Post subject: Tamagotchi GB
Joined: 5/13/2013
Posts: 180
I love this game! If you're not familiar, Tamagotchi is a virtual pet franchise which provides the user with adorable Kawaii creatures named Tamagotchi. The egg will hatch either a boy (Black creature) or a girl (White creature). Then its up to you to take care of it. How you take care of it will determine what end result character you get, who have different characteristics; for example, Mametchi has the highest IQ and is very healthy, Kuchipatchi is the laziest and loves to binge, and Mimitchi spends her time studying. However, if they get too sick, stay dirty too long, starve, eat too much or they reach the limit of their age, they die. The death sequence is quite a tearjerker (I used to cry at it all the time as a child), and its common if you get a Bum tamagotchi. It was my childhood. My cousin still has a few. Though, I've never seen any mention of this game anywhere on the site. Now, being that its a game that requires time and patience, it may not be much of a candidate for a TAS, but I've just never seen what a game like this would look like under such superhuman input. "Fastest max IQ" maybe? Oh, and here's a video for reference. NOT MINE!
A wise man once said "Damn, that's one hell of a steak."
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Ive played this game before I never understood how to beat it
ロックマンX7は? 私はそのクソゲームを憎む
Joined: 5/13/2013
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Well, there's not really a way to "beat" the game; the goal is to see how long you can take care of it before it dies. In an effort to push the limits of one of my favorite handheld consoles as a child (and to surprise one of my old classmates in computer science class), I wanted to see how far I could TAS the game with three Tamagotchis before one or all of them dies. I had a movie I was working on in my stepfather's computer, but he sold it before I could continue with it. I don't quite remember where I was when I had part 1 done but I remember two of them grew past Marutchi and one of them was still sick. I'll have to redo the movie again since he sold the computer but here is a route that I planned for my WIP TAS. [Please keep in mind I only have surface skills for right now, I'm still learning how to TAS like everyone else does so please bear with me as I learn address reading/RAM search etc.]
START GAME > Wait a few frames for intro to start then press A after 2 frames.
Wait a couple frames for menu to appear then goto OPTION and set game speed to FAST, cursor UP and exit to main menu

Select BLACK EGG name egg SUSHI select END to go to main gameplay screen
Wait for egg to hatch then select bottom right icon, select PICK EGG
Select YOSHI EGG name egg DEKU select END to go to main gameplay screen
Wait for egg to hatch then select bottom right icon, select PICK EGG
Select CHECKER EGG name egg TERU select END to go to main gameplay screen
Wait for egg to hatch then cursor UP select ROOM A select FOOD icon select MEAT
Cursor LEFT two frames cursor UP select ROOM B
I'll finish it tomorrow. Gotta go to bed.
A wise man once said "Damn, that's one hell of a steak."
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Never played it on a Gameboy, but I'm really curious what a TAS would do in this game. Is there even some type of endgame content?
Joined: 5/13/2013
Posts: 180
jlun2 wrote:
Never played it on a Gameboy, but I'm really curious what a TAS would do in this game. Is there even some type of endgame content?
Yes there is, but if you're too attached to your little tama it might be heartbreaking [if you're hardcore gamer like me]. Upon the last ten seconds of your pet's life, the screen flashes wildly while a flatline beeps slower and slower, and the screen fades to white to show what your pet goes through before its last breath. Your pet is then seen metaforming to an angel, floating around the screen until you press a button.
A wise man once said "Damn, that's one hell of a steak."
Joined: 5/13/2013
Posts: 180
Especially when you hear this in the japan only Tamagotchi 3 version:
A wise man once said "Damn, that's one hell of a steak."
Joined: 7/28/2015
Posts: 1
I wouldn't mind seeing a TAS done for this, primarily because there's so little information available on how to get all the different Tamagotchi. And despite doing what I thought was "perfect care," I couldn't get what the game considered to be the "best" one. Perhaps a 100% run that has the following goals: - Unlock/show all secrets (including things like the maskutchi in the window, the weird human head tamagotchi, etc) - Show all possible Tamagotchi results The goal could be reached a little faster since you can care for three at once, but it may not be entertaining enough for anything but Vault status at best. Unless there's some crazy programming errors hidden somewhere in there to make things more interesting. Would be interesting if there were a way to glitch it out. Missingnotchi?
