Well, progress has slowed down a bit due to 2 new findings. One of the new findings is something I call corner boosting.
First off, like most top-down games you move around on a grid of some sort. In this game the space between each grid is 512 pixels but it is actually possible to displace yourself halfway on a square by moving on different angles. So by moving in very specific ways, it is then possible to get yourself about 300-350 units away from a wall rather than the usual 512. When in this odd position it is possible to get boosted around a corner of a wall. When near the edge of a northern/southern facing wall, walking on an angle to the wall but away from the edge will oddly warp you around the corner. If my description is hard to visualize....here:

I'm sure there's other variations of it depending on your position so it'll require further testing.
Another thing I did was go OoB accidentally. I was just messing around with the camera transitioning, switching between partners at the invisible wall in a fight then ended up getting OoB. Unfortunately I wasn't recording and I have no idea how I did this. I couldn't move very far and only could move up and down. I got stopped by what seemed to be an invisible barrier. I would really like to recreate this as I'm sure this could break the game even further. If anybody would like to help recreate this, then please do so :) I don't mind any help!
I've also noticed a few things that could have been done quicker in Omashu so i'll be redoing some parts. I'll also be glitch hunting a bit more just in case there's some significant new glitch to be found.