Now that the 100% Banjo-Kazooie TAS is finished, Hyperresonance and I have started planning an any% TAS. We would like to hear opinions from the TASvideos community about the use of the FFM (Furnace Fun Moves) glitch for this TAS.
FFM is a glitch in Banjo-Kazooie which allows you to transfer moves learnt between files. This means that a new game can be started with all of the moves already learnt as soon as Mumbo’s Mountain is entered. For an in depth description of the glitch see:
FFM is used in every full game category of the RTA community. In 100% it saves roughly 3-4 minutes, but in any% it saves even more time as it allows 8 Jiggies to be skipped.
To use FFM, a game must be completed up to Furnace Fun with the moves learnt that are to be transferred. This would mean starting the TAS from dirty SRAM. A button file of roughly 40 minutes would be included in submission of the TAS to achieve this SRAM state. While starting from dirty SRAM can be controversial, it would benefit the TAS for the following reasons.
Using FFM would allow the TAS to achieve a faster time. It would also mean that the TAS route is closer to the standard route for speedruns, so the TAS can set a good example for speedrunners. This would make the TAS a lot more meaningful to the community.
The 100% TAS did not use FFM as it doesn’t make as much difference in that category and FFM was found after that TAS was started. In any%, levels like Mumbos Mountain are similar to 100%, but using FFM would change the route due to the immediate use of talon trot. This would keep the TAS original rather than just redoing the early game of 100%.
Using FFM allows a glitch to enter Frezeezy Peak without opening it, this would be more entertaining as it shows off more glitches. The alternative (opening FP) would be less entertaining as it is a fairly long section of straight forward lair movement and not very exciting. The other entertainment advantage of using FFM is that the intro story and enter lair cutscene would be skippable due to the previous save data. This skips roughly 4 minutes of tedious cutscenes and resets.