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jlun2 wrote:
Edit: I meant max legit stats btw, in case they have some check.
They will check it for sure. I hope it's possible to grind Lv.7 Mew though :P
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As long as the DVs are possible within the VC RNG, and random things such as Jynx's nickname, I'm pretty sure the Pokémon should pass any checks.
alt: Froggy25
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Mantidactyle wrote:
It's rather easy to make the required setup to max Stat Exp and DVs with 8F, without TAS.
Thanks very much. It seems to only work on 1 pokemon at a time, and apparently according to the comments some users messed up and it erased their file (on 3DS too, so no way to savestate it back). I wonder would it be possible to make some loop that automatically does it to everything in a box instead? Oh, and less volatile with save files, but not sure if that's even possible with these glitches.
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I'm just a spectator. There was a time when I tried to participate, but I'm really lazy, so. she/her/hers
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This is an exploit we at the GCL forums found (see our discussion topic here), and I believe it has potential for some A/SGDQ trickery (wink, wink) Note that the "cartridge swap" step restricts the supports this is possible on :
  • DMG? (untested, unlikely)
  • SGB? (untested)
  • CGB
  • BGB emulator (using "Load ROM without reset")
  • Pokémon Stadium emulator? (untested, unlikely)
  • GameCube GB Player? (untested, unlikely)
PGB (Pocket) and GBA have been tested and don't work. Speedrun potential : TheZZAZZGlitch has done SML2 "8F%" as a PoC, even though it's far from a speedrun. I'm still wondering if something like "Super Mario Land : Pokémon Red%" would be considered acceptable by the community. MrCheeze suggested using the same concept for SNES and N64 ACE (assuming we can break the Pokémon Stadium emulator) ; while this could be feasible for the SNES, this isn't possible on the N64 due to the lock-out chip making tests while the game is running.
"THOU SHALL NOT PASS !" Rival's effect, Gandalf.
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Pokémon Stadium should fail, the game checks regularly if the transfer pack + game inserted are connected / have been connected / have been disconnected. I'll try a setup tonight on French Stadium with 7EME ETAGE when I get back home.
alt: Froggy25
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Mantidactyle wrote:
Pokémon Stadium should fail, the game checks regularly if the transfer pack + game inserted are connected / have been connected / have been disconnected. I'll try a setup tonight on French Stadium with 7EME ETAGE when I get back home.
Does it check far too frequently to exploit, or are there some window to do so? Also can the check be spoofed?
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Someone at GCLf tested Stadium 1&2 : it doesn't work ! We have trouble with the SNES port of the Luigi Exploit ; to quote dotsarecool : "I can't get it to work. seems like it should work to me though" Because there's nothing that should give problems when removig a SNES cart running code in RAM. At least it looks like.
"THOU SHALL NOT PASS !" Rival's effect, Gandalf.
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Welp, guessed so. About your question in the GCL thread, I'm pretty sure the issue is the green error message that pops up anytime you disconnect the Transfer Pack / the cartridge anywhere in Pokémon Stadium. The only way I know to circumvent this screen is to disconnect the cartridge / the Transfer Pack while saving the GB game at most frames in the GB emulator, which hangs the saving process, asks you to replug the cartridge so the save can be completed. I'm pretty sure it checks the cartridge header at that moment to prevent you from putting a non-Pokémon game, and the save checksum so you do not swap Pokémon cartridges during a save.
jlun2 wrote:
Does it check far too frequently to exploit, or are there some window to do so? Also can the check be spoofed?
iirc it's at least once per second, probably much more. It does this in every part of the game, even in battles (causing you to lose progress if Transfer Pack disconnection happens in the middle of a Cup).
alt: Froggy25
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Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah" "Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow: Virtual Console differences compilation"
7) The Nintendo 3DS emulator ignores unknown opcodes, which allows certain glitches to function differently such as two 'pseudo-LG' move effects in Red/Blue and Yellow (see and 8) There is a discrepancy between how a Game Boy would half player money with an invalid digit (A-F) in it (as money is coded in binary-coded decimal) and a Nintendo 3DS running the Virtual Console release (see
Especially on point 7, how much of the glitches does it affect in VC? Would it affect speedruns?
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I've been talking about the possibility of save-persistent ACE that could allow one console to affect another without an externally attached TASbot for a while (although not in this thread). Now it seems like someone else has had the same idea, and actuallly done it in Pokémon Red/Blue: Link to video As a bonus, they found a "practical use" for it (allowing the gamto send arbitrary Pokémon data to Pokémon Sun/Moon).
