@Melonslice: Don't worry, you can post anything. In fact, know that what you have posted is exactly the reason I come to this forum every day.
I tested a bit on the European version but didn't find much.
German version, boy, using whip --> seems to have a very versatile effect.
We definitely need a big spreadsheet with all the possible things you can do prior to entering the hut, tested across all versions and genders of the game. I will start on one, but please do keep testing for yourself as well.
Here is the lua I currently use.
Language: Lua
function text(x, y, text, color, backcolor)
gui.drawText(x, y, text,color,0x80000000,8,"SF Intermosaic B")
memory.usememorydomain("System Bus")
while true do
days = memory.read_u16_le(0xCB9C)
items = { memory.read_u8(0xC700) , memory.read_u8(0xC701) , memory.read_u8(0xC702) , memory.read_u8(0xC703) , memory.read_u8(0xC704) , memory.read_u8(0xC705) , memory.read_u8(0xC706) , memory.read_u8(0xC707) , memory.read_u8(0xC708) , memory.read_u8(0xC709) , memory.read_u8(0xC70a) , memory.read_u8(0xC70b) }
textpointer = memory.read_u16_be(0xCB47)
ROM_bank = memory.read_u8(0xCBA5)
life = memory.read_u8(0xc5ee)
hunger = memory.read_u8(0xc5f0)
water = memory.read_u8(0xc5f2)
fatigue = memory.read_u8(0xc5f4)
timer = memory.read_u8(0xc19d)
daytime = memory.read_u8(0xc19e)
text(10,4,"DAYS: "..days,0xFFFFFFFF)
for i=1,table.getn(items),1 do
text(10,6+i*9,"ITEM " .. i .. " " .. string.format("%02x",items[i]),0xFFFFFFFF)
text(90,4,"POINT: "..textpointer,0xFFFFFFFF)
text(90,14,"BANK: "..ROM_bank,0xFFFFFFFF)
text(90,115,"L: "..life,0xFFFFFFFF)
text(127,115,"H: "..hunger,0xFFFFFFFF)
text(164,115,"W: "..water,0xFFFFFFFF)
text(201,115,"F: "..fatigue,0xFFFFFFFF)
text(90,104,"daytime: "..daytime.. ", time: "..timer,0xFFFFFFFF)
Btw, the german translation of this game sucks pretty bad. They didn't even translate item names. And some text is not translated at all...
While I was testing, I saw that using fish rod on fish passes the time and adjusts your stats. If enough time has passed (so that it turns day 1), then entering the hut will not trigger any text. You will keep your "stats don't deplete" status. I'm not very familiar with the game anymore now, but this might be useful.