Post subject: New Route for Tamagotchi
Joined: 5/13/2013
Posts: 180
As my Tamagotchi joke TAS comes ever closer to being halfway done, with day to day interruptions albeit, I keep having to pause my TAS so I can figure out more routes. One thing I'm trying to figure out is how to read RAM addresses and how to use the disassembler, but for right now I'm just focusing on visual learning; NOTES Before I go on about my route, I need to add a few footnotes. First off, I wait a couple frames inbetween everything I do because since this is a practice TAS I will upload to YouTube, I want to see how the hunger timers and wellness timers function.
press A to skip to main menu
goto OPTIONS, set game speed to fast
This way my little blobs will die--I MEAN, age faster :)
EXIT options
select NEW GAME
name egg SWEET (My sister Sophia suggested that.)
hatch SWEET then go to DR BANZOO MENU
select YOSHI EGG
name egg TNT (Also my sister's suggestion)
hatch TNT then repeat process for naming &?!'.0
I noticed during my TAS that the outcome of what happens after birth is different each time the game is started. 
During this I go to the menu and quickly scroll through Dr. Banzoo's Explain menu just as a playaround, for entertainment. Hopefully with gamespeed on FAST I can grow some Tamagotchis in a short amount of time.
Here I use a ton of savestates in order to get the Smile game completely right. The object of the game is to guess which way your Tamagotchi will look. This game always increases happiness, so I always play this one the most.
During the process I found it seems it doesn't matter what food you give them when they're hungry, but I found a secret which I don't use here; if you hatch a Tamagotchi from a black egg and feed it nothing but carrots until it's six, it turns into Mimitch, a Tamagotchi that is BOSS at the math minigame. complete SMILE GAME then feed CAKE to SWEET switch to TNT feed TNT MEAT [/code] While playing normally I have gotten pretty good at the game, I still own a cartridge from 1996 that STILL WORKS and I have been able to grow a tama to at least 2 years old. Alternatively there have been times where they die on me at baby stage, so I could say my skill level is hit-miss with this game.
feed &?!'.0 CAKE <-- This fills 1 hunger and 1 happiness.
as a playaround, stuff SWEET full of CAKE and ICE CREAM <--This is for the "til death" part and is part of the playaround. I'm cruel >:P
While I force feed this poor bloke, I'd like to share a sad story. When I first played this game as a child, I kept feeding my first Tamagotchi fully of cake, and I just kept feeding it. Suddenly without warning the screen started flashing, and the game showed me my pet was dead. Here, I attempt to relive that terror for your entertainment :P
feed SWEET CAKE then switch to TNT
PRAISE TNT then switch to &?!'.0
wait a few frames for happy animation to stop, then feed &?!'.0 MEAT
What I'm doing here is trying to stay correspondent to their names; SWEET will only occasionally eat meat while the rest of his diet is sweets, while TNT and  the corrupted name eat primarily meat and bread.
By this time, 1 Day is spent. They should be going to sleep soon.
I wait a few frames before switching back to SWEET.
At this point I'm going to try to keep their hunger and happiness all the way up at all times, so they evolve quickly, so I'll be feeding them lots of sweets and playing lots of Smile Games.
At baby stage they're hard to take care of, and when they go to sleep, you can't do anything except set the clock ahead. This means if they go to sleep while sick, they risk death a lot more. Feeding them too many sweets can make them sick, but that's why we have the medicine button :)
Now that SWEET is bouncing around, there's not much else to do so I wait a few frames before switching to TNT. On TNT, I purposely wait until the sun is all the way up before switching to &?!'.0.
A wise man once said "Damn, that's one hell of a steak."
Joined: 9/29/2015
Posts: 2
(accidentally posted to wrong topic earlier) Did the best I could, but heavily inexperience, so if anything is wrong or off, I'm sorry. In WRAM on Bishawk 2.3.0 (x64), here is what I found. (US / EU ROM if I am not mistaken) 1491 - Total Ingame Days since save file began. 1480 - Time Speed Setting 1490 - Current Hour 148F - Current Minute For the Tamagotchi in the leftmost room. 1000 - Species 1006 - Age 1007 - Weight 1008 - Life 1038 - Life Timer, counts down then drops life by 1 heart 1009 - Fun 1039 - Fun Timer, counts down then drops fun by 1 heart 103A - Toilet Timer (how long until bathroom is needed again) 100C - I.Q. Meter 100A - Body Meter 100B - Deed Meter 103B - Time until Evolution (in hours) 10D8 - Sickness Counter (each time it gets sick, it goes up by 1) (Tamagotchi dies when it gets to 3) (resets upon evolving) Down + Select + A while in Status Screen to view: 10C8 - Fear (current Stress level) 10C7 - Mine (current Selfishness level) BTW, for "death%" I found a timesaver compared to current world record on (as of March 18, 2019) (Please let them know about this) When the Egg Hatches, immediately go to professor lab and exit to title screen, continue save file and the Tamagotchi will get sick immediately, shaving 3 whole ice creams.