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I did some research involving the select glitch on red and green. You could create a Pokemon from other data. One method involves OT and Nicknames. The OT's of all 6 Pokemon compromises 36 bytes of data. The Nicknames of the first 2 Pokemon compromises the other 8 bytes. It requires trading with other players. Nickname your starter Pokemon as your name and put it on the first slot. The first OT is the Pokemon, HP, Status, and first type. 3-letter name for normal status and type. The second OT is second type and moves. 1-letter name for no moves, otherwise have moves including Petal Dance. The third OT is ID, Experience, and HP EV. First two letters must match name. If there's no exact match on ID and/or OT, experience boost and may not obey. But it doesn't matter as many names make Level 100 Pokemon. 5-letter name gives 20480 HP EV. The fourth OT are Attack, Defense, and Speed EVs. For best results, Time Capsule trade with player named ォォォォォ for 20724 HP EV, 62708 Attack and Defense EVs, and 20480 Speed EV. The fifth OT is Special EV, IVs, and Move 1 PP. Time Capsule Trade with ォォォっっ for 20724 Speed EV, 62708 Special EV, and perfect HP, Speed, and Special IVs, The ヲ cannot be selected in Red and Green, but can be selected in Gold and Silver. Time Capsule trade with ォォォゥヲ for shiny Pokemon. The sixth OT is PP of other moves, Level, and Max HP. 4 or 5 letter name, non-diacritic fourth letter or a space will guarantee level 100. Nicknames for the stats don't matter. The first 48 entries in the Pokedex determine the nickname by the Pokemon you own. Highlight the 7th item and press select, highlight the Pokemon you don't need anymore, and there you go. Your very own Pokemon. Another method involves Nicknames and Pokedex Data. The nicknames of the second through sixth Pokemon compromises 28 bytes of data. The first 128 entries in the Pokedex by the Pokemon you own compromises the other 16 bytes. The remainder of the second Pokemon's nickname is the Pokemon and HP. The third nickname is the types, status, first two moves. 5-letter name for Petal Dance for the second move. The fourth nickname is the other two moves, ID, and experience. 4-letter names guarantee level 100. The fifth nickname is HP, Attack, and Defense EVs. Time Capsule trade with ォォォォォ for 62,708 HP and Attack EVs, 20480 Defense EVs. The sixth nickname is remaining EVs. Time Capsule trade with ォォォォォ for 20704 Defense EV and 62708 Speed and Special. But you get 5 Attack IV and 0 Defense IV. The next part is the Pokedex. If you Started with Charmander and traded for Wartortle, 8 Speed and Special IVs. From Blastoise to Wigglytuff, whatever you own determine the PP. Catch a Venonat, you're guaranteed to be level 100. From Venomoth to Tauros, whatever you own determine your stats, but nickname stops at Drowzee. Have a Pokemon in the second slot whose nickname shares your name, and only trade for Haunter in the twelfth set of eight. Highlight the 8th item and press select, highlight the Pokemon you don't need anymore, and there you go. Your very own Pokemon. This next method is so complicated because whoever you see and the items you have determine what you get. To get a Mew, own a Magikarp, Lapras, and Eevee. Don't own Gyarados, Ditto, or any Eeveelution. You must own at least one of the following: Porygon, Pokemon revived from fossils, Snorlax, legendary birds, dragons, Mewtwo, Mew. Otherwise it has 0 HP. It's hard to not see Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, and/or Kakuna. It'll have stacked status problems. Seeing Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Rattata, Raticate, Spearow, Pikachu, Raichu, Sandshrew, Sandslash, and Nidoran♀ determine the types. Trade for a Spearow and/or Sandshrew for special types. Don't see Rattata, but trade for Raticate for Ghost Type. Same goes for Trading for Sandslash. From Zubat to Tentacool, whatever you saw determine the moveset. From Tentacruel to Grimer, whatever you saw determine the ID. Just battle Brock's Onix for a level 100 guarantee. From Chansey to Mew, they determine EVs. 65535 HP and Attack EVs and 16467 Defense EV if inventory is full. 99 TM50 in item slots 1 and 2. You need the Dokokashira Door Glitch for entry to Celadon City. That means you have to money grind or be really good at the Game Corner. You'll have 64099 Speed and and Special EVs. there's a extremely cheaper alternate; albeit Poke$30000000 cheaper; Giving you 60771 Speed and Special EVs. By having 99 TM37. Whatever you have in the 3rd item slot makes the IVs. Items 4 and 5 determine the PP of the moves. Put a TM or HM in the sixth slot of the items. Items 7 through 10 are your stats. Having exactly 10 items gives you a Special stat 65280. Revive Aerodactyl, trade for Kabutops, Don't get a Porygon, Snorlax, Articuno, and other fossil Pokemon. Have a Pokemon in the third slot whose nickname shares your name. Highlight the 9th item and press select, highlight the Pokemon you don't need anymore, and there you go. Your very own Pokemon. This last method requires a full inventory. The quantity of any item in slot 11 is the Pokemon. Slot 12 determines HP. Have any key item in slot 13. It will be asleep in 1 turn. Item 14 determines the type. The quantity of slot 15, slot 16, and the type of item in slot 17 determine the moves. If there's 18 of whatever in slot 18, guaranteed level 100. Item 20 is your HP EV. You'll have 65280 Attack EV. Have Poke$999999 and you have 39321 Defense EV. Name your rival ーーーーっ and you have 58339 Speed and Special EVs and perfect Defense IV, But lackluster Special IV. Option sets PP for first move, Having all badges sets PP for second move. The upper 8 bits of your ID determines the level. Have a Pokemon in the forth slot whose nickname shares your name. And make sure its level and attack stat (big endian) match your ID. Highlight the 10th item and press select, highlight the Pokemon you don't need anymore, and there you go. Your very own Pokemon. If you swapped a Pokemon whose first move has 0 PP, it makes the text to start appearing instantly. Doing the methods have side-effects. like affecting the OT, nicknames, Pokedex Data, items, money, badges, etc. which allows for more glitchy goodness.
