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Joined: 1/31/2005
Posts: 121
I don't think so. I'm using win9x. I guess ISP restricts some webs ...
Joined: 1/31/2005
Posts: 121
I have an idea, after seeing someone's movie of Megaman3. If you take hit to get(jump) close to the centre of Dark Moon's eye, is it possible to beat it with only one shoot? Of course you have to choose a proper weapon.
Player (208)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
Maybe... Keep in mind that you can only fire once every 9 frames, though.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (208)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
Hey, should I try to finish this one next?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Joined: 1/31/2005
Posts: 121
Yeah, it's even harder...
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
Posts: 940
You could try if you want, making TAS of it is tougher than I thought. I'm not a type of person to test thing out and plan out new route. I have basic route done, but not speedy route. And the big thing is withdrawing me from finishing are how much weapon energy should I save for the rest of 4 stage bosses and Wily's place, and this friggin Jupiter place. Oh also luck manipulate enemy spawning point when Mega Man is out in space. You could look at my movie files at http://ventuz.homestead.com/files/mm5_unfinish.zip - it contain 3 movies. 1. testrun (very sloppy, but at least it show me what I can improve in different way) 2. unfinished TAS (much better, but I'm sure it can be faster) 3. instant kill (some cool trick later on in Wily's place) *edit - rewording around, still bad at english*
Joined: 1/13/2006
Posts: 109
Hey, I got done watching those movies. The unfinished TAS is much better so far, although looking at your test run, there are still some errors, er, major inefficiencies that need improving that you may not know about. I will work on making videos of these over the weekend. For now, something I want you to try is using Pluto's Break Dash against Uranus. I'm sure you'll find that fight to be much faster that way.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
Joined: 1/13/2006
Posts: 109
Hey, I'm sorry for the very late reply...haven't been around. Anyway, here comes a long post with everything you need to know: I've finished watching your videos and have finished my analysis. I've made some videos of my own, though a couple of the bugs are not helpful in a time-attack, but I've shown them just for completeness. First, I'm assuming you're making all necessary improvements in the last 4 Stardroid stages. The only video I have to show at this point is a better way to beat Uranus. In the video, I accidently fall in the hole due to difficulty handling, but it's easy enough to do avoid that. See "uranus battle". For the early space segment, I have only one thing to include. You're using too much weapon power fighting the spacebots. Each spacebot requires a full blast and a single shot instead of 2 fulls. When a new robot appears, just give it a single shot, then try to charge up a full shot, get the second robot behind that one, then fire to wipe out the first and hit the second with the same shot, and destroy the second with a single bullet. For the battle with the ship, some info that may help you is that a bug allows you to go through the last part of the laser unharmed. See "space fight". You still can't damage it until the charge dies down, but at least you can be positioned at the right height and damage it ASAP. Inside the ship, there is a faster way through the enemy below the 2 extra lives. See "tactic" to do this without taking a hit. Of course, if you can spare the life loss, getting hit is likely faster. After the first boss, using Uranus' weapon is likely faster. See "tactic2". In the area after beating the second boss, you should start off with Pluto's weapon. Since you'll need it anyways for the wall ahead, you might as well dash through the enemy at the end of the falling floor...quicker than getting hit. Another bug that will help is after beating the giant fists. You can use a screen-wrap bug to save 1/2 a second compared to standing at the right. Another bug that will save you a huge amount of time is using Saturn's weapon against the big robot. These are both demonstrated in "time savers". Now to mention a few more bugs. None of these will help a time-attack, but they're neat to use anyways. They are the "saturn's bug", "saucer jump", "teleport bug", and "transition song" videos. See the document for more info on these. I saw an instance of you using the saucer jump bug...what I'm wondering is why Mega Man insists on facing right when he hits the fatal shot, even when Wily is to the left? I also would like to know if anybody can figure out how to reproduce a bug where the Rush Coil ends up sliding to the right during the Sunstar battle? Here is the URL of my videos: http://www.geocities.com/kolechovski/mm5bugs.zip
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
Posts: 940
interesting, i still think weapon refill energy is problem for pluto dash. but i'd switch to using dash for uranus and final wily machine.
Joined: 11/26/2006
Posts: 115
will you continue those? the instakill on uranus is amazing! the first 4 bosses seem smooth to me, why dont u try to complete the game and look at the final time? would be awesome to see this run completed!
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
Posts: 940
I haven't been looking forward to completing it. Sorry. If I ever come back to work on this run, I would have to start over and it's pretty darn long game for a TAS beginner.
