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if only the "save in earliest save point" worked properly...
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This is kind of a retarded request, but... The game Boktai for GBA has a unique cart that is meant to monitor the amount of UV light it is exposed to. It affects the gameplay, but I digress. Obviously, the ROM quits on you pretty quickly when it doesn't get any feed from said attachment. However, there is a patch out there to emulate sunlight to the ROM's additional programming. Is there any way that this patch could be incorporated into VBA? There might be some other games that would also have a need for this tool (not the sunlight detector, but other hardware additions in general). I'm really only asking because I'm pretty sure that using this patch with Boktai is against the rules. Unless it was given a special clearance, we would never be able to make a run for this great game.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Joined: 5/3/2004
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Does the patch allow you to specify how much light the cart is being exposed to at any given time? If you were to make a run for the game would you have to optimize not only your keypresses but also light exposure at any moment? Sounds wicked!
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The patch lets you adjust the amount of light you get. Entering select and L/R (or maybe left/right, I can't recall) adjusts the sun light meter between 5 different intervals.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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>However, there is a patch out there to emulate sunlight to the ROM's additional programming. ... I'm really only asking because I'm pretty sure that using this patch with Boktai is against the rules. No, it's actually OK with the rules. http://tasvideos.org/Rules.html#hacked_and_homebrew_games_are_not_allowed_ >Generally, we only accept hacks which only make the game playable on an emulator. Which I think is exactly what you are describing.
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Interesting. Good thing I used that "pretty sure" as blanket statement. Well then, people should look into this game.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Does anybody know if something is happening with Pilif? Because it looks like half of the mirrors for vba-rerecording just went down...
Joined: 1/14/2005
Posts: 17
Hey I`m back, It's the original programmer(well the one who make the first non working alphas :) ) , just wonderin whats happened with this project, is there any major problems existing> Can I rejoin the project? I can actually code now! SHANEDUDDDY2!
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Let's see, nothing extremely major, but here are the things that still have to be done: - Fix "Auto load most recent" to not cause all movies to desync - Fix assignment of Ctrl+Alt+Shift+hotkey to not require holding down all 3 modifiers while clicking Assign (not that anyone really assigns Ctrl-Alt-Shift-something as a hotkey...) - Make the GB emulation not treat unrecognized opcodes as fatal errors - Make messages displayed about actions taken while paused not require a frame of emulation to display (actually, this works if you click away from the window and back on it) - Make AVI output split into 2 GB chunks - Make the frame skip value alter the frame rate of AVI output instead of causing duplicate frames at 60 FPS - Add support for various game-specific stuff in GBA games like motion/rotation/light sensors (So, of course you're welcome to help with any of these if you want.) edit: I've been removing things from this list as they get fixed. Shanedudddy2, have you disappeared?
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- Fix SDL (for Unix users) I managed to make VBA work for Linux, but in playback/AVI making only.
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Oh, I know of a small bug! Under Options->Gameboy->Colors..., you can click on one of the colors to edit it. When you finish editing, the color is saved, and the RGB values (or the luminosity) are divided by 8. But when you click to edit again, the color doesn't get multiplied by 8 for you to edit, so you have to fix it yourself every time you enter the dialog or you end up with lots of black.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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this one would probably turn out to be a complicated (to do) request, but i'll ask it anyways: would it be possible to make it so that you can map shortcuts (eg frame advance, save <state>, load <state>, etc.) to a controller? for example, if i was using a ps2 pad i'd have 4 unused buttons, which could be put to more useful functions. just wondering, since i have 3+ gamepads that i use for emulators, and none of them work conveniently when recording (having to keep a hand on the keyboard for frame advance for example).
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I can see Options->Joypad->Configure and Tools->Customize being merged pretty soon... Do you think macros would be cool, too? Oh, I thought of another feature to add! You know how the playback dialog keeps track of whether or not you want read-only mode? Well, Hide SGB Border should be the same way! Just link its status to Options->Gameboy->Border.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Maybe this, http://vbasmooth.emulation64.com/ , could interest someone.
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I had problems with downloading version 10, but I checked the file listing and clicked normal download instead of fast and got it without problems. Linky linky: http://www.filespace.org/nitsuja/VBA-rerecording-10.zip
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I've never had problems with getting from the fast filespace one compared to the regular. But, I'll change the links.
Player (208)
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Yeah, I don't trust those "fast" links. They have old data.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Phil wrote:
Maybe this, http://vbasmooth.emulation64.com/ , could interest someone.
Yes, this is interesting. Integrating these sorts of changes requires a lot of care (to make sure frame advance and slow motion remain acceptable and nothing in the actual emulation changes) but could be worth it.
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You got your wish, Phil. Well, one of them, at least. In v11, you can now set anything to Ctrl or Alt or Shift, including ToolsNextFrame, and it appears to actually work (although I had to do a sort of ugly hack to get it to work). There's no way to specify only left-ctrl or only right-ctrl, though. I didn't make/include any other changes in this version.
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Mirrored version 11 here (if filespace gives you trouble): http://personal.inet.fi/koti/tsallanmaa/vba-rerecording-11.zip
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And Shantae is still broken :(
I like my "thank you"s in monetary form.
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NrgSpoon wrote:
And Shantae is still broken :(
Sorry, fixing bugs of unknown cause is a little more difficult than adding features and/or other bugs. I think it's something somewhere in the GB core...
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Actually... now that I look at it some more, I think it has something to do with Shantae being a weird hybrid of a GBC game and a GBA game, which I didn't know was even possible. But, when I run it on the official versions of VBA the graphics are still pretty glitchy. So I'm not able to reproduce the problem you're having, where you say it's glitchy only in this version of VBA.
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I have one question which is kinda offtopic but I didn't want to start a new topic just for one minor question, so I'll just ask it here. :) Can I add some button configurations to VBA myself? I'd like to for example have L+R in one button so i didn't need to push them together. Can I ad this kind of buttoncombos somewhere?
Which run should I encode next? :)
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Maza wrote:
I'd like to for example have L+R in one button so i didn't need to push them together. Can I ad this kind of buttoncombos somewhere?
Well, for this example you can set L and R to the same button in the input config, then when you hit that button it should hit L+R. Also, you can assign hotkeys for auto-hold and auto-fire that line up with the actual keys used for the buttons (if using a keyboard for the buttons), and use those for things that consist of holding some buttons plus possibly pressing other buttons every other frame. But no, there's no general button combo support. Are you doing a KH:CoM run, or did you actually have something more complicated in mind than your example? For things like this it's generally easier/better to just use frame advance to get it done.
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