Some parts of the story here are not adding up. Unknown394
replied to KirbyFan in this topic, and KirbyFan
replied back minutes later. Then afterwards, Unknown394
claimed to have used Skype instead. The post history is right here, showing that the Skype mention was unnecessary. It also allows moderators to trace the IPs of those posts back, which shows that these posts were made, within minutes, from the same IP address. Ergo, I'm calling bullshit that these posts were not made from the same room. Given this lie, I also doubt that this 'son' exists as anything else other than an alt account of the same person.
And the reason Unknown394 made an alt account is clear, because it conveniently got enough posts (by posting mostly useless stuff) to be able to vote for
this submission by Unknown394 (which it has). In fact, I'm reasonably certain that Unknown394 is also behind the accounts
Browser404 (posted mostly useless stuff to vote for aforementioned submission, and shares IP with Unknown394/KirbyFan) and
Lucy2002 (also posted useless stuff to vote for aforementioned submission). With this, it is clear that there has been an attempt by Unknown394 to abuse the voting system for his own submission(s).
Creating alt accounts to vote for one submission multiple times is a violation of the site rules. Unknown394, this could result in your submissions being rejected or your account being banned. I will let you off this time, but the alt accounts will be banned and their votes negated. If we catch you doing something like this again, you will be banned from the site and your submissions will be rejected.