Post subject: Out of This World / Another World
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I remember three things about this game. 1) A beast of death and blood needed to chase your ass all over the place at the beginning. 2) I sucked at it because 3) It was harder than hell. On these grounds, I'd REALLY love seeing someone tackle it once the rerecording emulator gets a green light. >> Any takers?
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It would be most impressive. One of the early 3D polygon games, although gameplay was 2D.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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I would love seeing this game done, also Flashback which as I recall was a similar control scheme but had better graphics and such. I remember that beast, scary as hell!
Player (247)
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out of this world can be pretty much done nearly flawless with the tools we got, there are many password screens wich can be used to cut scenes
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Is Out of this world the same as Another World? Another world was a game about a guy who gets himself transported to another dimension or planet when an experiment of his goes wrong.
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morg wrote:
Is Out of this world the same as Another World? Another world was a game about a guy who gets himself transported to another dimension or planet when an experiment of his goes wrong.
I was thinking the same thing when reading this thread. It does sound like it's the same game with slightly different names. :)
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morg wrote:
Is Out of this world the same as Another World? Another world was a game about a guy who gets himself transported to another dimension or planet when an experiment of his goes wrong.
Yep, same game game but Out of this world in USA and Another world in PAL and Japan I think.
Player (247)
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i think i could do this one on snes if you really want it. it shouldn't be long
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Ok, thanks altair4 and cat! =)
Player (247)
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hmmm i give up, the game is too slow, IMO the movie should be recorded at 2x game speed cause there ain't much happening in the game's actual 5 fps... i thought the game would be fast cause nothing much happens on the game, but i was wrong. i recorded 14 minutes and there's still 2/5 or so to be done. i could say it's a 30 minutes game, easily. sometimes i tried to record it at double speed but it caused desync. so i split those 14 minutes into 10 records and played at regular speed. my time can't be improved by more than a few seconds. i'm sure. but i'll just wait for the re-recording emulator, cause this is too much trouble.
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Foda, thanks anyway for trying! =)
Player (247)
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it's an easy game to rec with re-recording, it can be completed with less than 400 re-resavings. that's why i stopped :P new emulator should be out soon
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Easy game to begin with, as was Flashback. Peace of cake. But both would make the most boring videos.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1313)
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I'd still like to see a run of this. I don't think it would be very boring, and it's such a short game anyway. Plus, I've found several useful glitches/oversights that can cut down on the time: - There's a glitch that lets you jump through any wall or door heading to the right, which works until the rolling-in-pipes scene, and can be used to save time in two places (to skip waiting for your buddy to open the door, and to skip waiting for the elevator to go to the bottom). - There's also a small chunk of the game that can be skipped because all it ends up doing is killing a guard by dropping something on it, and that guard can be killed normally later on with perfect timing. - A semi-long fight scene can be skipped by diving past a guard into a pool of water on the new screen. The game tries to prevent this by killing you, but that screen is also a checkpoint so you can just hit continue and keep going. - Another fight scene near the end can be skipped by timing it right so your buddy takes the shot for you and gets killed, while you escape, and amusingly the game pretends that he didn't die since he jumps down to help you a few seconds later.
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Um...hasn't this game already been "run" for the Genesis? What would be the difference?
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1313)
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Well it (a Genesis run of the game) hasn't been published, and I hadn't seen that thread. As for differences, I'm pretty sure the Genesis version doesn't have the jump-through-walls bug (since I tried it there) which saves at least 30 seconds on the SNES version. And all the other tricks I just mentioned would help. (Seeing as how that very-improvable Genesis run is 17 minutes and 42 seconds, I think sub-15 (edit: make that sub-16) minutes is easily possible.)
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Ah, right, this is one of those games that constantly desyncs due to bugs in the Snes9X sound playing code. The desyncs disappear if I turn the sound off, but then it also has to be played back with no sound, which is no good. Then again, the sound isn't that great in this game...
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Well, probably nobody cares, but I got a 15:33 run of this game, which is 2 minutes and 9 seconds faster than the Genesis one was (btw that run seems to have disappeared). I would submit it but there won't be any sound so I don't know if that's allowed. If anyone wants to see it, it's at: (must use Snes9X 1.43 WIP1, Sound->Playback Rate->No Sound must be set, and the ROM is "Out of This World (U)".) It could probably be hex-edited to work with certain sound settings on, but I don't know if it's worth the effort.
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It doesn't play properly for me with the settings you have listed. It plays fine until you swing on the vine and land back infront of the pool you start in, but at that point you start doing the small hops forward instead of the running hops forward. The result is the monster catches up to you and kills you.
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Perhaps you need to set the button configuration to six instead of three, heh heh... In other words, watching it with the sound off worked for me, and I must say it was an impressive run, since you did do some new and unexpected things as compared to the last one. However...I felt that the lack of music hurt it a bit as far as being a presentation, as the "danger" theme was always one I enjoyed hearing. You can either submit it as-is, which is fine, or wait for comments/record again with sound. It's up to you.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1313)
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BoltR - OK I think I found your problem: In addition to turning the sound off, you must also go to Sound->Settings... and turn Volume Envelope Height Reading off. I didn't know it made any difference here, it shouldn't since the sound's already off, but who knows what the sound code's doing.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1313)
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Thanks... guess I should submit it then, although I agree the music would've made it significantly more entertaining to watch. (Well I'll see what others have to say too, maybe I missed a shortcut or something.) I'd like to record it with sound, but that's basically impossible with Snes9x as buggy as it is. I really tried but once you get to the elevator it desyncs every 15 seconds or so, and worst of all it desyncs in different places even playing back the same thing with the same settings, so I don't know which is the thing that's really happening to continue from. (I wish they had converted the characters to sprites or something, the SNES apparently can't handle the polygons so the framerate (not-so-)randomly varies between 5 and 12 FPS)
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It was pretty good, but as I never got very far in the game I wasn't sure what was happening at all the time. My main question is, why did you die at that water part?
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BoltR wrote:
My main question is, why did you die at that water part?
Besides it being a fun glitch to show (normally death causes you to disintegrate and have to restart the level), it saves the time needed to get past the guards, which normally requires making shields and killing them. (This way the game is fooled into thinking I killed them, in fact if I shoot the air right afterward a skeleton appears and shatters.) The guards would probably kill me on the way back out of the water if I just avoided them and their shots completely, which btw I don't think is possible anyway. If anybody has the run of the Genesis version I'd like to see it, since maybe it did some things faster.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1313)
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Uh, nevermind, I guess I was wrong about dying there being faster. Dang, I liked that glitch though, it's such an unexpected thing to have happen.