No promises, but what would you all think of a Cool Spot time attack?
If yes, then some more questions for you:
What difficulty would be the most interesting? I know that we have the "play hardest difficulty" rule, but the higher the difficulty, the more cool points you have to collect before being able to leave the level. Also, more are required to enter the bonus levels, as follows:
Easy: 30 to finish, 75 for bonus
Normal: 60 to finish, 85 for bonus
Hard: 90 to finish, 95 for bonus
Each level has 100 cool points hidden throughout. The problem is that many are not on the direct path through the level, so as the required number goes up, so does the time spent veering off-course. Also, this is not the only difference in difficulty. There are a lot more enemies in Hard than Normal.
The bonus levels would be the best part of the time attack, in my opinion. You bounce up through a 7-up bottle on reappearing bubbles to get to the top. Also, collecting all the points in these levels ends them early, so getting them as fast as possible would make a good video, and speed up the level.
Lastly, this game has eleven levels, only ~six of which are unique looking. This may get boring to watch after a while. Plus, there are only six bonus levels, so after completing them, there is still more game to get through.
So, here is the final list of questions for everyone:
1) Would this game make a good time attack?
2) What difficulty would be best to play?
3) Should this be a minimal run (completing levels only), or should it include bonus levels as well, or should it get 100 points in each level?
Advantages and disadvantages of each choice:
Easy difficulty:
Would create the shortest movie
Would create the easiest-looking movie
Goes against hardest-difficulty rule
Medium (default) difficulty:
Would create a good balance between fast and good movie
No need to change difficulty at beginning of movie
Goes against hardest-difficulty rule
Hard difficulty:
Would create the best-looking movie
Would create the longest movie
Lots of sidetracking may bore the viewer
Including bonus levels:
These would be the best part of the movie, in my opinion. They are fast paced and fun to watch.
Only six out of eleven levels would need to meet the bonus stage requirement, allowing for optimization of which levels to collect those extra cool points in.
Levels would require more cool point collection, and be longer as a result.
Movie would be longer, as it includes six more "levels"
No bonus levels:
The movie would have less levels, and less cool point collection would be needed
Missing out on a potentially cool viewing experience
My answers would be:
1) Yes
2) Medium (or maybe hard)
3) Bonus levels, not 100%
I'd like to know what the community thought before even thinking about doing this run, so fire away. And if there is a better way to edit this page, then feel free to let me know, or edit it better, if you are an editor. Thanks.