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
Posts: 940
I'm thinking of taking this up again. It's all thank to Gocha for his VBX memory watcher tool, if he didn't wrote such program I wouldn't ever take up this task again. I have found ton of useful memory, so it would help me a lot on timing for everything (jumping, invulnerable, charged shot, etc). Here's what I have so far:
// Mega Man 5 SGB

DE80,2u,Game Frames
D77A,1u,Flashing #2
D75C,1u,Charge Up
C658,1u,Enemy 1 Health
C661,1u,Enemy 1 Flash
C698,1u,Enemy 2 Health
C6A1,1u,Enemy 2 Flash
C6D8,1u,Enemy 3 Health
C6E1,1u,Enemy 3 Flash
C758,1u,Enemy 4 Health
C761,1u,Enemy 4 Flash
C798,1u,Enemy 5 Health
C7A1,1u,Enemy 5 Flash
DE9F,1u,RC Energy
DEA0,1u,ME Energy
DEA1,1u,VE Energy
DEA2,1u,MA Energy
DEA3,1u,NE Energy
DEA4,1u,TA Energy
DEA5,1u,EA Energy
DEA6,1u,RJ Energy
DEA7,1u,JU Energy
DEA8,1u,SA Energy
DEA9,1u,PL Energy
DEAA,1u,UR Energy
You must change :watchmax to 34 or above to see all of them. If any of you guys know any useful memory that I didn't list, let me know. I haven't started TASing yet, but I think I'm ready to get started on it when I have plenty of time. I probably have to do some testing from time to time during TASing.
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
Posts: 940
No sign of interest? I'm seriously taking this one up again. Before that I were TASing only using 1 savestate, if I mess up, I replay entire movie until the part wherever I mess up. And I were not 100% aware of what's happening behind the game (how long to charge up Mega Arm, how long sliding last, how much enemy's health, etc..) See how painful is that, haha -_-... Now being experienced with TAS (I'm using 4 savestates this time) and with Gocha's memory watcher, I can do this one more quicker and more precision. But for now, I'm overwhelming with a lot of homeworks - sometime after May 1st I'll have more spare time and be more focused on MM5 sgb TAS.
Player (208)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
Okay, I'll watch whatever you put out and try to offer criticism.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (87)
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Current project: Mega Man 5 SGB (on hold until later than May 1st) Does this mean you will be working on this again? I hope so :)
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
Posts: 940
Yeah. So far I had was around 4500 frames. It's about 50 frames faster than the old TAS. I'll work on it some more today.
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
Posts: 940
I have finished Nepture, WIP here 190 frames faster compared to my old incomplete TAS.
Joined: 3/17/2006
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Nice WIP, just one question: Would it be faster to destroy this enemy (whatever it is...) to reduce the lag that's occurring some seconds later?
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
Posts: 940
Nice catch, I tried destroying that robot, but it didn't help very much (lose 1 frame), however I tried trick it into flying left, it saved around 10 frames. I'm looking to try hex the rest of movie and attach to it. *edit - well I tried, it's impossible to hex them together because they lag randomly, I guess I would play them again. *edit2 - I have started losing frame loss out of blue, I have no idea where is it coming from, I probably just skip that.
Active player (388)
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I just wanted to ask, if there still is any progress. This is my favourite mega man game for the gameboy, so I'd really like to see a tas of it and the wip looked good so far.
Player (126)
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Posts: 940
Yeah a little here and there.
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
Posts: 940
Hey, just to say I'm working on MM5 again (WIP #3). I'm already about 100 frames faster than previous WIP in just first level completed. I think I will also save 15 seconds more whenever I catch up to where I left off in 2nd WIP. I'm not sure when will I finish it because I have recently got job like 3 weeks ago, but I feel super motivated to work on TAS for this game now.
Player (126)
Joined: 10/4/2004
Posts: 940
Small update, just finished second level - Mercury. 314 frames (5.2 seconds) faster over my previous WIP. Hmm no interest here?
Former player
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Please don't let the lack of replies discourage you. I would very much like to see this game done. If you complete this, I'll be motivated to work on 4 and then this site will have the whole GB series.
Joined: 11/26/2006
Posts: 115
dezbeast wrote:
Please don't let the lack of replies discourage you. I would very much like to see this game done. If you complete this, I'll be motivated to work on 4 and then this site will have the whole GB series.
Then, hurry ventuz :D meanwhile, you could just start with 4, dont ya think?
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