I play Landstalker via Steam it works perfectly smooth but for whatever reasons the emulator is really clunky when it comes down to Landstalker and that is my problem. The first cave just takes way too long as I can't move in the direction I want to move. :/ The D-Pad works fine though, guess I will have to get comfy with that... T_T
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You are a heretic, you don't use the D-Pad to play Genesis games !!! :D I guess you have to use your D-Pad if you want to come on Jap version
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sega 3 version will allow you to play imports if u got that, and u cna get a nice boxed copy of j landstalker for around 8$ or u can softmof your current genesis (look that up) landstalker is not a region locked game
Post subject: Houston, we have a problem.
Experienced player (782)
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You've got to be kidding me... Remember that trick at the end of WIP 9 that skips part of the event with the Duke and Princess Lara? Turns out that you MUST complete that event in its entirety in order to activate the teleporter to Mercator in the other room! (the event replays from the beginning once you re-enter) Yep, I just found this out after completing (i.e. optimizing) the entire Labyrinth and attempting to backtrack to town to route test one final segment before tackling the palace (still have to return to the unique item shop and purchase those four items). Not happy at the moment.
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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Ouch :( That is sad to hear. Here Ars, you can do it!
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Taloof wrote:
Ouch :( That is sad to hear. Here Ars, you can do it!
Haha, thanks for that man :) どもありがとう! Now that I've got some rest, I'm only just a tad disappointed that I'll have to cut out the 'hovering Friday' trick (I'm VERY glad, in retrospect, that I forewent buying the Death Statue). The good news is that most of the labyrinth is monster-free, so syncing everything back up shouldn't take no more that a couple of hours. I might have WIP 10 up this evening, after all! edit: There's some good news out of this, after all. After further testing, it looks like the game flags the 'warp to Kazalt/activate Mercator teleporter' event completed about 482 frames after you close the last dialogue box from Moralis (after he invites Nigel to Maple if he ever returns to the main continent). edit 2: More specifically, the event flag is completed once Moralis exits the screen. Furthermore, I can manipulate this to occur much faster since I have control of Nigel; I can block his and the maid's programmed walking paths and cause his "Come to Maple" dialogue box to open early. Big plus: I can keep 'hovering Friday' in after all. Big minus: I have to manipulate a Casino Ticket drop, again (1 in 512 odds). edit 3: Nabbed it again! Time to resync!
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Post subject: Final WIP!
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We are re-synched and good to go! The minor readjustment in the teleport room only cost a couple of seconds, as I'm behind by just 212 frames otherwise (including a few improvements made in the process). All that's left is a little money grinding (12 mimics/88 gold a cycle will go by very quickly) to buy the unique items back at Mercator, then it's time to finish the final Palace! My target submission date will be next sat. on the 25th. Thanks everyone for the positive feedback and encouragement, throughout :) This project was quite a ride, and I hope the final product doesn't disappoint!
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Post subject: Re: Final WIP!
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ars4326 wrote:
We are re-synched and good to go! The minor readjustment in the teleport room only cost a couple of seconds, as I'm behind by just 212 frames otherwise (including a few improvements made in the process). All that's left is a little money grinding (12 mimics/88 gold a cycle will go by very quickly) to buy the unique items back at Mercator, then it's time to finish the final Palace! My target submission date will be next sat. on the 25th. Thanks everyone for the positive feedback and encouragement, throughout :) This project was quite a ride, and I hope the final product doesn't disappoint!
I can't wait to see the end result of your TAS ;) Just want to say you : "Thank you and good job !" it's a big present that you made for the Landstalker's community and I hope that it's inspire others people to try to speedrun or make another TAS of this game.
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What Vayarda said! Great job man! We are so proud of your work! :)
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Nice to hear that you managed to resync it! I'm looking forward to seeing it on the workbench. Two questions out of curiosity: - I understand that monster AI is different when redoing, but does the game also have subpixels which carry over between screens? Otherwise I don't understand why the screens without monsters wouldn't sync. - Have you figured out how is damage is calculated? Is there any random element to it? Are you monitoring monster HP? (Also BTW: it's どうも.)
