Just curious, but is there any information on the cards/folios obtained in game? Someone asked about a 100%, and I just realized I don't recall seeing any information on where to obtain folios, what folio is associated with what deck, and whether the cards obtained from picking up are random or not.
Although I think the last shouldn't really, matter since card dupe for cash and chocolate frogs, but then I realized some cards can't be obtained like that. :/
Edit: Does anyone know how items are stored in memory? I'm looking at
but those values don't seem to work (at least for the System Bus domain, which is where most other addresses of relevance are).
It's stored in WRAM
Edit 2: All system bus:
C0C1 - Door transition flag
C0BC - Softreset flag
C0C5 - How many lag frames before you can move (default 3, set to 1 or 0 to have no lag)
C0C4 - Lag flag
Edit 3: I found out when you enter the Folio Mage menu, it loads the card data (from somewhere). All System bus:
0xCB34 - Amount of cards for that section
0xCB35 - Starting ID
0xCB36 - 0xCB48 (ID, Amount)
Cards are annoyingly stored at WRAM, starting from 0x650A - 0x656E, so a different lua script will be needed.
Language: lua
local Cards = {10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 9, 7, 10, 10, 9, 8}
local Alchemy = {Amount = 10, Start = 0x650A, Finish = 0x6513, Previous = Transfiguration}
local Charms = {Amount = 9, Start = 0x6514, Finish = 0x651C}
local Curses = {Amount = 9, Start = 0x651D, Finish = 0x6525}
local Protection = {Amount = 10, Start = 0x6526, Finish = 0x652F}
local Divination = {Amount = 10, Start = 0x6530, Finish = 0x6539}
local Generalist = {Amount = 9, Start = 0x653A, Finish = 0x6542}
local Healing = {Amount = 7, Start = 0x6543, Finish = 0x6549}
local Hogwarts = {Amount = 10, Start = 0x654A, Finish = 0x6553}
local Musician = {Amount = 10, Start = 0x6554, Finish = 0x655D}
local Quidditch = {Amount = 9, Start = 0x655E, Finish = 0x6566}
local Transfiguration = {Amount = 8, Start = 0x6567, Finish = 0x656E}
while true do
local CardAmount = 0
local CardUnique = 0 --Unique types; should be 101 total
for i = 0x650A, 0x656E, 1 do
CardAmount = CardAmount + memory.readbyte(i)
if memory.readbyte(i) ~= 0 then
CardUnique = CardUnique + 1
gui.text(0,75,'Cards: '..CardAmount..', Unique: ('..CardUnique..' / 101)')
Edit: Picking up cards does not appear to be random, from initial tests. Also the same cards vary base on the deck you had selected.