Post subject: new (I hope) glitch found
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So this morning I discovered the existence of this wiki page: e I suddently remembered of a glitch I've seen happen on Pokémon Red, Spanish version. So, the story is this: my sister was little, about 6 years old or so, and she was playing with my Game Boy. She was moving on bike, in Saffron City, and at some point walked inside the Rocket guy who used to block the Silph SPA entrance. I witnessed the whole thing. I nor she had any idea why this happened. In many years of play, I never seen such a thing again. I have to note that she walked from down to up, and because the protagonist stopped right on the Rocket guy, it is very likely that this glitch didn't allowed to walk throught the wall, which made the player to stop. Here is an image showing the exact place:
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
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So questions: This guy never moves? And you moved from bottom to top, into this guy? Could be useful in places where Snorlax or people block you
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MUGG wrote:
This guy never moves?
That's right: never moves.
MUGG wrote:
And your moved from bottom to top, into this guy?
That's right: from bottom to top, while on bike.
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
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The only case I knew this was possible was walking through the customers in Celadon department store. If there's a way to go through the guard, how much time would that save from glitchless ?
alt: Froggy25
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Mantidactyle wrote:
The only case I knew this was possible was walking through the customers in Celadon department store. If there's a way to go through the guard, how much time would that save from glitchless ?
It wouldn't be a glitchless run if it used that glitch, and all the glitched categories skip Silph Co. and Saffron Gym anyway.
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I'm working on a general use lua script for the Gen 1 games, and it just occurred to me that some of the G1 glitch pokemon have valid G2 equivalents. In theory, could a glitchy Gen 1 run be used for an entertaining Gen 2 Catch-Em-All game? Maybe Yellow/Crystal? All of the missing Mons in Crystal can be obtained in Yellow, either through glitch catches or through normal play (Kabuto/Omanyte would be an issue in glitchless yellow, but since the yellow run is being glitched anyway for Crystal's missing ones...)
Adventures in Lua When did I get a vest?
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Pokota wrote:
In theory, could a glitchy Gen 1 run be used for an entertaining Gen 2 Catch-Em-All game? Maybe Yellow/Crystal? All of the missing Mons in Crystal can be obtained in Yellow, either through glitch catches or through normal play (Kabuto/Omanyte would be an issue in glitchless yellow, but since the yellow run is being glitched anyway for Crystal's missing ones...)
If I recall correctly, it is possible, but I wonder if there aren't glitches that allow to catch the required Pokémon faster without having to trade. Also, the point in using trades in a TAS is to avoid the use of glitches, so I wonder if that would make sense.
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
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Looking at doing a 124 tas What programs etc i need? I am in progress of routing so like 33% is done
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Jadextreme wrote:
Looking at doing a 124 tas What programs etc i need? I am in progress of routing so like 33% is done
Please,do not submit this TAS.We already have catch em all runs glitched and glitchless.Upload into your youtube channel or whatever you feel like.
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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grassini wrote:
Jadextreme wrote:
Looking at doing a 124 tas What programs etc i need? I am in progress of routing so like 33% is done
Please,do not submit this TAS.We already have catch em all runs glitched and glitchless.Upload into your youtube channel or whatever you feel like.
why the hate?
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No hate,just saying we have categories that complete in different ways the objectives the games suggest.But I do recommend participating in GlitchCity Laboratories for more information about pokemon in general.
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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Well, if the TAS is optimized, and viewer reception of the category is high enough for Moons, and the category makes sense (beats the game, requirements well-defined) then it can be accepted to TASVideos. What's '124'? Is that catching all pokemon possible glitchless without using a link cable? Is it different enough from the glitchless co-op diploma run to warrant being published alongside of it?
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Patashu wrote:
Well, if the TAS is optimized, and viewer reception of the category is high enough for Moons, and the category makes sense (beats the game, requirements well-defined) then it can be accepted to TASVideos. What's '124'? Is that catching all pokemon possible glitchless without using a link cable? Is it different enough from the glitchless co-op diploma run to warrant being published alongside of it?
124 is highest without the use of a link ccable glitchless. Choice: starters, fossils, hitmons, eeveelutions Version exclusives Trade only evolutions