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Truncated wrote:
Nice to hear that you managed to resync it! I'm looking forward to seeing it on the workbench. Two questions out of curiosity: - I understand that monster AI is different when redoing, but does the game also have subpixels which carry over between screens? Otherwise I don't understand why the screens without monsters wouldn't sync. - Have you figured out how is damage is calculated? Is there any random element to it? Are you monitoring monster HP? (Also BTW: it's どうも.)
Hi Truncated, About your second question, i have the answer : the damage of Ryle is calculated compared to your number of livestocks. However, it's not linear, instead exponential. I began to make a table of the HP monster for the speedrun but I gave up quickly, it's so boring haha :D
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I guess I should rewatch one of the runs and take notes when I deal more damage. The first milestones are 14HP and 20 HP which is noticable by hitting the white bubbles (they take at 14HP only one swing) and the orcs/blue bubbles at the thieve's hideout take less hits at 20HP. Blue Bubbles take ~1 Hit at 20HP but sometimes you need 2 hits. At 21HP 1 swing is definitely sufficient. So the first dmgboosts are the most important and noticeable but I would say right after the thieve's hideout the enemies change way too often in order to properly test. It would be interesting to know though for the final fights when Ryle gets the next dmg boost. At the moment I finish between ~55-60. There could be a timesave if the dmg boost occurs at 57HP and then at 61HP again for example because that would mean that I would just ignore some Livestock on my route. Then again as soon as I switch over to japanese I guess I have to say good bye o sweet sweet Livestocks. :D
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Truncated wrote:
Nice to hear that you managed to resync it! I'm looking forward to seeing it on the workbench. Two questions out of curiosity: - I understand that monster AI is different when redoing, but does the game also have subpixels which carry over between screens? Otherwise I don't understand why the screens without monsters wouldn't sync. - Have you figured out how is damage is calculated? Is there any random element to it? Are you monitoring monster HP? (Also BTW: it's どうも.)
Hey, Truncated :) I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge. 1) I'm not sure on the subpixels part, but the screens without monsters or NPCs do tend to re-sync rather successfully. I've only experienced a few cases where re-syncing them up caused them to be off by a frame, or so. I think, in most part, this is due to me having the habit of holding down the directional keys a few frames before input is allowed. So, all in all, they do sync back together pretty well. It just becomes an issue when such screens are sandwiched together between screens loaded with monsters. 2) As Vayarda and Taloof have stated, I have noticed that attack power is determined by some form of exponential calculation (especially once Nigel/Ryle hits 14 and 20 HP). There is a slight random element to it though, in that oftentimes you can defeat a foe or boss one strike earlier if you tinker with the RNG a little more. On boss fights especially, I'll record my ending frame count and time-attack my prior records until I can defeat them at the earliest possible strike. Other than that, I haven't utilized RAM Watch or anything to track their HP (I'm admittedly not very savvy in this area) . Lol. Yeah, my Japanese has gotten pretty rusty :p Also guys, I'll have the run submitted here within a few hours! I've decided to go more with international time and submit the run a bit earlier.
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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goooooo any% someday lol,u're 2gud
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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GG! :D
Joined: 1/27/2015
Posts: 13
Allright i went thru and watched the long awaited tas :D final notes : 1. in crypt maze on whodonni instead of walking thru the wall you can throw the box through instead. 2.i can confirm about the cutable tree disiperence, it has to do with some knock back and your sword killing both the enemy and slashing at the tree behind you only saw once. 3.Swag points in greenmaze can jump and float while waiting for Einstein and woodcutter/ on boat can shift where nigel will begin scene for laughs 4. ice sword can utilize a double hit effect via tornado and then slashing, not as usuefull in 100% but on final dragon boss would be quite due 2 waiting. thats any big times saves I could see good job on the amazing tas, cant wait to see statueless :D.