Joined: 3/9/2004
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Beethoven's 3rd?
Totally forgot O_O
We need something from Blue Shadow.
Maybe the boss fight from 1-1? And maybe that part towards the end where Exim is running right faster than the screen can scroll right.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Have you guys checked out the NESkimos? Their remixes of old nes game themes can be found here. Quite many of them are boring or slow and they don't start off very interestingly, but there are some great ones too. Check out at least Woodman from Mega Man 2.
EDIT: I'm not certain if you needed to register or something before you can get your hands on those songs though. Well at least I haven't gotten any spam or anything from them, so I'd say it's safe.
Ok, for the video, each game will be shown for around 8 seconds before the next game, which is long enough for at least 1 amazing scene for each game. Some games will have 2. So for the following games:
-Megaman 1
-Megaman 2
-River City Ransom
-Castlevania 3
if you were to pick out 1 amazing scene from each one, which would you pick. I need to know what you guys think because these one's have a lot of cool plays in them, and there's only about enough time to fit in 1 for every game.
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
Sleepz: Just alternate and don't put two clips from the same game near each other, when you ran through all the games, show the second clips from the games.
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Joined: 3/13/2004
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Location: Kansai, JAPAN
Hey, there are a lot of great jams not in here yet (yeah, this works for me now):
Metroid - Beating Kraid while standing still
Metroid - Using the monster to get into Tourain early
Castlevania 2 - Killing Dracula with ease
Contra - Boss battles are really cool
Excitebike - Going up through the top of screen
Mega Man 3 - Battle vs Rock, "Yellow Devil"
Mega Man 4 (v1) - Battle vs Bright Man (In v2, he takes hits. V1 was cooler)
Mega Man 5 - Riding the Super Arrow long distances (Gravity & Stone Man stages)
Mega Man 5 - Fighting the 3rd boss on the Protoman stages
Ninja Gaiden II - Most boss fights are pretty impressive
Kung Fu - Backwards jump kicks are neat!
Most of this stuff is cooler than my stuff.
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
This is gonna rock :)
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I'm mostly done the rough draft, and so far the video looks pretty crazy. The song I chose for the vid is "Stomp to my Beat". I tried using classical music at first, but nothing went well with the clips, even the more powerful pieces. Also tried OC remixes, but still nothing really went well. So, went with the ddr song. Its video game music, lot of energy, perfect length for a trailer, and after hearing it I immediately had a picture of how the video will look like. These are the clips used so far:
1.Track & Field - Triple Jump
2.Super Mario Bros - 8-4 wall jump
3.Legend of Zelda - L8 2nd Blue darknut room
4.Super Mario Bros 2 - Double jump with key
5.Megaman 2 - Quickman fight
6.Megaman 2 - Bubbleman wall glitch
7.River City Ransom - Ivan fight
8.Wizards & Warriors - Jump boost from bird
9.Wizards & Warriors - Warp back to level 1
10.Gradius - Playaround
11.Super Mario Bros 3 - 1ups from cannonballs
12.Super Mario Bros 3 - 8-2 uphill
13.Chip n Dale - Zone H
Still have a ton of clips left to squeeze into a 1:30 song. I'm also thinking of adding titles for each game as they appear on the screen.
Blip, the version of famtasia for creating avi files has some problems. The video in the avi files play several times faster than normal. Also, its showing the resolution as 256x-240. I can play it on wmp, but it doesn't work with any video editing software. Right now, I'm just taking the clips out of the avi files.
Since there are so many clips, I'm gonna make it look more like a music video rather than a trailer. You will still see all the cool glitches and tricks and the scenes will match the music much better. Some games will be seen for only a second or two while others a little longer. Right now I'm playing tetris with these clips to make everything fit perfectly. The rough draft will be finished as early as tommorow.
Arc wrote:
Which did you try?
Lots. Must have went through a hundred classical songs. Bizet, Brahms, Vivaldi, Rossini, Beethoven Symphony 3-9, Wagner, Mozart, to name a few. Also tried a few apocalyptic sounding ones like O Fortuna, Dies Irae, Duel of the Fates, Lux Aeterna Two Tower remix, O Verona, Neodammerung. None of them seem at all fitting for nes videos. Of all the songs I went through, the ddr songs seem to be the best fitting because they have tons of energy. I want this video to make people's jaws drop and be like "Holy ****!". Perfect to hype up the site ;)
Clips so far(in no particular order)
1.Track & Field - Triple Jump
2.Super Mario Bros - 8-4 wall jump
3.Legend of Zelda - L8 2nd Blue darknut room
4.Super Mario Bros 2 - Double jump with key
5.Super Mario Bros 2 - Toad vs Birdo
6.Megaman 2 - Quickman fight
7.Megaman 2 - Bubbleman wall glitch
8.River City Ransom - Ivan fight
9.Wizards & Warriors - Jump boost from bird
10.Wizards & Warriors - Warp back to level 1
11.Gradius - Playaround
12.Super Mario Bros 3 - 1ups from cannonballs
13.Super Mario Bros 3 - 8-2 uphill
14.Super Mario Bros 3 - Running through castle
15.Chip n Dale - Zone B
16.Megaman 1 - Fireman wall glitch
17.Bionic Commando - Swinging around
18.Kid Icarus - Flying
19.Excitebike - Through the roof
Still adding:
2.Castlevania 3
5.Megaman 3
6.Kung Fu
7.Ninja Gaiden 2
9.Double Dragon 2
Any other awesome scenes missing from the list?
14.Super Mario Bros 3 - Running through castle
Which part of the castle? I think the best scene from the castle would be climbing up the stairs before the shortcut. Actually if you choose that scene you should take it from my video because in my video Mario keeps facing left as he goes up the stairs and I think that looks cool.
14.Super Mario Bros 3 - Running through castle
Which part of the castle? I think the best scene from the castle would be climbing up the stairs before the shortcut. Actually if you choose that scene you should take it from my video because in my video Mario keeps facing left as he goes up the stairs and I think that looks cool.
Using the perfectly-timed bird to get out of the house in level 2 of Ghosts n Goblins. There is quite a lot involved to get that part right.
I believe that you will make an excellent video. The music sounds like it is good for this. (Although I like Air / Ode to Joy. ;P)
I believe that you will make an excellent video. The music sounds like it is good for this. (Although I like Air / Ode to Joy. ;P)
Beethoven's 9th is a favorite of mine and was one of the first ones I tried. The problem with it is that the portion that I think would go perfect with the video is only 1:00 long, when the choir is at its loudest. If you have eva episode 24, that part of the song starts when Misato says Hyuga's name and then Shinji screams. If that part were longer, it would be really good to use, but it would also make it look more like a trailer and less clips would be able to fit in. "Stomp to my beat" is active from start to finish and I already found perfect placements for most of the clips.
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
Looking over your list, I think some good stuff is being left out.
How you killed Tri with toad.
Something from Blue Shadow.
13.Super Mario Bros 3 - 8-2 uphill
And downhill is where Genisto shoots before he actually sees the pirahnas, right? That should be in there too.
Also need something from Arkanoid and Gradius.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
At first I had both the downhill and uphill, but then got rid of the downhill to make room for the cannonball scene. Also added Metroid getting to Tourian early and killing Kraid, SMB3 Bowser's castle wall glitch. Gradius is in there too.
If you have eva episode 24, that part of the song starts when Misato says Hyuga's name and then Shinji screams. If that part were longer, it would be really good to use
Yea, like many other people, I am amazed by the whole episode. Unfortunate about the length of the music ;o